I spent the rest of the day catching up with the boys and making up for the lost time. Nothing's really happened with them. You know, some of them got jumped here and there, and Dally got jailed (obviously more than once).
It was about 8 o'clock when I left, and I was scared to leave by myself, but I didn't admit that when I left.
I was halfway to my house, and shivering since I didn't bring a jacket. At this time of night, on a Friday, God knows how many drunks are out tonight.
I heard an engine behind me. Turning, I was faced with a black Corvair, nicely painted.
It stopped in front of me. I was far too scared to do anything, and they walked out before I even had the chance to run anyway.
There were four of them; big, diesel guys, wearing varsity jackets with their school's initials on it.
They would be attractive if they weren't drunk and harassing me.
"Wow boys, we got a famous one tonight." One hollered, making my face fluster with anger.
"I'll have you know that I am a regular human being! Not just a 'famous one', you douche." I stepped up confidently.
"Baby, we just want to see how much fun you can have." A dark-haired one winked, wrapping his arms around my waist.
I struggled to get free from his grasp, which only made him hold on tighter. I groaned as I felt a pain in my stomach and legs, which I realize was them punching and kicking me.
All of a sudden, they dropped me and left. I was picked up and placed in what seemed like somebody's car. It was warm, and I had a blanket placed over me.
"Liz? Can you hear me?" A raspy yet soothing voice said.
"Yeah, I can." I responded, barely above a whisper.
I turned to see Bob. Wow, it seems like I've just seen him yesterday.
"Bob!" I jumped into his arms despite my wounds, making him very startled, but he hugged back.
"I missed you, Bob. Where've you been lately?" I questioned.
"Oh, just back here in Tulsa. How was the Honeymoon Tour?"
"It was amazing, thanks for asking."
"Wow, I forgot how great it is to just talk with you, Lizzie." He smiled, eyes focused on the road.
I pointed him the directions to my mansion, and after about three minutes, he finally stopped.
"So, I'll see you sometime?" Bob asked nervously.
"Definitely. I can't thank you enough for your help tonight."
"Just be more careful, all right babe?" He smiled, looking over at me.
I pecked his cheek, feeling the heat in his face before thanking him once more and getting out of his car.
I entered my house, dropping my keys on the kitchen counter. Slowly walking up to my master bedroom, I winced at every little movement due to my body hurting.
Walking into the bathroom, I inspected the cuts and bruises. The only severe thing was the large cut from the top of my rib cage to the end of my waist. There was a bruise around it, and it just looked like a black spot. I had no idea that they did this much damage.
To prevent infections, I placed alcohol on my cuts. Despite my constant flinching, I got it done and wrapped gauze around it. I would just place make-up over my smaller cuts tomorrow.