-10- Desperate

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-10- Desperate


Yibo instructed his driver to drive slowly down the roads and keep an eye out for Zhan. He was worried about Zhan and wanted to make sure he got home safe and sound. But no matter how many times they drove back and forth to school, they never saw Zhan. Yibo even walked the distance again, but couldn't see Zhan anywhere.

Finally he let himself be driven home and tried to call Zhan. But Zhan's cell phone was off. He became more and more desperate, the worry about Zhan almost drove him crazy. And in the evening, he was so desperate that he took his motorcycle and drove home to Zhan's house. He arrived just in time to see Zhan being taken to an ambulance on a stretcher, accompanied by his mother.

Yibo's heart hurt when he saw this. He wanted first to follow to the hospital, but didn't find the courage to do so, because then he would have to explain to Zhan's parents that it was his fault why Zhan was so sick.

Only very slowly Yibo drove home. And he drove so slowly only because tears kept blocking his view.

When Yibo finally arrived at his home, he ran past his parents without saying a word and up to his room. He locked the door, pressed a pillow into his face and started to cry.

He blamed himself for not having told Zhan the truth long ago. He had wanted to tell him for a long time that he had first been asked by his father to watch out for Zhan. But that he quickly realized that Zhan is completely different than he thought at first. And that he really wanted to be friends with him and still does.

Even though Yibo already realized that friendship alone wasn't enough for him anymore. He wanted to be close to Zhan, but not just as a friend. But he wanted to wait to tell Zhan about his feelings. So Zhan would have enough time to get to know him better and see how much he meant to Yibo. Right from the start of their friendship, he would have loved to tell Zhan that he thinks he's really cute and would have preferred to have real dates with him instead of friendly meetings.

But he was afraid that it was too early for that. After all, the two had only known each other for a few days and their start was anything but good. But already on the same day after their unpleasant meeting, Yibo had secretly watched Zhan and already then he found Zhan very cute.

He gave Zhan his sports clothes in the hope that Zhan would bring them to him the next day and Yibo planned to apologize to Zhan for his behavior the day before. But instead of Zhan, Emily of all people came to him in the classroom with his sports clothes and he got angry.

He poured some of his juice on the shirt and took the sports clothes back to Zhan. He pretended to be angry with Zhan and gave him his sports clothes again. And again he decided to apologize to Zhan the next day. But when Zhan brought him his sports clothes personally, he lacked the courage and sent Zhan away again.

And then, at the next sports lesson, he saw Zhan running his laps in the blazing sun. And he ran and ran and with every round, Yibo's concern increased, so he stopped him. Only to see Zhan standing under the showers in his sports clothes shortly afterwards. And when he reached for Zhan, he felt the icy cold water and was almost desperate with worry about Zhan.

He was even so worried that he forced Zhan into his car. And he panicked when Zhan in the car suddenly tilted to the side and lost consciousness. They took him immediately to the hospital where Yibo didn't take a step away from Zhan's side. He already knew then, that he had fallen in love with him. And he was very afraid for Zhan. Then he found out about Zhan's heart problem and would have loved to burst into tears, because he was afraid that Zhan would have to die young.

When Zhan then fell asleep, he waited until he saw Zhan's father, whom he only knew because he was present at the job interview because his father demanded it of him. He gave Zhan a kiss on the forehead, said goodbye and left before Zhan's father was brought to Zhan's bed. That day Yibo had decided he wanted to be friends with Zhan. He at least wanted to be by his side as a friend and take care of him. Even though he actually wanted more.

The next day, when he came to school, he made it clear to all his classmates that anyone who dared to bully Zhan again would have to deal with him. And specifically, he approached Emily and told her that if she didn't leave Zhan alone, he would ask his father to buy her parents' business and destroy it.

A few days later he had told his brother about his feelings for Zhan and his brother had advised him to be honest with him. But Yibo lacked the courage to tell Zhan that he was actually forced by his father to keep an eye on Zhan and make him feel comfortable. But Yibo didn't even think about what his father wanted from him anymore, but wanted to be friends with Zhan on his own. So he kept quiet.

Yibo slowly calmed down again when he realized who could have told this story around. There was only one person for him. Emily Qin! She had been targeting Zhan from the start and was against their friendship. She was the only one who would profit from the fact that the two of them were no longer friends. Well, profit was the wrong word, but at least she would have gained her will.

Unfortunately, Emily had always been obsessed with the idea that she and Yibo were a couple and would one day marry. She chased away everyone who dared approach Yibo. This had already started in kindergarten when she bit the hand of one of the girls in the group just because she touched Yibo.

Again and again Yibo had told her that he would never accept her as a girlfriend and would never start anything with her. And not only because he realized very early that he was gay. It was because he hated Emily Qin.

And he was absolutely convinced that she was behind the rumors He was absolutely sure that it was her fault that Zhan ended the friendship and now wanted nothing to do with him. And the more he thought about it, the angrier Yibo got.

Yibo knew that if it turned out that Emily was really behind it, he wouldn't let her get away this time. This time she went too far, and this time Yibo would punish her and take revenge on her.

Because this time she had not taken away anyone from Yibo. This time she had taken the person he really cares about and who means everything to him. The person he loves! And right now, Yibo is desperate enough to make Emily suffer for it. She should feel for herself what it's like, to lose everything you love more than anything!

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