-3- The music room

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-3- The music room

The next morning Zhan hoped to talk to his parents at breakfast. But his mother was long gone and his father was busy organizing his appointments. He put Zhan money for the bus on the table and left without a word between them.

Arriving at school Zhan went straight to Wang Yibo's classroom. He knocked on the door frame and asked Wang Yibo to get his sports clothes. He shook his head, stood up and pressed his fists on the table. "Bring them here to me." He ordered Zhan.

Zhan sighed and brought the clothes to the table. Wang Yibo unwrapped them and looked at them closely. "Alright... You can go." He said to Zhan, and Zhan immediately turned around and left. His heart was racing, so excited and nervous he had been. He hadn't even dared to breathe for almost the entire time. And only when he was out of the classroom did he stop, breathe deeply and relieved and then go to his classroom.

However, the next surprise awaited him there. Because his table was packed with garbage from the trash can. He tried to hide his surprise and his anger. He silently fetched a trash can and removed all the trash from his table.

During the break he went to his locker and tried to get a book out, when hundreds of feathers flew out of it towards him. Students stood around him and laughed. After Zhan cleaned up that mess too and cleaned his locker, he went back to his classroom. Where on his table, written in red ink, was "Go back to where you came from. Fuck Country Boy."

With a damp cloth, Zhan cleaned his table and pretended not to care. But in reality, he tried to hold back his tears. During the lunch break, he left the classroom as fast as he could and ran into Wang Yibo, of all people. Or better said, against him.

"Are you completely crazy now? What's wrong with you?" He asked Zhan. But Zhan just lowered his head and ran away. He had to get away as fast as he could.

Zhan didn't stop until he saw an open door. The one to the music room. A young woman sat at a piano and played the most beautiful melody Zhan had ever heard. He entered the room, sat down and listened to the music. When the woman finished playing the piano, she smiled. That day in that music room, he met for the first time a person who didn't seem to hate him.

And even though she was not a schoolgirl, but a student who regularly visited this school to play the piano, Zhan was glad to have finally found someone who was nice to him.

The two talked about music for a long time and she asked him if he was also musical. Zhan nodded and told her that he had always liked singing. He told her what his favorite song was and she played it on the piano while he sang.

And his beautiful voice had been loud enough to attract the attention of other students and teachers. Many stood outside the music room and watched them. They listened very quietly to the piano playing and singing. And when the song was over, the students and teachers clapped. They cheered and whistled and demanded an encore.

Unfortunately, the break was over sooner than Zhan liked, because the next two hours he had sports class and he was already terrified of it.

In the changing room Zhan sat down in a corner, changed his clothes and waited until the other boys had left. And only then did he go outside and immediately go to the track. There was another basketball game, but Zhan wasn't paying attention to it. He just ran his laps. Even when he felt his strength leave him, he kept running and running and running and running until suddenly someone grabbed him by the wrist and yelled at him if he was going to kill himself.

Zhan stopped and looked dazed at the person who dared to stop him. His eyes widened and his heart started racing again. It was Wang Yibo who held him by his wrist and made no effort to let it go. "Are you crazy? Are you trying to kill yourself? How many laps have you run now? Do you realize how dangerous it is in this heat?"

Zhan didn't answer any of the questions. He tore off his wrist and ran to the locker room. He took a shower with his sports clothes on and enjoyed the cold water. Again, someone tugged him on his wrist and pulled him away from the cold shower. Again it had been Wang Yibo who looked at Zhan angrily and wanted to know why he was doing this.

"You better stay away from me. Before anyone else thinks I've gotten too close to you. Who knows what disgusting things will be on my desk or in my locker tomorrow. Or maybe I'll get another slap from your girlfriend for making your arm wet."

"What are you talking for nonsense?"

"Nonsense, you call this? I call that bullying. But never mind. It doesn't matter to you, and now just leave me alone." Said Zhan, trying to free his wrist. But this time Wang Yibo grabbed his wrist tighter and Zhan couldn't resist.

"What do you want from me? I' II get out of your way, as you wish. So you stay out of my way too." Zhan shouted desperately.

"Xiao Zhan, please listen to me Okay."

"No! I don't want to listen to you. I don't want to see you and I don't want to talk to you. Just leave me alone. Because of you, my life is a living hell here, so spare me and don't make it worse." Zhan tore his wrist free from Wang Yibo's clasp, went to his locker, took out his clothes and left the locker room.

He didn't want Wang Yibo to see him cry. He didn't want Wang Yibo to see how hurt he is. And most of all he didn't want Wang Yibo to notice how fast Zhan's heart was racing as soon as Yibo came near him.

Zhan had no idea what the reason was, maybe it had been fear of the most popular student of this school. Or maybe it was something else entirely. Zhan didn't know and he wasn't ready to find out today that on this Wednesday.

After class was over, he waited until most of the students had left, then he left the school building and was slowly making his way home. He felt bad, his head hurt and he had been nauseous. Besides, his whole body was hurting. He just wanted to go home and get into his bed.

Zhan was less than fifty meters from the school grounds when a black car stopped next to him. The back door was opened and Zhan couldn't believe that Wang Yibo was in front of him again. "You don't look well. Are you alright?"

"I am fine."

"I don't believe you. Get in the car, we'll drive you home."

"No, thanks. I'd rather walk."

"Come on, don't be silly. You look like you're about to pass out. Let me help you, okay?"

"Just go. Get in your car and drive home. Leave me alone. I made it very clear I want nothing to do with you."

"Please don't be like this, Zhan. Get in the car. If you want me to, I'll apologize to you too. But please get in the car and let me take you home."

Zhan sensed that he had no strength left and that he might not be able to walk for another hundred meters. His legs felt like Jell-O, and his head hurt worse and worse.

Wang Yibo for his part did not even wait for Zhan's answer and pushed him into his car. He told the driver Zhan's address, which surprised Zhan. He wondered how Wang Yibo knew where he lived. Was this information passed around the school?

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