Chapter 16

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Chris POV

So today is my birthday and I'm not so happy about it. Tay is ignoring me again. She told Ty she'll go to Homecoming with him which sucks cuz I was making a big plan to ask her but she saw me with an old friend and bitched at me.
"So is this the reason you brushing me off"

"Wtf Tay. What are doing here. What are you talking about"

"Is she the reason you won't give me a chance"

"I gave you a chance and you blew it. When I needed you most you turned yo back on me and you want me to just forget about that"

"Yes. I'm here now I take care of YO son like he's my own. I watch him so that you can work and play sports. I spend my whole Saturday with him so that you can provide for him but yet all you do is bitch and complain about the past. I know I was wrong and I'm trying to make up for it but it seems everything I try isn't enough for you and you know what I'm through trying to prove to you I want you and only you" then she walked away
Current time

So since Saturday I haven't spoken to or seen Tay so I just take care of my son. I've worked out a schedule with my coaches to be able to pick up Carson and take him to my moms place. I know y'all wondering why I'm letting her see him. My mom is filing for a divorce and has moved into her own place so I let her get him while I'm at work and school. Tiff don't talk to me no more after everything at the mall. It sucks she chose Tay over me but it's wateva. I guess blood ain't thicker than water. We have a football game tonight and its against our rival. We been practicing hard everyday for this game. If we win we have a chance at winning the district if we lose we have to win next week to be number one.

I'm on the way to take Carson to my mom so I can head back to the school and get ready for the game. My mom had a shirt made for Carson that says my momma is number 1. It's so cute it has a pic of me and him together. As I pulled up to the house my mom was outside waiting

"Hey ma"

"Hey baby. Happy birthday"

"Thanks ma. How r u today"

"I'm good son waiting on my handsome grandson. How r I today"

"I'm good just ready for the game"

"You gone dominate tonight right"

"Of course ain't nun getting in my way"

"That's my girl."

"Is Christine coming down for my bday"

"I'm sorry honey but I wasn't able to get her down. Apparently they had a big test today I'm Sorry sweetie"

"It's ok there's always next year" I was really upset about this I always get to see my sister for my bday it was a tradition since our birthdays are 2 days apart.

"I'll make it up to you I promise"

"Ok mom well I gotta go I got a game to prepare for"

"Ok sweetie I'll see you later" I walked up and gave Carson a kiss and headed back to school

"On my way to the school I stopped at the Cove to get some wings. As I pulled up I saw my friend from the mall.

"Yo "

"O hey Chris. Happy birthday"

"Thanks what you up to"

"Nun much just getting some to eat then heading home"

"You should come to the game tonight"

"I don't know about that. I haven't been to a school event since I graduated two years ago"

"Come on Britt you'll be cheering on yo favorite person"

"Who says your my favorite person"

"Me and it's my bday"

"We'll see"

"Ok see you tonight"

So let me tell you who Britt is. Britt was the girl who took my virginity. I first met Britt on my first day of High School. She was a senior at the time and was the it girl of the school and me being a freshman and already had 2 state champs under my belt we quickly became friends. Fast forward to a Christmas party hosted by my brothers and we had sex. I was so nervous I was gonna screw up but Ig everything was good bcuz we got in a relationship and were happy for a couple months up until she started ignoring me and when I tried to talk to her she ignored me and we neva spoke again until I saw her in the mall Saturday. She was buying matching shoes in kids and her size. I found out she moved to Texas after she graduated but had to come back when her mom got sick so now she go to Decklin Community College. Hopefully she comes to the game.

I'm otw back to the school now as I walked in I bumped into Tay and Ty I just looked her up and down and kept walking. I made it to the locker room and saw Bird.

"Wassup birthday girl"

"Nun much just saw Britt at the Cove"

"Isn't Britt yo first gf ever"

"Yea. I invited her to the game tonight"

"O ok. So u over Tay"

"I'm over all the drama. From arguing to make up to break ups to everything. It's just too much"

"So u gonna try it out with Britt"

"Nall I just want a friendship with Britt. Right now I'm just tryna enjoy life and spend time with my son"

"O aight. Let's get ready for this game"

So far the game was goin good we are up 42-14 and it's the 3rd quarter with 3 minutes left to go. Coach decided that's the starters wouldn't play the 4th quarter. We were on defense now and the quarterback had dropped back to throw the ball to the WR I was covering I had good position on the ball to get an interception as I was goin up to catch the ball everything went black.
Sorry for the late update I was in the midst of writing a chapter when I decided I wanted the book a different direction

Above is Britt

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