Chapter 5

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Im finally done with school for the day. It was so long and boring and to think we only A-B days which sucks even more. Because tomorrow I could be in class with that mean sexy stud from earlier. I have not seen her all day which kinda made me sad. I saw my sister earlier during class switch but she didnt pay me no mind she was all in CJ face. I just continued on my way to class. I walked in and saw Tiff. She had an open seat next to her so I sat next to her.

We got to talking about cheer practice/ tryouts later on and not gonna lie I was kinda scared. Its not like I have not cheered before but its always intemidating trying out for a new team becuase what if I mess something up. Tiff continously told me not to worry and to just come out and have fun. That somewhat calmed my nerves but I still had some. This class went by really fast and before I knew it we were walking to the athletic building because we were pretty close to that builing as we were entering I saw that stud running into what I guess is the football locker room but I was not positive. Tiff lead the way to the cheer locker room as we entered I saw multiple girls changing clothes and putting up their hair.

As i was changing I realized i had forgot a shirt so I asked Tiff if it was ok if I just wore a bra she said it was cool. As we make our way out there I realized Kay wasnt there so now Im kinda curious to where she is at but I just brush it off. We started stretching and soon Kay approaches and she hands me a shirt she said she accidently put my shirt in her bag last night when she was packing it. We got to the cheering and must I say it was very hard but we kept up. It has a lot of tumbling and tosses. And not to mention the choreography was very intense. We finally finished at 5:30. I took a shower in the locker room and headed to Tiffs car. Kay got in the back and we headed to Tiffs cousins shop. When we got there he greeted Tiff and asked what was up.

I told him that he towed my car this morning from the school and he started laughing at me. He asked me why I parked in the spot and I told him because it was open. He just shook his head and said try not to piss Chris off no more. He said she's really a sweet heart but she do not like people going against her. I was like yea i gotcha. Me and Kay got in my car and drove to our resturant. When we got there we spoke to mom. Afterwards we decided to help out and pick up some tables.

As Im making my way around the resturant I see CJ his sis and some dude walk in and just my luck they sit at one of my tables. I make my way over to them and start making small talk with CJ. As we talking I find out the dude with them is named Bird. Hes kinda a cutie if I do say so myself. But as we were talking we was rudely interrupted by missy in the corner. I just brushed it off and finished talking to CJ and Bird. After we finished talking I took their order and went to check up on the rest of my tables. When they food came up I took it to them then went to go refill drinks. When I came back to check up on them Chris asked to see the owner I couldn't do nun but laugh. CJ turned to her and told her I am the owner. I could tell she was in shocked. Then she told me that this will become her new favorite spot because the food was so good I just smiled and said thanks.

I would never say this out loud but Chris is the finest person I have ever seen. Her smile her looks just everything about her makes me want her. Even her persona makes me just want to hug and lay up under her and run my hands through her dreads. But I know I cant have her even though something pulls me towards her.

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