Chapter 17

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God I can't stand Chris. She's so annoying. She had the nerve to be talking to some broad while I was watching her son. I went off on her and walked out the mall. I decided to accept Tys invite to the dance he's actually really cool and funny and a sweetheart.

I still hangout with Tiff everyday and Bird. I just don't go over Bird house considering Chris still stays there. I just can't believe she was stuck on me brushing her off after I found out she has a son. Like wat would you do if the person who took yo virginity not even 24 hours prior tells you they have a son. You'll be confused and hurt too right but I eventually put that to the side and tried to help her but when I saw her in the mall with that girl I knew I couldn't be with her. She would never take me serious.

Today is her birthday and there's a game tonight. I know she was really looking forward to this night but I really don't care no more. I'm just looking forward to Basketball season.

We were winning when everything took a turn for the worst. It was almost the end of the 3rd quarter when Chris went up for an interception but then dropped like a bag of potatoes. I really didn't know what was wrong but her dropping gave the receiver a chance to catch the ball and score everyone was so focused on the receiver that we didn't notice she wasn't moving well everyone except her mom.

"My baby" yelled her mom while she was running towards the field. That's when I turned to where Chris dropped and seen she was shaking violently. That's when nerves starting kicking in   Everyone started panicking while the trainers rushed to her body. Somebody quickly called the ambulance over and they rushed over and put her on the gurney. I looked over to see Tiff crying her eyes out and panicking. I rushed over to her and walked her to our bags so that we could go to the car. Once in the car we rushed to the hospital.

Once we got to the hospital we rushed in. Her mom was there crying her eyes out while holding baby Carson. I went over to her and picked him up so that she didn't have to worry about him. Tiff mom went over to hold her. Chris dad was also here even though they don't talk he still comes to watch her and CJ play. The football team would be here soon since the game was ending soon. Kay said that she would stay so that she can give CJ a ride to the hospital.

While looking around I seen the girl from the mall in the waiting room with a lil girl sleep in her arms. I wanted to ask what she was doin here but that wasn't my place. What I did notice was the lil girl kinda looked like Carson but with brown eyes and a lil darker. She had to be about 1 or 2. But I just brushed it off.

Soon everybody showed up. CJ came in asking have we heard anything and if we could go see her. We told him Nall and that we still waiting. But as soon as we finished a doctor came up.


"Us. How is she can we see her"

"Ms. Williams suffered a seizure during the game. Can y'all explain to me what exactly y'all witnessed" Ms Williams then spoke up

"Chris went up for an interception but when the ball was on its way down she fell out of nowhere then after a few seconds I noticed she was shaking violently"

"That explains why she had the seizure. The sudden impact from the fall must've triggered it. And I'm pretty sure the fall was caused by a blackout she suffered because her blood sugar was very low. Did y'all know she's diabetic"

"My baby isn't diabetic"

"Well according to the tests we ran she is. She's gonna have to be very careful from now on. Y'all can go visit her if y'all want she's in room 304"

We all made our way to her room including the girl with a baby. I still didn't know her name but she was giving me a bad vibe. When we got there Chris was still sleep so we all sat and waited for her to wake up. Mrs Williams put Carson on the bed with Chris and he naturally snuggled into her. That was fair spot to sleep. When the girl saw this she shifted uncomfortably and averted her eyes to her little girl. That's when Mrs Williams spoke up.

"Hey Britt you can put her on the bed with them"

"Thank you but I'm good. She doesn't sleep good unless I'm by her"

"I'm pretty sure she would sleep just fine next to Chris since I'm guessing Chris is her mother. Am I right" at this I did a double take. Chris got a daughter too. Wtf does she keep her dick in her pants

"How, how did you know that"

"You dated my daughter when she was a freshman y'all seemed so happy together then all of a sudden your not talking to her. I knew it had to be a reason why so when I saw you at the game with the lil girl I knew that was the reason you left her"

"I'm sorry I knew this wasn't gonna be the best time. I was gonna come to the game by myself but I couldn't find a babysitter so I had to bring her. Then when Chris fell I thought of the worst possible scenarios. So I came to the hospital. I didn't want to intrude on y'all. I'm sorry. And Mrs Williams congrats on the new baby"

"New baby what new baby. Carson isn't mine he's Chris son. We found out about a month ago. His mom left him on our doorstep. And baby you could never intrude. Your family now"

"So why did you hide her" this took us all by surprise. We all turned to look at Chris. She looked like she was in so much pain

"Chris we were so young you had your whole future ahead of you. I didn't want to hold you back with her. I was just graduating high school and you were just a freshman. I couldn't do that to you"

"We're you ever gonna tell me about her"

"Honestly no. But when I saw you at the mall I knew I couldn't keep you from her. I was gonna tell you about her later"

That's when Chris told everyone to get out except I guess her name is Britt. Mrs Williams went to pick up Carson but Chris told her no she got him. We all went outside and I was about to leave but Mrs Willams told me to come talk to her

"Hey Mrs Williams"

"I know this is hard for you to hear that Chris has two kids but please talk to her. She truly means no harm. I know that your gonna push her away even more but I can honestly tell you Chris is in love with you. She loves hard but she hurts harder. When you hurt her it takes her forever to get over it but please don't give up on her. She's been through so much. She's gonna want to talk to you next please don't brush her off. The only other time she's ever smiled as much as you made her smile is taking care of Carson. Just give her one more time to prove herself to you. You know she was gonna ask you to the dance until you blew up at her at the mall. We were working on a plan for me to get Carson that night so that y'all can go out and enjoy y'all selves"

"I did not know that and I understand that but I can't keep being a punching bag. She walks over me like I'm nothing. I will always love her but we can not be together. We're just not on the same page. I'm not ready to play step mother to two kids. I'm only a junior in high school I didn't sign up for this"

"Darling let me tell you something that only the older family members know. Nun of our kids know this especially our oldest two. When I was in college I met my husband we were freshmen in college and we were madly in love. Well one day during sophomore year a baby was left on his doorstep. That baby so happened to be our oldest son Christasan I was heart broken. How could he do this to me. I thought he had cheated on me but I was wrong. Before me and him got together he had a girl friend from high school. She was pregnant but decided not to tell him but when it got to hard on her she dropped the baby off with Chris. I brushed him off for so long and ignored every chance of him talking to me. Well while I brushed him off he ended up goin to a party and drinking to much he was raped while at a party. And I know you probably thinking men can't be raped but that's not true. When he woke up he wasn't feeling good and went to the hospital they did blood work and found out he was drugged. Well nine months later a girl came by the house and told him she had a son and that it was his. He didn't know who this girl was. Never seen him a day in his life. But we got a DNA test done and the baby came back his. He was so confused but then he did the math and realized she was the one who raped him. He went to the police and told them what happened and they arrested her. I know you think I'm not you and I can't do this but yes you can. I know y'all are younger than us but just give it time. Y'all don't have to talk now but don't push her out yo life she's hard headed and stubborn"

"Yes ma'am" I was shocked at her words their oldest two sons ain't hers but yet she takes care of them like they are.

Soon Britt came out but she didn't have the lil girl with her she came over and told me Chris wanted to talk to me. I thought about Mrs William words and walked into the room. I think it's time me and Chris have the talk we should've had a long time ago.

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