-16- Thinking about the future

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-16- Thinking about the future

Zhan and Yibo have been a couple for two weeks and are getting closer with each day. They enjoy every moment they are together and never get enough of each other. The last weekend Zhan spent at Yibo's house and stayed overnight.

Zhan gets along great with Yibo's parents and Yibo's brother, who is now one of Zhan's doctors as well as Doctor Park Hae-Jin, insisted on examining Zhan on the weekend to make sure he was doing well. Relieved, he explained to Zhan that his heart was obviously doing very well. And with a wink he said, "I guess we have Yibo to thank for that."

Because Yibo makes sure that Zhan eats and drinks enough. That Zhan takes enough rest periods. And asks Zhan every day if he has taken his medication. On weekends when Zhan stayed overnight with him, Yibo even came into the room in the morning with a spoonful of honey and told Zhan to take his medication with it so that the pills and drops go down better.

Yibo's parents watched their son grinning as he lovingly cared for his boyfriend and chased away all of the employees from him. He made it very clear that he would not tolerate anyone else around Zhan except his family. And they were only allowed to get close to Zhan to a limited extent.

Zhan's parents who visited Yibo and his parents on Saturday watched them with a smile. Zhan's mother said she could not believe that a young man like Yibo would take such loving care of his boyfriend. While Zhan's father proudly declared: "Of course he takes good care. After all, we're talking about our Zhan here."

"This brings me to an important issue. The future. We should sit together and think about our sons' future. And I'm thinking about the fact that they should get married one day." Said Yibo's father.

"Our sons are not even 18 years old. Is it really necessary to think about marriage now?" Zhan's father wanted to know.

"I think so. Look at our sons. Do you think they'll break up one day?" Asked Yibo's father.

"Yibo is like his dad. Once he finds someone, he never lets that person go. He has found Zhan, he loves him and he'll certainly not let him go." Explained to Yibo's mother.

Zhan's mother nodded and explained, "There's nothing wrong with worrying about it now. The two of them are getting closer every day and I don't think it will be long before they think about getting married themselves."

"Well, when I re-enrolled Zhan in the school, I listed him as Yibo's fiancé. Just in case anyone complained about their relationship. Luckily, this is a very modern and open-minded school. Open-minded about same-sex relationships. But what I really wanted to say was. I think we should officially announce their engagement." Replied Yibo's father.

"Maybe we should ask our sons first." Remembered Zhan's father.

Yibo's father turned to his son and asked him, "How do you imagine your future with Zhan? What do you want to do with him?"

Yibo smiled and said, "What do you think? I am going to marry Zhan."

Then Zhan laughed and just said, "Okay, then we'll get married." Yibo looked at Zhan and smiled broadly.

"I take that very seriously Zhan. You have just agreed to marry me. You're not getting out of this."

"Who says I want to get out of it?"

" I would drag you to the wedding altar if I had to."

"I really believe that Yibo, that you really would do that."

Their parents looked at each other and started laughing out loud. It was now more than clear in which direction they were moving and what their intentions were. So Yibo's father stood up and announced, "I hereby announce that as of today you are engaged and promised to each other."

Zhan and Yibo looked at each other with big eyes. Then when Yibo found his composure again, he jumped up and cheered. "Yeah, ZhanZhan will be my husband."

Zhan grinned and nodded happily. It was just beautiful for him to see how happy Yibo was about it. And that made him even happier. Somehow, Zhan had never thought about marriage before, but now, suddenly, he could not wait to become Yibo's husband.

Yibo, who wanted to be alone with Zhan, grabbed Zhan and carried him on his shoulder up to his room. While Zhan laughing just enjoyed the moment. And their parents watched them grinning.

Zhan still couldn't believe that he and Yibo are now a couple and how it all came together. And even less could he believe that they are now even engaged. But he was also very happy about it, because he could not imagine another man than Yibo. Even though Zhan is still seventeen years old at the moment.

If it were up to Zhan, he would like to marry Yibo as soon as possible. And this simply because he can't wait to call Yibo his husband. He can't wait to see what their lives will be like as a married couple. Especially with a man like Yibo at his side.

But for all his anticipation, he still had a very strange feeling in his stomach. As if they were going to face another trial. Deep inside, he could feel it coming. But he still hoped that it was only a feeling and would not become a reality.

His grandmother once said to him, good relationships don't just fall into your lap, you have to do a lot to deserve it. And Zhan didn't think that Yibo and him had already done so much for it. Not if he followed his grandmother's stories, according to which she always said that every good relationship has to survive at least three trials, the last one being the hardest.

Zhan tried to think about how many trials he and Yibo had already completed. But didn't get further than one. Unless he counted the time before their friendship, then it would be two. But on the other hand, the two weren't in any relationship and even when Emily's rumors made Zhan end the friendship, they had not been a couple.

The more Zhan thought about it, the more confused he became. Unfortunately, he could no longer ask his grandmother or ask her for advice. Since she passed away three years ago. She fell asleep in the middle of the night and never woke up again. And that only a few weeks after her husband's death.

At that time Zhan's mother had said that she just wanted to be with her husband and that her body had given in to her desire. He had never met his other grandparents, his father's parents. Since his father grew up as an orphan in an orphanage.

His father was found alone in an abandoned house when he was three years old. They had looked for his parents for a long time and only after more than two years had they given up all hope. They assumed that his parents had abandoned him and left him to fend for himself. Since nobody had actually lived in this area for a long time and his finding was nothing more than a coincidence. When two teenagers tried to hide there to secretly drink alcohol.

They found the little boy asleep hidden behind some boxes. They said he was too weak to stay awake then. He was very underweight and dehydrated. He also had a high fever because he slept in the cold for several days and tried to drink dirty water from some puddles. The doctors were amazed that he was alive and surviving at all.

It took almost three months until he was healthy enough for them to hand him over to the children's shelter. He stayed there for two years until they stopped searching for his parents and took him to the orphanage. Unfortunately he was never lucky enough to be adopted, so he stayed there until he was 18 years old and then had to find his way in the world alone and without help.

This made Zhan's father a very tough person. Only when he met Zhan's mother, his wife, and the two of them became a couple, he changed and became a loving and caring man and later a father. And only now and then his hard and unyielding nature comes through when it comes to Zhan and his protection or his future. Because he swore to himself on the day of Zhan's birth that he would never let his son ever have to suffer.

And he explained to Zhan that this had come back to him when he talked to Yibo's father. Only then did he remember his own oath and realized that he was hurting his son very much right now. And so he brought Zhan back home. And that's why he is no longer against the relationship between Zhan and Yibo. Because all he wants, all he has ever wanted is for his son to be happy.

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