-17- Emily's plan failed

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-17- Emily's plan failed

Zhan and Yibo were not only a happy couple outside the school. Although they pulled themselves together at school and only held hands, that was enough for the fan club of the two to satisfy them. Meanwhile, more than 300 YiZhan fans and supporters have joined the YiZhan Shipper Fanclub and wherever the two of them appear, they get only positive feedback.

Except for a few individual persons. Like Emily Qin, for example. Who has become very quiet in the past week. Which not only Zhan and Yibo found suspicious. Afraid she could hurt Zhan somehow, Yibo didn't let him out of his sight. And even, accompanied him to the restroom.

Zhan thought that this was a bit exaggerated, but he was actually very happy that Yibo was so careful. Yibo said to Zhan: "I don't trust her one inch and I'm afraid she's up to something. So stay by my side at all times, because I don't want her to hurt you."

There were only a few moments when the two were not together. And it was always when they were dealing with their clubs. Yibo had another basketball game and Zhan was getting ready for the athletics club. Only the previous week Zhan had managed to win a gold medal for his school in a race, and when he had changed in the locker room and was alone, Emily Qin came to him in the room and stood in front of him with her arms crossed.

"You do realize you're ruining the reputation of Yibo and his family, don't you?"

"This is bullshit Emily. Because Yibo's parents accept and like me. They have no problem with me. Or with Yibo and me being in a relationship."

" As if they're putting it on your nose. Of course they say they have nothing against you and they tolerate your relationship. Because they don't want their golden boy, Yibo, to turn away from them. After all, he is supposed to inherit their company one day."

"Emily, I don't know what I did to make you keep attacking me and bullying me. But let me tell you something. I won't listen to any more of your talk. I know Yibo's parents care about me and I know they support our relationship. Even if you don't like it."

"Do you realize that Yibo and I were together when you left? Yes, we were together as a couple. We went to the cinema, went to a restaurant. We even held hands when we were on school grounds and at school. And he took me out to lunch every day. He also picked me up in the morning in his car."

"Believe it or not, but I know all this. And I also know that he did it just to get his revenge on you."

"I don't think so. Because he thanked me for getting rid of you. And that he didn't have to take care of you anymore made him especially happy."

"I know that, too. I know he told you that, so you wouldn't see what he was really up to. He wanted you to feel safe, and that it would hit you harder when the truth came out."

"Oh, yeah? And did he also tell you he slept with me?" Zhan tore up his eyes and stared at Emily. He knew she was lying and trusted Yibo completely. He just couldn't believe she was lying about such things.

"Yes, there' you are watching Xiao Zhan. You wouldn't expect that from your Yibo. You must have thought he was loyal to you and had a crush on you. But the truth is, he loved it when he made love with me."

Zhan was about to give her an answer and tell her to stop being ridiculous when Yibo appeared and stood next to Zhan. "Emily Qin, you truly are a morally degenerate idiot. Do you really think Zhan's gonna believe that bullshit?" Yibo asked angrily.

Emily Qin turned around and tried to run away. But Yibo grabbed her by the collar of her thin jacket and stopped her. "Not so fast, young lady. I'm not finished with you yet."

"What do you want, Yibo?"

"What do I want? I want you to leave my fiancé alone and stop telling him fairy tales. If you still don't get it, I'll gladly repeat it for you. I hate you and I always have. I never had more feelings for you than hate! You were never more for me and you will never be more for me. I never liked you and I never will. I love Zhan and I'm going to marry Zhan. My father has officially announced the engagement. Zhan, my fiancé is also listed as my fiancé in the school records. My parents love Zhan and they are looking forward to him being their son-in-law. His parents love me and are also looking forward to calling me their son-in-law soon. Again, I love Zhan. Nobody forces me to be with him. I am, of my own free will and because my heart loves him, only him and no one else."

"Why are you telling me all this? Who cares?" Emily screamed.

"I want you to finally understand that you have lost and that all your games have no effect on Zhan and me. We stick together and nothing and no one can or will keep us apart. Especially not your lies and rumors."

"I also want to say something. Emily, I understand this must be hard for you to accept. I can't imagine how hard it must be for you to realize that the person you've loved for so long will never return your feelings. And then you have to see him every day with his partner. But that doesn't give you the right to spread lies and rumors. Or to take out your frustration on me. We'll do our best to avoid you. Why don't you also try to avoid us and finally let go of the idea of trying to win Yibo for you? Can't you see how happy he is? He never gave you a chance and you should know that he will never give you a chance in the future. Because he doesn't like you. No matter how pretty you are, he's just not into you." Explained to Zhan calmly.

"But he..." Emily started, but Yibo interrupted her immediately.

"I love Xiao Zhan. I'm totally into Xiao Zhan. And I can't wait to finally marry him. Do you understand that, Emily? So please just stop believing that I would come to you someday to be with you. That's not gonna happen!"

Yibo took Zhan by the hand and left the locker room with him. They just let Emily stand there, hoping that she finally understood that she would never be in Yibo's heart. Emily's new plan failed. And even without Yibo's intervention, Zhan would not have let her confuse him again. Because since he knows how Yibo feels about him, he knows that he can trust Yibo completely.

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