-6- I don't care

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-6- I don't care

Zhan packed his school supplies in his bag just before the class ended and watched at the wall clock. In one minute it would ring and then he had to be fast if he wanted to escape Wang Yibo. He didn't plan to let him drive him home and maybe even in front of Emily Qin's eyes.

Something in Zhan told him that it was better not to get in the way of Emily Qin. He suspected that his life would not take a very nice turn otherwise. Especially now that the other students seem to be leaving him alone. He didn't feel like getting into trouble again.

The bell rang, Zhan jumped up from his chair and ran for the door. Unfortunately for him, Wang Yibo was already standing in front of it, grabbing him by his wrist and asking where he wanted to go.

"Home, where else?"

"I told you earlier to wait for me."

"I'm fine on my own, thanks."

"I don't care. I said we'll drive you and I won't accept a no for an answer."

"Wang Yibo, this isn't funny anymore. If you insist on taking someone home, take your girlfriend home."

But instead of answering, Wang Yibo dragged Zhan after him until they reached the car. He pushed Zhan into the back seat, sat next to him and strapped Zhan on. As the driver started the engine, Wang Yibo looked him in the eye. "Stop saying that Emily is my girlfriend." He said to Zhan in a calm voice.


"No buts Zhan."


"I just told you, no buts. Can't you ever stop being so stubborn?"

"I'm not stubborn at all."

"I think ZhanZhan is, though."

"ZhanZhan? Since when have I been ZhanZhan to you?"

"I've decided to call you ZhanZhan from now on. And you can say Yibo or Bo."

"Um, and why?"

"Because we're friends now."

"When did this happen? When did I agree to this?"

"I don't need your approval. Besides, I wanted to tell you, I'm sorry that I got so angry on Monday. I'd had a very bad day until then. I had a bad fight with my dad, then I was late because of a car trouble, then I was constantly being fouled, and then you threw your water all over me. That's when my anger burst out and I took it out on you. I sincerely apologize to you for that."

Zhan didn't know what to say. He wasn't someone who was angry for long. Especially when they apologized. Besides, now he could understand why Yibo was getting so angry. It was just a sequence of events that caused Wang Yibo to get so mad. Still, he didn't want to just give in and say that everything is ok again now.

"Why me? I mean, why do you want to be friends with me of all people? You can make friends with everyone else at school. They'd break a leg for it if they had to."

"Right. But they only do that because they see my parents' money and not me. You're different. You don't seem to care about my parents' money."

"Um, I didn't even know you had money. And you're right, I don't care."

"And that's exactly why I want to be friends with you. A real friend and not one who just wants something from me."


"Really ZhanZhan? Another but? Didn't I say no buts?"

"What I want to say is. I don't think a friendship is a good idea. Because your girlfriend doesn't like me, and if she finds out that we're friends, she'll make my life miserable."

Suddenly Yibo grabbed Zhan's hands and looked deep into his eyes. "Once again clearly and distinctly. Emily Qin is not my girlfriend. She would like to be, but she is not and never will be!"


"ZhanZhan, I'm gonna be really mad if you say 'but' one more time."

"All right, no buts, then. Can I think about this friendship thing?"


"Why not?"

"Because I've already decided that you and I are friends."

"I don't know how it works at your house. And I don't know anything about making friends. But I'm pretty sure that you can't just decide a friendship."

"ZhanZhan, would you do me the honor of being my friend?"

Zhan's cheeks turned tomato red and suddenly he didn't know which way to look. He decided to look at the driver's back and nodded his head. He felt really hot and his heart was racing like crazy.

"Yay, I finally have a friend." Wang Yibo cheered and put his head on Zhan's shoulder. "Thank you ZhanZhan." He said softly.

For the rest of the drive, they both remained silent. When they got to Zhan's house, Yibo went out first and then let Zhan go. And before Zhan could go, Yibo hugged him and whispered, "I like you ZhanZhan."

Zhan was absolutely certain his cheeks had to be visible from space. He felt heated, his heart was racing like crazy and without saying anything, he rushed as fast as he could to the front door, unlocked it, ran into the house and stood with his back to the door. Only then did he allow himself to breathe again.

His heart was racing so fast that he thought it would come out of his chest any moment and run to Wang Yibo to tell him that he liked him as well. As Zhan was in the apartment and in his room, he just couldn't believe what just happened.

Did Wang Yibo just really hug him and tell him that he likes him?

Suddenly, Zhan finally had a friend, just like he always wanted. But just for this one, his heart jumped higher. How can he be friends with someone if he has feelings towards this friend?

And was he really into men? And above all, since when? Zhan had always had no idea about it before and wondered how to deal with it now? Hadn't it already been hard enough for him when he still believed he was heterosexual? Did he have to be gay and fall in love with the most popular student in his school? Was he already in love? Or did he just assume it?

The questions were spinning in his head so much that he almost got dizzy. Right now he wished he had someone to talk to about it. Now he finally had a friend, but he still couldn't talk to him. Since it concerned him, for whose Zhan's heart seems to beat faster.

Zhan dropped himself on his bed, looked at the ceiling and said, "Damn, I'm cursed. I must have really messed up in my previous life to deserve this punishment." Then he turned on his side and looked to the window and said to himself that he had to avoid Wang Yibo to get rid of these feelings for him. Out of sight, out of mind, he said to himself.

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