Chapter 6

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Chris POV

It's been a week since I first went to Tays family Restaurant and I'm not even finna front I been everyday since I first went. Sometimes Tay there sometimes her sis Kay is there. It really don't matter to me who there as long as my food good as fuck.

Practice has been tough as fuck and seems to be getting tougher by the day since our first game is this Friday. Our last day of Practice this week is Wednesday. After practice the team meats up to go over film on the opposing team. This week we traveling to play one of the best teams in the country. We are traveling to California to play none other then The Dominion Red Devils. Red Dominion High School is considered the number three high school football team in the country according to Max Preps. Red Dominion has not lost a football game in 3 years and we plan to end that streak come Saturday evening.

Today is Tuesday so it's practice as usual except coach is up front with the band director and cheer coach having a talk with all of us. They goin over the normal rules no girls in boys rooms, no boys in girls room, curfew is 10:00, everybody be on their best behavior, no horse playing in the hotels, be respectful of other guests, bag checks and any other thing you can think of. They also discussed the pep rally tomorrow and that they want us to wear our jerseys. I was just like yea what ever.

The school decided to let the band fly out with us this year so that we can have some type of support besides the couple of parents who fly out and our cheerleaders. Our band is pretty big. There's almost 300 students in band there's 50 football players and 15 cheerleaders so you know the school is paying a lot of money for this game. Each room is to have 4 people to a room but you know coach let me and Bird have our own room. CJ wanted to be in the room with us but we said hell nawl. We flying out Friday morning while the band flies out Friday night to save room. There flying on one of their member private plans while we fly on Hops family plane.

I really didn't notice before but when I went to go talk to my lil cuz I saw Tay sitting by her. As I approached them I asked Tay what she was doin here and she said she's a cheerleader I was hella shocked because I didn't know that she would be on the trip with me and that made me a lil scared because on these trips a lot of hooking up happens and I was praying nobody hooks up with her cause I kinda got a lil crush on her. Nun to major just like a small lil yearning for her.
Tiff told me that her and Tay have a room to themselves and that me and Bird should come chill with them. Tiff might not know this but I plan on hooking her and Bird up with each other bird kinda has a thang for Tiff and even though she tries to hide it I know Tiff has a thang for Bird. So I agreed and was like yea we'll be over after curfew checks.

Today is Wednesday and the day of the pep rally. School goes by pretty quickly and towards the end on the school day it's time for the pep rally. As the football team make it to the locker room I can hear the DJ all the way from the gym. Soon coach comes in and tells us to get ready to go so we all line up me and Bird at the end. For some reason coach likes to put us at the back so that when we come out we can hear how loud the students cheer for us and not gonna lie the cheer hella loud for us. Me and bird just shake or head and smile. Then we do our handshake and jog over to coach. As we make our way to coach he smiles and starts talking stating how this is a huge test for us and this game will depict how the rest of our season goes. He goes on and on about how their ranked 3rd in the country while we're ranked 5th and that we're better than them. After he finishes he hands me and Bird the mics and we say something about watching us on ESPN and supporting us blah blah blah. Finally it's the cheerleaders turn. I love watching them perform because they all have different styles. But somethings different this time whereas usually I'm looking at the whole team this time my eyes won't leave Tays body. The way she sways to the music and do her flips I'm starting to get hard. I try to forget the urge but the longer they perform the harder I get. Toward the end of their performance the cheerleaders come and grab some players to my surprise Tay grabs me then they started grinding on us. I could tell she was shocked at what she felt by how her body stiffened for a second then goes back to dancing. Afterwards we played a couple games and had dance battles. Then we did our school cheer and dismissed. I tried to talk to Tay but she quickly walked away. It kinda mad me angry but mostly sad.

As the week continued we patiently waited for our trip. Tay stills tries to avoid me and look the other way when I'm looking at her. Usually on Thursdays the team plans to meet up and have a team dinner and bonding day after school. Usually we go bowling and have a lil competition then head to a local restaurant. Today we decide to eat at the Cove. Some off the guys haven't been so it'll be funny to see their reaction. As we get there and get seated we start talking about our first game and what we're looking forward to the most. I said hitting some of there best players and throwing TDS all over their defense. My teammates laughs at me.

Soon our waitress arrives and of course it's Tay. After her avoiding me at school and in our classes together I finally get to see her at her restaurant. She comes and takes half our orders while Kay and another waitress takes the rest. Even here she won't look at me she just says yes and look at her notebook. I tell her what I want and she walks off. I just shake my head and continue to talk to the boys. If she didn't want to talk today it's ok. She'll talk to tomorrow at the hotel.

It's now Friday and the day we fly out. Today was uneventful. I had a test in Math and a paper due in English. I aced my test and got an A- on my paper. I really didn't care though I was just so excited about us flying out. After school the team meet up in the locker room and did our normal equipment check for every away game. Everybody had everything and was ready to go. We all loaded the bus. Girls in the front boys in the back. We then proceeded to drive the 45 mins to the airport. As were boarding the plane I realized I'm sitting in front of Tay. I just put my headphones in and enjoyed the flight and talk to Bird.

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