-18- Emily has to go

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-18- Emily has to go

That same day, after the incident in the locker room, Yibo told his father that Emily again tried to persuade Zhan. Yibo's father became so angry that he called the school and demanded that Emily be expelled from school.

The principal said a meeting was planned anyway because there had been more complaints about Emily Qin. And he also told Yibo's father that it would probably amount to Emily Qin having to leave the school.

Yibo called Zhan to him who was in the kitchen with Yibo's and his mother and nibbled something sweet and Yibo then told Zhan about the news. "As for Emily, there is nothing more I can or will say. She probably deserves it. I just feel sorry for her parents and I wish they didn't have to go through all the trouble their daughter gets them into."

"ZhanZhan, I've already told you what I think."

"I know, Yibo. But I still feel sorry for them. I think Emily is one of those who doesn't listen to her parents no matter what they say."

"Which means? You want us to forgive her parents?"

"No. I just don't want her parents to be punished for her anymore. Imagine her getting expelled from school. Who will suffer again? What school will want to admit her when all the things she's done are in Emily's file?"

"I understand your concerns, Zhan. But they' re gonna have to deal with that. Look, even when they lost everything because of Emily, they still let her get away with everything. They needed to do something about it, don't you think?"

"Yeah. I think you're right." Zhan gave in. He was divided on the subject. Of course he agreed with Yibo, and he was right. Still, he felt sorry for Emily's parents because he believed that no matter what they said their parents couldn't get through to her.

"Guys, I think I have an idea that can help both sides." Yibo's father intervened.

"And what idea?" Asked Zhan and Yibo at the same time.

"If Emily is really expelled from school, her parents will get back the school fees they already paid. I would help her parents find a school abroad for her, perhaps a boarding school. And if they agree and really send Emily away, I am willing to give them both jobs in one of our companies."

Zhan nodded because he agreed and thought it was a good idea. Yibo, however, was still skeptical, but finally gave in because he didn't want Zhan to feel bad. Yibo could also understand Zhan and knows that Zhan is a sensitive person and cares more about others than himself. And he knew that Zhan would not let this rest and keep him busy for a long time.

"Okay ZhanZhan, I'm ready for you, to give in. But if Emily's parents still haven't learned anything from this and keep Emily out of trouble, I won't hold back anymore."

"Agreed, Yibo. And thank you." Said Zhan, hugging Yibo.

A week later, the big meeting of teachers and the Parents' Council took place at the school. Emily and her parents were also there to speak for themselves.

But instead of taking this opportunity, Emily made fun of those who were present and even of her own parents. She talked about the relationship between Yibo and Zhan and explained several times how much she hated Xiao Zhan.

Her desperate parents tried to apologize and explained that they lost control over Emily a long time ago and that she only does what she wants.

Emily called her own parents losers and insulted them in any way. At some point the principal got so angry that he yelled at Emily and threatened her that he would personally make sure that she was sent to a reform school and that she would not be released until she learned what decency and respect is, especially towards her own parents.

However, this did not impress Emily very much and so she just laughed.

At the end of the meeting and after all of Emily's victims, including Zhan and Yibo, testified, the teacher and parents' council retired to discuss how to proceed with Emily. However, the outcome had been clear before.

More than ten victims testified against Emily and things came to light that Zhan and Yibo could not even have imagined. For example, one Friday afternoon, she locked one of the younger students in a school workroom. The student was screaming for help, but since there was no one left who could hear him and his cell phone was in his locker, he had to spend the whole weekend at school. His only happiness was that there was a sink and running water in the workroom. When he was found there on Monday morning, after the police had been looking for him all weekend, he was so frightened that he had to spend several days in hospital being treated for his shock.

She regularly took money from another student and stole two of her mobile phones. And then there was another student who was beaten up by Emily.

When the teacher and parents' council came back into the hall, the principal announced the results. "Emily has to go." Emily laughed and her parents were desperate.

And for the first time, Yibo understood what Zhan meant by feeling sorry for her parents. Because now he could see for himself how much even her parents were suffering. And so he hoped his father would keep his promise and help Emily's parents. And he hoped he could find a place for Emily that couldn't be any farther away.

After the meeting, the principal took a moment to talk to Zhan and Yibo. He thanked them both for their honest testimony. But he only approached them because he wanted to tell them something. "I want to congratulate you both on your engagement. I am happy that you both met and fell in love at our school. And I would be very happy if we can support you as your school at the wedding."

Yibo nodded and said, "Thank you, principal. And we would be very happy if you would come to our wedding. But we would be even happier if we could have our wedding in our beautiful school garden."

Zhan and Yibo had already talked about where they wanted to say yes and both said the school garden would be perfect for it. Because the school garden is like a beautiful park and besides the many colorful flower beds, there are beautifully lit bushes and trees and an inviting pavilion where they can say yes.

Of course they would not be able to get married officially here in Beijing, they want to do that in Italy, but for all the friends and relatives, it would be nice if they could hold the ceremony right there.

"I would be honored if you would get married in our school garden." The principal replied. Yibo's father, who accompanied them, immediately joined in.

"Then maybe we should sit down and discuss the details. Because as soon as my future son-in-law turns 18, they will get married. And that will be before the end of the school year."

Yibo turns 18 in just two weeks and Zhan two months later. They had talked with their parents about a good date and also about whether they should wait until they finish school. But in the end, Yibo and Zhan said they want to get married as soon as possible.

Therefore, one day after Zhan's 18th birthday, they will travel to Italy, where the two will get married officially. They have already made the appointment and sent all the necessary documents there.

And already this weekend, Zhan will move into the house of his future in-laws and stay in one of the guest rooms until the wedding day. Because Yibo and Zhan want to wait, in a traditional and old-fashioned way, for their first sexual intercourse, until they are married.

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