-12- Narrow-minded parents

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-12- Narrow-minded parents

POV Zhan's mother

Zhan's mother was sitting in her employer's kitchen preparing the green beans for the family lunch. She had already cleaned and cut all the other vegetables.

In the last few days she was no longer herself. After her son, Zhan, was hospitalized for the second time this year and he confessed that he fell in love with another boy, she and her husband decided to send Zhan to relatives in the States. This decision was not easy for them, but they believed it was the best thing for their son.

And, they hoped that he would understand that his feelings for the other boy were nothing more than a brief confusion. Zhan is their only son. Although they had been trying to have a second child for a long time after Zhan was already a miracle, it didn't work out and so it stayed with one child. And in this child they put all their hopes.

The wish of her and her husband is that Zhan will study and get a good job. That he meets a nice woman, marries her and has one or two children. They dreamed about it from the day he was born and it shocked them both when Zhan told them he is in love with a boy.

They immediately assumed that it must have been his new friend he fell in love with. Although Zhan had told them a lot about him, somehow he hadn't introduced him to them, nor told them his name. And before that they didn't care, because this friendship seemed to do him good. But as soon as Zhan told them about his feelings for this boy, they were against this friendship.

The two talked for a long time that evening and during the night, about what they wanted to do now, because both of them did not want to and could not accept that their son is gay.Finally her husband decided that he would send him to his brother, his wife and their two children in the States. At least for the last school year. And they would only let him come home again when he came to his senses and stopped talking about being gay.

And while she was sitting there in the kitchen of her employers, she thought about the fact that even her employers have problems with their son at the moment. They are very worried about him, because he hardly eats, almost only lies in bed, cries or sleeps. Actually, Zhan's mother wasn't very curious, but somehow she was interested in why the son of the family seems to suffer so much at the moment.

Of course she didn't have the courage to ask the landlady and as an employee it wouldn't be appropriate to interfere in the family problems of her employers. So she often overheard the other employees of the house, when they were chatting over a cup of tea.

One of the women told that the young landlord had fallen in love and for some reason could not be with the person.

Another woman said she heard that the landlords are looking for the person their son misses so much and want to help him solve the problem.

Another said she was sorry every time she saw the young man crying and wished she could help him. She also told that the two landlords asked her if she could at least see to it that the young master ate something.

Zhan's mother wondered who was to blame for the young master's misery and if there was no way to solve the problems. She too felt sorry for him, because she too had seen him crying several times. Only this morning again, when she came into the kitchen to prepare the family breakfast. The young master sat on a chair, his knees bent and cried bitterly.

She wondered whether she should speak to him and encourage him or not. In the end, however, she let it go and pretended not to notice that he was crying. In the end his mother came and comforted him. She hugged him and kissed his head. "Everything will be all right, I promise you. You'll see each other again." She had said to him.

At that moment she thought of her own son. Zhan also cried so bitterly when they told him they were sending him to the States. Her husband was a good man who loved his son more than anything and would do anything for him. But he was also very strict and sometimes too hard on him. Zhan has always been very sensitive and took many things to his heart immediately and this time it was no different.

No matter how much Zhan pleaded and begged, his father remained stubborn and sent him to relatives in the States just one day after his release from hospital.

Zhan's mother was soaking some seaweed leaves when the landlady came to her in the kitchen and asked to speak to her. She sat down with her at the kitchen table and wondered what Ms. Wang wanted to talk to her about.

"How can you not be concerned that my son is suffering so much?" She asked Zhan's mother.

" I do not. I just didn't know..." Mrs. Wang interrupted her immediately.

"What I mean is, my son is crying his eyes out because of your son!"

Zhan's mother widened her eyes. She couldn't believe what she just heard. She couldn't believe it. "Because of my A Zhan?"

"Yes, because of your son. My son loves Xiao Zhan very much and misses him, but you don't even let them talk to each other. You hide him at home with, and our son doesn't even get a chance to talk to him."

"We're not hiding Zhan at our home. My husband and I sent him away to live with relatives."


"Because we can't allow our son to have feelings for another boy!"

"So that means your son loves our Yibo too? And you are against that love?"

"How can you be for this? We are not talking about a normal love between a man and a woman!"

"Mrs. Xiao, don't you think it's more important for your child to be happy? What does it matter if he loves a man or a woman? Isn't it more important that he's happy with that person?"

"You don't understand. You have two children, we just have this one. And we put all our hopes in our son. We want him to start his own family and share our name, our genes and our family tree."

"How can you be so narrow-minded? Today, even two men can marry each other. Yeah, maybe not in this country, but in a lot of other countries, it works. And with the help of surrogate mothers, they can even have children of their own. So what's the problem?"

Zhan's mother didn't know what to say to that. Because even if she agreed with her employer, her husband wouldn't do it. And he would never let Zhan end up with a man.

"Go into my son's room and look at him. Look closely and see how much he is suffering. And I bet your son is not getting any better. If he truly loves my Yibo, he'll suffer as much as Yibo. Can you watch that with peace of mind? Doesn't it break your heart to think about it?"

"Mrs. Wang, even if I wanted to. There is nothing I can do. My husband won't let him come home until he puts his confusion over his feelings behind him."

"Don't you understand? It's not just a confusion. You know, I wouldn't care if both my sons were gay, and neither would my husband. Because for us, our sons' happiness comes first."

Zhan's mother had to think long and hard about those words and realized how stupid she was. And suddenly all she could think about was how much her son is suffering. So she decided to talk to her husband. Even though she already knew that he would be stubborn.

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