Chapter 12

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Chris POV

I was in the shower when I heard knocking on my door. I finished washing the soap off and headed to the door. When I opened it I saw Tay standing looking distraught. She then proceeded to ask if she could chill in here, I was confused but if she could tell bcuz she told me she walked in on Tiff and Bird giving each other head. I burst out laughing at that. My nigga Bird the man. He better not hurt my cousin though or I'm beating his ass. I told her sure let me go put on some shorts and bra. Once I came out the bathroom Tay was looking uncomfortable in her uniform so I offered her an extra pair of shorts I had and one of my shirts. She said thanks and went and took a shower. As I'm watching TV Tay asks if we had any extra towel I told Nall we was out and she said damn. I called for some extra towels and when they got there I went in the bathroom not paying attention to anything and walked in on Tay naked. I quickly handed her the towel and walked out. As I looked down I saw I had a hard on.

Once Tay came out my hard on was still there and getting bigger looking at her in my clothes. Tay said thanks for the clothes and came and laid her head on my chest. I was getting really nervous because the way she make me feel is out of this world. She started making circles on my stomach and asked me a question that kinda shocked me.

"Hey um when are you going to tell your family your not goin to Florida? I could tell when your dad brought it up your mood changed"

"Your actually the first person to ask me that. Everyone just assumes that I'm going since that's where everyone in my family goes but I honestly don't know where I want to go. I just know I wanna make my own decisions. I've been going to Florida games my whole life but they don't appeal to me. I like their colors but I'm not really into the school."

"So do you know what sports you wanna play in college"

"Honestly I wanna play basketball when I'm older but I know it's gonna be hard explaining that to my family"

"So why don't you go to a school that has a good basketball team"

"Because I also want to play at least one year of baseball and football in college and I want to go to a school that can help me improve in all three sports"

"Yea but are you gonna let that one year affect your other 3 years."

"Yes because I want to play all 3!!! I've always played them 3 so why should I stop. I'm a great athlete and I want to prove the world wrong. Prove that I'm not just an excuse of a life. That I can actually make a difference"

"Baby you can prove every one wrong you just gotta believe in yourself and stay true to yourself."

"Of course ima stay true to myself but I also wanna stay true to my abilities. I know I could be the first girl in the NFL, NBA, or MLB and I just wanna have a chance to prove it." 

"You will have a chance at any school you go to. Wherever you go your gonna shine your gonna prove them all wrong and your gonna be successful."

"I guess your right. What do you wanna do in college we really have not talked about your dreams. Like I'm ranked number one in every sport I play but I don't know much about you."

"Well I'm actually ranked number 15 in women's basketball and ranked 5 in track for the 800m and ranked 3rd for the 400m. I hold offers from schools like Tennessee LSU Ole Miss Bama Auburn Miss St and etc. I really haven't made any decisions yet but I think Ima go to Auburn. It's where I grew up and I know the city pretty well."

"Really Auburn I didn't think you would be an Auburn girl. You know they offered me when I was in 8th grade. And I have talked to the coaches there in all 3 sports. They all seem to be interested in me coming. I think that's where ima go but I want to meet the teachers and see the whole school before I commit."

"Really that's awesome. Imagine us in school together and getting married later in life"

"Us married I can see that but I want 5 kids maybe even 6."

"6 is a lot we'll talk about that later"

"How about we start working on them kids now" I tried to see how she was feeling about me but it's really hard to tell. She started blushing mad hard. It was super cute. She looked up at me and I looked at her lips and leaned for the kiss. Things quickly escalated and soon Tay was naked and I was asking her if she was sure. She nodded and said yea. I told her that I'm bigger than normal so I'll take it slow.
————————-SEX AHEAD——————
I proceeded to take off my bra and boxers and went and got a condom no kids coming this way anytime soon. I went back to Tay and when she saw my dick she looked scared. I asked her again if she's positive we can wait it out. She said yea and that she wanted this. So I lined up to her entrance and gently pushed in. She started wincing so I stopped to make sure if she's ok. She then nodded for me to continue to go so I kept pushing until I was halfway in. She had tears coming down so I wiped them off and and kissed her check. She nodded to tell me I could continue so I kept pushing until all 10 inches were in. I sat there for a while so she could get used to it. She soon started rocking her hips telling me to move so I moved in and out of her soon she was moaning my name. Every time she moaned I just went faster and faster. Her moans were driving me crazy I wanted to hear them over and over. To my surprise she flipped me over and started riding me she was bouncing up and down while her head was thrower back. I could tell she was close to her finish because her walls were clenching. It was driving me insane. I knew that after she came I would come right after her but good I didn't want to she felt so good against my body. Soon she was coming undone and right afterwards I came into the condom. Afterwards I took the condom off and went and got a warm rag to help clean her up. But when I came back she was knocked out sleep. I just cleaned and covered her up and laid in bed with her goin to sleep.

We got up early Sunday morning to head back home. Once everybody boarded we flew back. I gave Tay a kiss once we got home and proceeded to head to my house but when I got there something was on the porch. As I got closer I realized it was a baby with a note attached.

"I know this isn't the way you would've wanted to find out but it's the only way I could tell you that you have a baby. His name is Carson Elijah Williams . He was born March 16, 2020. I had him at home so nobody knew I was pregnant except my family. I'm really sorry Chris but I hope you take good care of him. Please don't try to find me. It's safer if I stay out of his and your life. I've taken care of him for as long as I could. Please take good care of him. I left some diapers and bottles in the diaper bag. He's been here since 2:00 hopefully you get here soon."

What the fuck is this I looked around but I didn't see anybody or anything out of the ordinary. I looked at my phone and it was 2:10 so this person was just here. I picked up the baby and looked at him and he looked just like me. It's now the beginning of September so this baby has to be about 6 months. I was very confused. How could this have happened? When did this happen? How am I gonna explain this to my family? What about my future? What am I gonna do? What will Tay think? I took the baby in the house and just thought about how this could've happened. God I'm screwed.
Unknown POV

I knew it was wrong to leave Carson on her porch but it wasn't safe for me to have him. I couldn't provide for him the way I knew Chris could. I watched from behind a tree as I seen Chris look up confused. I'm sorry for everything Chris but I have to do it. I went back to see my mom and dad arguing about me. My dad wanted to kick me out but my mom wasn't having it. My dad then tried to attack me but my mom shot him. She stood there shocked. My dad was laying lifeless on the floor. My mom yelled at me to go get clothes so we could leave. I hurriedly got my clothes and we left. Never to be seen or heard from again.
Alrighty a lot has happened in this chapter let me know how y'all liked it.

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