Chapter 7

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It's been a week since I first saw Chris at my family's restaurant but it hasn't been my last. She comes in everyday just like she said she would. I'm always here when she comes in but sometimes she be looking so hot that I get scared and don't serve her. So instead I tell Kay to serve her.

I know that it's stupid but I just can't help the way she makes me feel. Hopefully this weekend I can grow a pair and actually hold a convo with her.

I'm really shocked that the school is letting us go to Cali. Considering they had to come out of pocket for at least half of it for it to be considered a school event. I know my mom had to pay 600 for me and Kay each since we joined the team late.

I'm really excited for the first game. I haven't seen our team play but I have heard some good things about them so I'm really excited to see them. I'm really a good football fan. I love watching NFL on Sundays and College on Saturdays. When I was younger me and my bro would always play catch or tag. I miss those days. But I'm most looking forward to see Chris in her tight uniform.

When I tell you she has the body of a goddess I'm not exaggerating. I'm still kinda confused on how she's able to play football but I just let it go and continue to think about the incoming week. This week is goin to be hectic. First practice is longer so that we can make sure we don't make a fool of ourselves. Then Wednesday we are having a meeting with the football team and band to go over rules and regulations. Then Thursday a pep rally and finally Friday we fly out to Cali. Today is Tuesday so it's just practice then home to do some homework.

Along with the hectic schedule for cheer I also have a paper due Thursday, a Math Test, and a science test. Just because we're leaving early on Friday. We leave the school at 1 but leave class at 12 so that everyone can eat and check their bags.

Today is Thursday one more day before we leave and it's also the day of the pep rally. Yesterday was nothing special except Chris came over to talk to Tiff and me although she didn't know I was on the cheer team. Tiff invited her and Bird to our room because Tiff has a lil crush on Bird and she thinks me and Chris would make a cute couple. I don't argue with her I just go with the flow. But back to today it's the pep rally and I'm really excited because the cheer team does a lil dance at the end of our routine and we get to pick a football player to dance on. I was goin for Chris but if she's takenI'll just pick somebody else.

As the day ends we get ready for the pep rally. We cheer our boys on as they make their way out. But as they come in I don't see Chris and Bird but then as the line is getting smaller and the end is near Chris and Bird appears. When I tell you the crowd got 10x louder for them Im surprised no girl threw themselves at them the way they were screaming for them.

All Chris and Bird did though was just laugh and shake their heads. They did some lil hand shake and met up with their coach at the middle of the gym. Coach gave them man hugs and started talking then they started talking and blah blah blah. Finally it was our turn to do our performance the dance was goin great it was finally time to grab a football player. So we all went and grabbed one and to my surprise nobody grabbed Chris so I grabbed her and started twerking on her. I felt something hard against me but didn't think nun of it but then it started moving and getting hard that's when I stopped for a second confused on what it was then I went back to dancing.

Afterwards I started ignoring Chris. I was really trynna wrap me head around everything. Was that a dick? If so how did she get it? Is it big? Does it work? Can I touch it? Wait did I really just ask myself if I can touch it? I definitely need space to clear my head. Thank God we can leave now. I quickly left and went to our restaurant but ofc later on during my shift the football team comes in leaded by nun other than Chris. I tried to keep my distance but that ended when Kay told me she would need help taking their orders.

So I greeted them and took their orders but wen I got to Chris I kept my head down and took her order. This is going to be a very long weekend I thought to myself. I waited til their food was done and then took them their food. As I placed  Chris plate down I made sure not to make eye contact then I left. I could tell Chris wasn't to pleased by my actions but there was nothing he could do about it. I had to think about everything.

Today is now Friday which means we leave later on. I'm so excited. This will be my first time in Cali. I heard the weather is fantastic hopefully we get to go to the beach. Since we leaving at 1 our time it should be around 2 their time when we get there. Which would give us time to relax and go shopping. We're staying at the Hill resort I looked up pictures and its beautiful it's right by the beach to. So I'm very excited.

As the day ended we made our way to the locker rooms and checked to make sure we had everything. I realized that I forgot some pajamas. Tiff was like don't worry we'll find you some pajamas when we get there. I was like thanks. Soon the bus arrived to take us to the airport. They wanted the girls to sit up front then the coaches in between us and the football team. That worked out pretty perfect. When we arrived to the airport they did bag checks and stuff and made sure we were all set to go. We went to our gate and begin boarding since it was a private plane we didn't have to wait. As we were boarding the plane I saw Chris talking to one of the cheerleader's I'm not gonna lie that kinda hurt my feelings but I just lowered my head and continued to board the plane. We were allowed to sit anywhere on the plane so me and Tiff sat
behind Bird and Chris. I seen that Kay sat next to CJ I started to realize that they were getting close.  All through the flight Bird and Chris talked about hooking up with all type of chicks on these type of trips. It kinda pissed me and Tiff off because we really liked them and we didn't want to become one of their usual hookups. When we finally landed and got off the plane I was so happy. Looking at the palm trees and the nice weather was just so relaxing. We all boarded on our rented bus and made our way to the hotel. When we got there I was in total shock. That hotel had to have like 15 floors and it sat right on the beach. We patiently waited outside while the head coach and cheer coach went and got the room keys. Me and Tiff were planning out our whole day.

Soon the coaches returned and handed out our key cards and told us to be back down at 4 to go to the mall or beach. We all grabbed our bags and went upstairs to freshen up. The school reserved the top 3 floors for us. Each floor had 75 rooms on it. So the football team and cheer team had the top floor. The band had the second to top floor and half the third floor along with the parents who are coming and the coaches. I didn't understand why they weren't putting at least one coach on every floor but they didn't so we just gone roll wit it.

As we were goin in our rooms we saw that Bird and Chris were rooming across from us at that we were in a corner by ourselves. This is finna be a fun and interesting night.

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