Chapter 18

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Chris POV

"So why did you hide her" I asked everybody turned to look at me.  I had just woken up in a hospital bed. I was very confused and in so much pain but I was more focused on the baby in Britt's arm

"Chris we were so young and you had your whole future ahead of you. I didn't want to hold you back with her. I was just graduating high school and you were just a freshman. I couldn't do that to you"

"Were you ever gonna tell me about her"

"Honestly no. But when I saw you at the mall I knew I couldn't keep you from her. I was gonna tell you about her later"

"Everybody out except Britt" my mom came to get Carson but I told her he's good.

after everybody left I looked at Britt and shook my head.

"You are so wrong for doing that. It wasn't your decision to make"

"Well actually Chris it was She's my daughter"

"No she's our daughter. You didn't make her alone. I missed out on a year of her life because you tried to make decisions for me and that's not fair to me or her"

"Well Chris I didn't know how you would react. If you would've left if you wouldn't dropped all your sports for her or if you would've stepped up. I was goin to college either way. I was just scared you wouldn't want her"

"I wouldn't want her really that's your excuse. Family is the most important thing to me I would do anything for my kids. Look I just want to get know her. What's her name? When's her birthday? What does she like? Is she like me? What's her favorite color? Favorite food to eat? I just want to get to know her. Will you please allow me to get to know her" at this she sat down.

"She's named after you. Her Name is Christiana Avery Williams Jr.  her Birthday is October 13, 2019 she is finna be 1. She likes anything right now. She's not just focused on one individual thing. She is like you. That is why she's junior. And her favorite color as of now is red. And yes I'll let you get to know her. We can work out a visitation plan if that's what you want. I know you have a son so I don't want to give you more than you can handle"

"You gave her my name. Thank you so much and she can never be to much. I have full custody of my son so visitation will be good. Can I get her every weekend if that's possible. I usually work on those days but Ima have to focus on being a father to two now so ima work some out. And can I hold her please"

"Of course you can hold her" she handed her to me and as soon as she got into my arms she curled up to me just like Carson. At this moment I felt complete. Now all I need to do is clear the air with Tay. Hopefully she hasn't left yet.

"Hey can you see if the girl that yelled at me at the mall is still here. If so can you tell her I want to talk"

"Yea I can but first I want to know what's goin on with y'all especially if you intend to have her around AJ"

"AJ. You call her AJ"

"Yea I do. Y'all have so many people named Chris and she's one so I decided to go with her middle name. But back to my question. What's up with y'all"

"Nice that's cool. And idk. I feel for her hard. I thought she was the one. She has everything I could wish for. But timing wasn't our friend. We went to Cali for our first game and while over there I took her virginity. Well the next day when we got back I found my son sitting on my doorstep with a note attached sayin he was son and that his mom couldn't take care of him. I was lost and confused so I went to Tay to get guidance but she blew me off and basically stopped talking to me. So we went weeks without talking then finally we talked it out. She started helping me with Carson and everything. But then the day she saw us at the mall she started tripping again. I don't know if she's jealous or what but I guess it's time we talk it out"

"Chris you have one of the biggest hearts I know. But you can't go around breaking girls hearts and taking their virginities. That's not how this work. You have two kids and your 17. You have to figure something out and fast. Look Chris I know you don't ever intentionally hurt anyone but that doesn't mean you don't hurt them. She's hurt. You took her virginity then the next day you tell her you have a kid. In her mind she's thinking you lied to her and that you just wanted to fuck. I know your not like that but that still doesn't mean that's not what she think. Chris talk to her tell her the truth and listen to her. I'm finna go I'll be back up here tomorrow to check on AJ" Britt left and a few minutes later Tay appeared.

"You got two kids now"

"Yea I do"

"What's her name"

"Christiana Avery Williams Jr." at that Tay started crying

"She's named after you. How could you do this. How could you be so reckless" she's all out crying now

"Im sorry ok but all this happened before I met you. How was I supposed to know any of this would happen like this. Me and Britt were in a relationship shit she took my virginity and yet you want me to sit here and act like I was just supposed to date an older girl without sin anything. And Carson mom I don't even know her she was a one night stand that almost got me killed. So this all feeling sorry yourself need to chill out. You can't hold a grudge for stuff I did before I met you. Now I admit the timing is horrible but damn cut me some slack. Nobody's perfect and I'm damn sure ain't. I have my glasses just like everybody else and you not finna sit up here and act like your perfect. Your lying right now to me and yourself. So tell me the truth. What's wrong"

"What's wrong is that I'm in love with your reckless ass. I know all this happened before you met me but that still doesn't change the fact that it could've all been prevented if you used yo damn head. All you had to do was use protection but no you were so focused on getting yo docked sucked and fucked that common since flew out the window. I wanted to name my daughter after you. But now I can't because you already have a junior. You fucked everything up. Your horrible. I don't know why I fell for your stupid ass. I should've just kept my distance. They were right you can't make a player fall in love I give up. I'm done with you. Don't ever call me, text me or anything ever again. Have a good life Chris" and just like that she walked out of my life for good.

Aight guys I know a lot of people is gonna be mad but that's the end of this book. I will be making a part 2 set in the future but this story is done

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