-9- The truth

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-9- The truth

Zhan sat in the locker room for quite a while, crying silently to himself. He kept wondering if anything about the friendship between him and Yibo was real. Because after Lei and Lee left, three other students came into the changing room and talked about the same topic. One even said, he was sorry that Yibo was forced to become friends with someone who was beneath him. The other two agreed with him and said that the class differences were very clear and everyone should stay in their league.

When Zhan had calmed down a bit and his tears had dried, he grabbed his bag, he hadn't even bothered to change his clothes and left the dressing room. He didn't even walk quickly, but rather very slowly along the basketball court.

It didn't take long until Yibo noticed him and called out to him and asked where he was going. But Zhan didn't respond to his question and just kept walking. If Wang Yibo was really only friends with him because he was forced to do so, then he wanted to end this for Yibo now and release him. He would even tell Yibo's father that he doesn't want the friendship. He didn't want a friendship that only exists because the other person is forced to it.

Zhan didn't even know where he was going until suddenly he was standing in the music room and standing in front of the piano. He sat down at the piano and started playing, playing and singing his favorite song. He didn't even notice that some students and teachers came out of their classes and watched him. Two other students joined him and sang this song together with him. While many others watched the three of them, including Yibo, who was still in his jersey.

Peng Chuyue and Wu Jiacheng sat down next to Zhan and together, they sang this song from the bottom of their hearts, which even brought tears to the eyes of some of the audience. In the end, even a few more students from the choir joined in and sang a song that Zhan had only heard once before. The leader of the choir put a CD with the sound in the stereo and the ninth of them sang the song.

When the song was over, the choirmaster said that Zhan should definitely join the choir because he would fit in perfectly with them. But Zhan refused. "I'm a senior and won't have much time to rehearse." He said this was the reason.

After the students and teachers were back in their classes, only Zhan and Yibo were left. Yibo sat down next to Zhan and asked him what was wrong. Zhan turned to him and looked him in the eyes. Then he asked Yibo, "Is it true?"

"What do you mean, ZhanZhan?"

"That you're only my friend because your father wants you to be."

"Who told you that?"

"It doesn't matter. The question is, is it true?"

"Yes and no. My father told me there's a new classmate at school and asked me to look after you a little, so you'd quickly settle in and not be so alone. But he didn't say we had to be friends."

"But he told you if you didn't do it, you wouldn't be allowed to ride your bike, you wouldn't get your pocket money and he would take your phone."

"Yeah, that's right, that's why he and I fought so hard. And because he left me no choice, I gave in to him. But once I realized who you really are, I wanted to be your friend. I wanted it on my own and not because my father forced me to. ZhanZhan, I really want to be your friend."

"I'm sorry. But I can't believe you. I might have believed you if you'd been so honest from the beginning. But you kept it from me, so I can't believe you. Let's end this right now. If necessary, I'll tell your father that I don't want your company and it's not your fault. But let's end this game. I won't force you to spend any more time with me."

Zhan got up and left the music room without waiting for an answer from Yibo. He didn't want to hear any more and just left. He went into the stairwell and up to the roof door, which was unlocked. He entered the roof, sat down and looked up into the sky. The tears came back to him and he wanted to cry bitterly. But he pulled himself together and fought back the tears.

When the next and last lesson began, Zhan left the roof, went into the classroom and sat down at another empty seat. Yibo looked at him sadly and for a moment Zhan even seemed to see something like tears in Yibo's eyes. But maybe, he thought, maybe he had just imagined it. Maybe he just wished that Yibo would suffer and be sad like him.

Zhan, of course, could not help but notice how mockingly Emily Qin looked at him and had to hold back herself from laughing. Obviously that' s what she had meant when she threatened Zhan that he would still experience his blue wonder. Zhan would have liked to punch her, her stupid grin off her face.

After class, Zhan left the classroom without waiting for Yibo. Yibo ran after him and held him by the wrist. "Don't go ZhanZhan. Let's talk OK? I'll explain everything. I don't want to lose you. You're not my friend because I was forced to. I'm not. Please let me explain."

"Yibo, there's nothing left to talk about or explain. You have pretended and lied to me. What more is there to come? I don't care and I don't want to hear it. Go on with your life as before, before you were forced to take care of me."

Zhan tore off his wrist and looked into Yibo's eyes again. "I release you from your duty." He said, and the look in Yibo's eyes hurt him deeply. Because it looked like it was really very much hurting Yibo. But Zhan told himself he was just telling himself that he wished he was important enough to Yibo that it hurt him when he left.

He turned around and left the school building with quick steps. He ran to the bus stop, but the bus was so full that he decided to walk home. But instead of walking, he ran. He just ran, between alleys and narrow paths, just to avoid the street. Since he wasn't sure if Yibo would follow him after all.

When he finally came home after well over an hour, he ran to his room, threw himself on his bed and began to cry bitterly. He wanted to stop it, he wanted to quit, but he couldn't. He cried on and on. His heart and throat hurt him and he could hardly breathe. Still he could not stop crying. Until finally his heart hurt so much that he lost his consciousness.

Only many hours later and once again in hospital he had awakened again and immediately remembered why he was crying and again the tears came to him. His mother desperately held him in her arms. She did not know what had happened and why her only son was so desperate and cried so much.

And when Zhan's father finally came and Dr. Park Hae-Jin also arrived and gave Zhan something to calm him down, he told his parents what had happened. His parents, who didn't know about his feelings for Yibo until now, didn't understand why the end of a friendship was so hard for him. So he also told them that he had fallen in love with him.

His parents were shocked when Zhan told them the truth. They didn't even suspect that their son was gay and they didn't intend to accept it. And even when Doctor Park told them it wasn't like a choice of being homosexual, they remained stubborn and said they wouldn't let their son end up with a man one day.

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