Chapter 15

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Chris POV

Carson was getting bigger and bigger everyday. Just watching him grow is the greatest joy in the world. After I found out he was 99.9% mine my dad kicked me out. He's still mad about the whole situation but I don't care anymore. I'll do anything for my son. Me and Bird are thinking about getting an apartment together after junior year. With everything that's been goin on I forgot my birthday is in a couple of days. I really don't know what I want to do for my birthday. I've been thinking about having a party but in all honestly I just wanna chill with Carson. Carson has been the best birthday present I could ask for. My mom always ask about us and ask if she can see him. I haven't really been home in a while but CJ tells me mom and dad are arguing about me. I feel bad about that. I have never seen my mom and dad argue before but my dad needs to get his shit together.

We have a game on my birthday so I'm really hoping for a win. We have started area play and right now we're 3-0. We got 3 more games in area then it's time for playoffs. I've been doing so good this season that I picked up 6 more offers. USC, UCLA, Pitt, Nebraska, Duke and OK all offered. I know most people would be shocked to hear this but I'm thinking about going to Duke. I know their football team isn't so good but I've always wanted to play for Coach K and be apart of the Brotherhood and Duke. Me and Bird have been talking about it and it seems like the best option for both of us since we both have offers and don't wanna rely on others for our kids. But every time I think about football I say Auburn. But I always go back to Tay question do I wanna let 1 to 2 years of the other sports get me off track for basketball. I know I'm either going to Auburn or Duke but I'm not positive. I'm still interested in other schools but I know I'm not serious about them. As I was thinking Bird came in.

"Aye Bro what you wanna do for yo birthday."

"Nun fr. Just chill with the kids and eat some cake."

"Really bro you don't want no type of party. You don't wanna see yo family or nun"

"Y'all are my family and as long as we all together I'm good"

"Awww my feels. Aight bro I understand"

Today Tay and Tiff is coming over to watch the kids while me and Chris go to work. We have to work today from 10-7 We do this every Saturday and 12-6 every Sunday. We have to  make enough money to take care of the kids. We've also started working at FedEx in the mornings before school to make more money. The girls have been a real good help. They take the kids to daycare while we at work and pick them up while we at practice and bring them to the field. Cheer has started to practice a little later which give them enough time to pick up the kids. I don't know what me and Bird would do without them. Carson has taking a huge liking to Tay. It makes me smile because if my son likes her I know that when we have kids together our kids will love her and she'll be an awesome mom.

Me and Tay have started to become friends again. It's not how it used to be but it's something better than after she found out I have a son. I miss our bond but hopefully we do it right this time and take it slow. Homecoming is in two weeks so I might ask her to go with me and let my mom get Carson to see him but I'm not positive. The way my dad been acting if I let my mom see Carson she's gonna have to come ova here but I don't want her knowing where I stay cause then she gone be popping up at my crib and I don't like that.

I had just got out the shower with Carson when I heard the doorbell go off. I heard Bird say he got it so I finished getting me and Carson dressed. As I was finishing up Tay walked in my door and went straight to Carson then gone wave and say hey. I was standing there like girl if you don't come here and give daddy a hug and kiss but I know I can't do that so I just head nodded and said sup. Once I finished and looked at the time I realized it was 9:40 which meant me and Bird need to go. I went to go get Bird but realized he was already downstairs when I heard Tiff say Bird stop they can come down any second now. I just shock my head and announced I was headed down. Once I got down I told my cuz hey and gave her a hug then headed out the door.

I went and turned on the car and waited for Bird to come out. His mom and dad don't know I'm staying at their house since they are out of the country and by the time they get back me and Bird should have our own apartment. As I was listening to DMX Bird, Tay, and Tiff came out with Carson and Ava. I stepped out to give Carson a kiss and Tay a hug. Bird hopped in the car after giving Tiff and Ava kisses goodbye. When Bird got in I began our drive to work.

"Bro why you doing Tay like this"

"Like what"

"Man you know what. You treating her like she don't mean nun to you and honestly me and Tiff tired of seeing it"

"Man I do not treat her like that. I treat her like a friend which she is"

"You know y'all are more than friends. Bro you took her virginity. She takes care of yo son while we at work and practice and yet you still haven't made it official with her"

"Bro its not that easy. We rushed that. We didn't talk for weeks and now she comes around and I just want to take it slow. I wanna make sure she don't leave again. I wanna make sure I don't mess up"

"I understand that but if you wait to long you gonna lose her"

"Nall she ain't goin nowhere" at least I hope she don't

"Bro you do know Ty asked her to Homecoming right"

"What!!! She can't go with him. He ain't no good. She told him no right"

"She hasn't given him an answer yet. She's waiting on you dumbass"

"If I ask her I want to do it right and at the right time"

"Well u better get to asking cause if you don't ask her soon she's gonna tell Ty yes"

"But he's so awkward. How could she even consider him"

"Because you haven't"

"But I have. I've been thinking about this for a week now. I'm trying to figure out whose gonna watch Carson"

"You do know Ava's mom is back for that weekend I'm pretty sure she wouldn't mind watching Carson too"

"Yea but I don't want her to worry about Carson. I think it'll be best if she spends time with Ava by herself"

"Ok but you need to figure some out fast"

"I will" I pulled up to the mall and we got out. I could tell today wasn't gonna be a good day.

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