-11- The revenge

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-11- The revenge


The next morning when Yibo came to school, Emily was standing in the parking lot again, waiting for him. She had a mocking grin on her face when Yibo alone got out of the car. And Yibo was happy, because Emily still had no idea what he was up to, to punish her for what she had done.

At first, Yibo made sure that Zhan wouldn't come to the school and maybe get some of his revenge on Emily and might misunderstand something. He asked the teacher about Zhan and he told him that Zhan was reported sick for the rest of the week. "Very nice. That gives me enough time to punish Emily properly." He mumbled to himself.

When Emily came to Yibo's table during the breakfast break and sat down next to him without being asked, he swallowed the bitter words that were already on his tongue and smiled. She stroked Yibo's forearm and asked him what he and Zhan had been fighting about.

"Oh, you should know that. Thanks to you, I now finally got rid of him and don't have to take care of him anymore."

"Thanks to me?"

"Yeah, I bet it was you who told everyone why I was so nice to Xiao Zhan. And that I was forced to do it."

"Mn. I couldn't stand to see you suffer from having to be friends with him anymore."

"I thank you for that. And I'd like to take you to lunch later."

They spent lunch together in the cafeteria and Yibo told her that he would like to pick her up in the morning and take her to school. Emily was beaming all over her face and said she would be very happy.

"I don't know why I didn't realize your true potential a lot sooner." Said Yibo in a flirtatious tone.

"At last you seem to understand."

"Mn. I do. And I don't understand why I didn't notice before how pretty you really are."

"You're really just noticing this now BoBo?" Yibo almost threw up when she called him BoBo, but he kept playing his part.

"Yeah, unfortunately. If I had noticed this before, I would have asked for a date much sooner."

"A date?"

"Mn. I think you and I should go out tonight and have a nice time. Cinema, and then restaurant. What do you think?"

"I'll be into it right away, BoBo."

"I'll pick you up at home tonight around 7:30 pm." From then on, she followed Yibo around like a puppy.

By the evening, he had picked Emily up from her home. He took her to the cinema and deliberately chose a boring movie. He made her pay for the popcorn and the drinks, which she was happy to do. And at the restaurant, he ordered a dish with lots of garlic. She talked incessantly about herself, her friends and how envious everyone would be that she and the great Wang Yibo are really together now.

And for the first time Yibo did not correct her. Should she calmly think they were a couple, Yibo thought with a grin.

After dropping her off at home, he gave her a kiss on the cheek and told her that he really liked her. Which made Emily look like it would bring her straight up to cloud number seven.

In the morning, he picked her up from home and took her to school together. Proudly, she slowly got out of his car so everyone could see that Yibo had taken her with him. She also made sure to walk hand in hand with Yibo to and through the school building, grinning broadly.

Yibo also smiled. But for another reason. Because his plan seemed to work out perfectly. Emily fell completely in love with him and believed to have finally reached her goal.

Yibo continued his game. He picked her up at home in the morning, spent the breaks with her, invited her for lunch every day, and brought her back home. He kept doing this until Friday. They were lunching in the cafeteria and eating together at noon and then they went back to the classroom.

Since the break wasn't over yet, she sat down next to Yibo and Emily's best friends sat down next to her. They said they were so jealous of Emily, while she put her head on Yibo's shoulder.

When all the classmates were in the classroom, Yibo stood up, smiled and said he had something to announce. Emily thought he would now officially tell everyone about their relationship and was looking forward to it.

"My dear classmates, I have an announcement to make today. I am sure you have already noticed that Emily and I have become closer over the past three days. Now, let me explain why. Emily, you are the most vicious and lowlife piece of trash I know and you're completely stupid and level-headed. How could you think I would fall for a lying, backstabbing bitch like you? I wouldn't even pick you if you were the only woman on the planet. I hate you, and that's a nice way of saying it."

Emily stood up in shock and asked Yibo to explain to her what this was all about.

Yibo laughed and asked, "Are you sure you don't know? Don't you know why I'm punishing you?"

Emily shook her head. With tears in her eyes, she told him to stop, and that she loved him after all.

"You love me?"

"Yes, BoBo, I love you. So please stop. I beg you, Yibo. Please don't leave me. Let's just talk and then you can tell me what's wrong with me and I'll change it for you."

"I hate you Emily, do you understand? No matter how much you change, I would still hate you. Because you took something important away from me. How does it feel, Emily? How does it feel to have the ground torn out from under your feet, to have the person you love taken away from you?"

"What are you talking about, Yibo?"

"You've been spreading rumors everywhere that I'm only friends with Zhan because my father forces me to. But that is not true. No one can force me to like someone and be their friend. No one!"

"But you said to me..."

"That was a lie. Just like you lied! Do you honestly think I'd let you get away with that? Not only did you destroy my friendship with Zhan, you hurt him and me with all your lies. I really care about Zhan, and you took him from me! You took away the most important person to me. So you should also feel what it feels like to have the person you love the most taken away from you."

"Yibo, I..."

"Yes, I love Xiao Zhan, and you have taken him from me, and I am going to make you suffer for it. And I promise you that today was just the beginning. I'm going to make you suffer for destroying my happiness. Maybe Zhan doesn't feel the same way I do about him, but we were very good friends, and you ruined that. So now I'm going to teach you what is truly painful!"

Yibo tore the bracelet he had received the day before from Emily off his wrist and threw it on the floor. He looked at her with a sinister look, grinning, "Get ready Emily Qin, because I am far from being finished!"

Emily ran crying from the classroom and her three friends followed her. And after the other classmates of Yibo overcame their shock, they applauded him.

Yibo did not like to be mean, especially to women. But he did make an exception for Emily. Because she more than deserved it.

After school, Yibo went to his father's office and told him everything. About Zhan and the friendship, about his feelings for Zhan and how Emily destroyed all that. And his father smirked, he picked up his phone and called someone. He said very few but very meaningful words, "It's me. Buy the Qin's company and kick them all out. I don't want to see any of the Qin's there anymore! And let them know that they owe it all to their daughter Emily."

Yibo's father ended the phone call, put his arm on Yibo's shoulder and said, "Now let's go to the hospital and visit your Zhan."

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