Chapter 8

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Chris POV

So we in Cali and might I say it is beautiful. We just got settled into our rooms and now we gettin ready to go to the mall. I personally wanted to go to the beach but Bird was like he wants to go shopping to have some different from the lame dudes back home. So that's where we headed.

As we leaving our room to meet up with everyone then split up into our two groups we run into Tay and Tiff and man Tay was lookin fine as fuck. She had on a red Nike shirt with black shorts and some red and white Nike's. I know it seems basic but she made it look 10x hotter than any other girl would be able to. I was so caught up in checking her out that I didn't realize that they had asked me a question. Bird and Tiff started laughing while Tay just blushed and shook her head. This time I paid attention and answered Tiffs question on whether we were goin to the Mall or Beach and I answered Mall. Tiff nodded her head and said us to and asked if we wanted to hang with them we said yea and headed to the lobby.

We got to the Mall and first thing I thought was damn this mall had everything. We all decided that we wanted to go look for some shoes so we went to Footlocker. We all bought 3 pairs of shoes and new slides. Then we decided to go look for some clothes to match our new shoes. I really wasn't paying attention to anybody but Tay. I saw that she picked the same shoes as me and that she kept looking at me to see what type of clothes I was looking at. Of course I was looking at Polo, Tommy, and Nike but I really didn't see nothing that caught my eyes so I decided I would look up some stuff later. For now I was good on clothes.

So it's around 6 now and we leaving at 9 to go back to the rooms so we decided to go get some food. All them wanted McDonalds but I don't fuck with them so I decided on subway. We all met up at the table and ate and talked about what we were gonna do later. They decided that since we didn't go to the beach that we should go later so I agreed. That's when I realized I forgot my swimsuit. After we ate we decided to split up and do our own things. So me and Bird went to go look for swimsuits as we were walking we saw some fine as girls walking right towards us we gave each other the look and tired to make a our move. We got shot down fast as fuck. I was kinda shocked. We have never been turned down but I guess there's a first for everything so I just brushed it off and kept going to my destination. As we passed Victoria Secrets I saw the girls in there so I stopped and looked for a sec to see what they were into. As I'm looking I saw that Tay picked up a pink bra and thong set and all I could do was think of her in it stripping for me. I quickly had to get that image out my head cause I was at the mall but I so badly wanted to see her naked.

That's when I thought of a plan for tonight. I filled Bird in on it and he was feeling the idea. So we continued to shop for the things for tonight. And ended up buying new swimsuits. We found some plastic cups, Graham crackers, marshmallows, Hersey chocolate, and found a cool adult to buy us some alcohol. We were ready for tonight now the girls just got to agree. Luckily our game wasn't until 3 tomorrow cause we most likely will have a hangover.

It's now 9 and we heading back to the hotel. As we on the bus I see that the girls got Victoria Secrets bags and some bags from Spencer's and Hot Topic. I was kinda confused on the Spencer's bag cause everybody knows about the back of Spencer's. Let's hope they don't got no tricks up their sleeves because two can play that game.

Once we got back to the hotel it was about 9:30 so we all went up to our rooms and changed our clothes and got ready to head to the beach after curfew. The coaches did room checks at 10 then they went back to their rooms. We knew that they were gonna do a surprise check at 11 so that's why we planned on goin at 11:15 cause right after they do room checks the old people go to sleep.

It's finally time to go to the beach so we grabbed our bagged and met up with the girls. We decide to take the stairs so that we don't run into any parents just incase they ain't all sleep yet. We quickly made our way to the beach and stripped into our bathing suits. When Tay came up out that cover thing I almost passed out. Her body was perfect every curve every little ab she had the way the moon exposed her body I just wanted to hold her all night. I didn't notice that I got to excited and had a boner until Bird tapped me. I quickly ran into the water and cooled off.

The others soon joined and we began to play chicken. Of course me and Tay won but we almost lost at first. Just having her so close to me was having my head spinning. All I wanted was to have her body under me moaning my name and calling me daddy but I knew it was to soon for that.

After a couple more games of Marco Polo and chicken we swam back to shore and started a camp fire. We made s'mores and decided to play truth or dare. It was my turn and I picked dare. Me and Bird has already planned this out at the mall so he said " I dare you to make out with Tay". I had to play it off like that's not what I wanted so I was like nall give me some else but Tay interjected and was like wats wrong you scared. So that's when I pulled her in and gave her a kiss. I don't know what it was but it was something totally different than any other kiss I've had. It felt like a ton of butterflies were goin crazy in my stomach. Like we were the only people on the planet. Everything just felt right. But all to soon that ended.

Now it was my turn and I picked Tiff. She picked dare so I dared her to sleep the whole night naked with Bird in the room. I get it was a lil much but they have been wanting each other since Freshman year and were now Juniors they need to speed this up. Of course she refused but the punishment for refusing was running to the ocean naked so she quickly changed her mind. Next it was her turn and she picked Tay. The game was getting more serious so Tay was a lil hesitant but she still picked dare. Tiff dared her to do the exact same thing I dared Tiff to do. No lie I was shocked when Tay agreed but I was kinda excited. Next Tay dared Bird to leave a trail of hickeys on Tiffs stomach leading down to her vagina. He quickly agreed but only if she let me do the same and she said yea. That's when I knew we was gonna get it on tonight and I was ready.

Next chapter things heat up but will it end up backfiring. And sorry for the late update been busy with work. If y'all see any mistakes just leave a comment by it and I'll go back to fix them.

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