-8- Friendship and bad rumors

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-8- Friendship and bad rumors

Meanwhile Zhan and Yibo have been friends for three months now and they have a beautiful harmonious and sometimes even lovely friendship. Not a day went by that the two weren't together and even started to spend their free time together.

Even on weekends Yibo picked Zhan up from home and they went out together. Even if it was just a visit to the zoo or cinema. Something always came to their minds.

Two months ago, Zhan accompanied for the first time Yibo to a motorcycle race. Zhan sat in the front row of the audience and had even made a banner himself and held it up and cheered loudly on Yibo. And Yibo had indeed won the race. He crossed the finish line first and immediately went on to Zhan, where he got off his bike to hug Zhan with joy.

When Zhan had to go back to the hospital a few days later for a heart examination, Yibo stayed by his side the whole time and held his hand. Whereby Yibo was more nervous than Zhan and let his head fall on Zhan's lap in relief, when Doctor Park Hae-Jin told Zhan that everything was the same and he could continue as before.

Since Zhan came to the new school in the middle of the school year, it took only a few weeks until the summer holidays, which Zhan and Yibo spent together every day, from morning to night.

Yibo had invited Zhan to his family's summer house on the beach. There they spent four of the six weeks of summer vacation together. They even celebrated Zhan's 17th birthday there. Yibo gave Zhan a necklace with a pendant engraved with "You and me, forever." Zhan cried from happiness.

Zhan couldn't imagine any other friend but Wang Yibo by now. Though his heart truly wanted more than friendship, Zhan enjoyed what he and Yibo had.

At the beginning of the new and last school year, there was a surprise for Zhan and Yibo. Because Zhan was transferred to the class at Yibo. The two of them were very happy about this and immediately sat down together at a table.

But Zhan was not the only one who transferred to this class. Even Emily Qin, who Zhan had completely forgotten during the summer holidays, switched to this class and kept a close eye on Zhan. It was obvious how much she hated Zhan and was against the friendship between Zhan and Yibo.

On the fourth day of the new school year, she even caught Zhan in the hallway as he came out of the toilet and she threatened him with the words: "Don't be too happy, you're going to experience your blue wonder. I promise you that." Although Zhan didn't want to take it lightly, but told himself that Yibo told him how Emily Qin is and how he feels about her.

The two of them had already been at the beach house for the second week when Zhan found the courage to ask Yibo about Emily Qin. And then Yibo told him his and Emily's story.

"Emily and I were in the same kindergarten. At that time, her parents hoped that she and I would later become a couple and thus unite our families. But I never liked her. Neither in kindergarten, where she was always pushing, pinching and biting the other children. Nor in school. From the seventh class on, she started to claim everywhere that she and I were a couple. And no matter how many times I told her to stop spreading her lies, she kept on doing so. It was almost like she was obsessed with me. She waited for me to arrive at school in the morning, was with me at every break, controlled who I was with, and was always at the top of every basketball game. And even on the weekends, she used to come to my house a lot. Until my parents told her right to her face that she was unwanted."

Zhan had kept those words in his mind and kept telling himself that he would not let Emily upset him anymore. So when she threatened him, he took her warning seriously, but he also decided not to let that stop him from continuing to be friends with Yibo.

Rather, he wondered why she was against the friendship in the first place. It's not like there's anything more between the two of them, than a friendship. He wasn't in competition with her like other girls at school.

Which reminded Zhan again that he asked Yibo what kind of girl he was actually into. What a girl has to have to get his interest in her. But Yibo had not answered him this question and preferred to remain silent. Zhan thought that maybe Yibo himself didn't know it yet and would rather say nothing at all than say anything.

Whereby Zhan caught himself, hoping that Yibo would say that he didn't like girls. Inwardly, he wished at that moment, Yibo would say he liked him. But of course this was just a wish from Zhan and didn't come true and it was even hard for Zhan not to let his disappointment show.

For the last two weeks, Zhan had been on the verge of just confessing his feelings to Yibo. It became increasingly difficult for him to keep the burden of his feelings to himself. But he always pulled himself together at the last moment. Because the fear that Yibo wouldn't want to have anything to do with him anymore had been much greater.

After the first week of school, where almost only organisational things were done, the regular classes started and the clubs were open again. Which meant that Yibo didn't take part in the English classes, but had one hour more sport. So when Zhan went to the changing room in the gym after the English class that day, Yibo had already been there for an hour and had a basketball game.

Zhan smiled when he saw all the girls calling Yibo's name and cheering him on. And he also envied them a little bit because he himself would like to stand there and cheer for his friend. But he was afraid that his feelings for Yibo would then be too obvious. So he just went on to the boys' changing room and sat down quietly in a corner where he played with his cell phone for a few more minutes.

When two of his classmates came into the locker room, they didn't even notice Zhan. He was always amazed how easy it was for the others to overlook him. And because they hadn't noticed him, they talked openly about the latest rumors.

"I heard that Wang Yibo is only friends with Xiao Zhan because his father forces him to." Said Lee.

Lei shook his head and asked, "What makes you think that? To me, it doesn't look like Wang Yibo is uncomfortable with Xiao Zhan"

"I can only tell you what I heard. And in that case, Wang Yibo's father seems to have caused stress. He told him if he didn't become friends with Xiao Zhan, he wouldn't let him race motorcycles anymore. Also, his pocket money and cell phone would be cut off."

" What's really? If that's really true, then it's no wonder Wang Yibo does everything to satisfy this Xiao Zhan. After all, the motorcycle is everything to him. I remember once Wang Yibo said he could give up everything but not his motorcycle."

"Mn. Right, I remember that too. So it's quite possible that he's being kind to Xiao Zhan just for that."

"I feel kind of sorry for Xiao Zhan. After all, he thinks Wang Yibo really wants to be friends with him. I don't want to be in his shoes when he learns the truth."

Lee nodded and said, "I feel sorry for him too. Because he really seems to be a very nice guy. I hope he never finds out. "

The two boys left the locker room and Zhan looked after them with tears in his eyes. Could it be true? Is that the only reason Yibo was so nice to him? Was it because his father forced him to do it? Would that explain Yibo's sudden change of attitude? Or was it just an unfounded bad rumor?

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