8: ~ Dark But Lovely ~

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They are so sweet.

The next moment you felt a hand covering your mouth. It was huge, almost as big as your face. You tried to shout, but only mumbles were heard. You sighed and looked who it was. You frowned seeing Hoseok smirking.
,,So you're a Fallen Angel, huh?" he said grinning pulling his hand away from your face. You sighed and nodded.

,,Yeah, I'm surprised you didn't know yet. What are you even doing here in my apartment?" you answered coldly glaring at him. He just kept the wide smirk and shrugged.
,,Maybe I was a bit curious seeing you with Werewolves..." he said while the smirk was fading in a look of disgust. You rolled your eyes.
,,So what? You're not my dad." You answered. He snickered.
,,True, but we are related even when you don't know." he answered smirking. Your eyes widened. He nodded at the reaction.

,,Yep, me and my brothers are the grandsons of Satan. Which means we are your cousins~"

You're the granddaughter of Satan. As you know, Devils are rulebreakers. They love to break the rules and do the opposite. Devils would go and meet Angels, hanging out with them and eventually falling in love with them. They would then have sex and the woman would get pregnant. The child would be sent to Earth as a Vampire or Fallen Angel.

,,Are you for real? Are Devils such rulebreakers?" you mumbled. Hoseok grin grew wider and wider. You glared at him.
,,Get out." you said coldly.
,,Aww, but I don't want to leave yet~"
He said pouting.
The anger in your body kept growing seeing him grin at you like you were an idiot.
,,I said," you closed your eyes feeling your body heat up. You opened my eyes revealing them to be a pitch black.

,,Get. Out." you said glaring at him. His eyes widened seeing you like this.
He then left quietly through the window revealing his wings fold open and carry him through the sky. You sighed, trying to cool down. When you feel calm again you smile and go to the kitchen, warming up some water for tea. You take a bag of green tea and put it in a mug. When the water was cooking you pour it in the mug and take the mug to the couch. You sit down sighing and put on the TV. You quietly watch the news.

,, ...It's been the 7th case of murder since yesterday evening. By every victim there are bite wounds in the neck. Investigators suspect that vampires are the reason for all of this. We'll keep you updated about this. Also, yesterday has the moon been covered by clouds, which means Fallen Angels will be in their true form. They aren't dangerous, but if you see or spot one, don't make them angry. This was the news of 18:00, thank you for watching, we'll be looking forward to you tomorrow." you sighed and shook your head.
,,They're so stupid, assholes..." you mumbled looking at Monie walking over to you. You smile and rub his head softly. You sighed feeling lonely. You pouted. Then an idea popped up in your head.
You stood up running towards your room and putting on a better outfit.

You then walked to Monie

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You then walked to Monie.
,,Be a good boy, okay? I'll be back on an hour or so." You said smiling and rubbed him behind his ear. He barked as answer. You giggled and walked to the door.
,,Bye, Monie!" you shouted and closed the door behind you.
It was late autumn, and because of that it was already dark outside, even though it was only 18:30. You walked out of the big building and walked rapidly to your favorite place: the Dark lake.

You would go there when you felt lonely or sad. When you would sit next to the lake you felt like you weren't alone anymore. You didn't mind. It felt like you finally got to fit in somewhere.
They call it the dark lake because of the forest around it. Even when it was day the forest would be dark and misty. They say there are ghosts there and when you would walk in the forest and you would get lost, the ghosts would help you through. But not back to the lake, no, to death. That's why people are not able to go in the forest.

The funny thing was, if you would swim in the lake, the same thing would happen. You would drown because of ghosts of people that drowned there. They would 'sing' which made people curious and made them swim deeper until they couldn't anymore. The thing was when you would be at the bottom of the lake, you couldn't get back up. Then the ghosts would pull you into the sand that is on the bottom of the lake. After that, the people wouldn't ever be seen again. A lot of people think the lake and forest are cursed, and that's why no one goes there anymore. Only you did.

When you arrived you smiled and sat down on the grass.

{3rd person}

A girl was sitting by a lake. The lake was surrounded by woods. No light was seen, only the beautiful stars were shining with a soft light. Next to her sat a boy. The girl didn't notice him until the boy spoke up.

,,A beautiful sight, isn't it?" the boy said, startling the girl.
,,Soobin? What are you doing here?" the girl asked. The boy chuckled.
,,I could ask you the same thing, Y/N." he said raising an eyebrow. The girl looked at the lake.

,,I come here when I feel sad or lonely. The sight calms me and makes me happy. But only when it's dark and the stars are out." the girl explained smiling.
,,Now I understand." Soobin mumbled.

,,You know Y/N," he continued.
,,I really like you." he confessed. Y/N's eyes widened at his words.
,,W-what?" she brought out while heating up. Her face turned slowly red.

The boy sitting next to her chuckled and laid himself down on the soft grass.
,,I like you. For me, you are like a shining star in the night. You're a girl, but different in your own way, like all girls," he told her smiling and looking at the pitch black sky.

,,You're so sweet, but there is a dark side only me and Amelia have seen. I think I am the closest to you from all the boys." he continued, closing his eyes.
,,I... Don't know what to say..." Y/N mumbled also laying herself down.

,,Do you have feelings for me, Y/N?" Soobin suddenly asked after a long time of silence.

,,I do, but... I don't know if I like you like you like me." she said looking at him.
,,Hmm." Soobin hummed. Y/N sighed and closed her eyes.
,,Maybe this will change your mind." Soobin said.
Suddenly he was upon Y/N, with both his knees over one leg of hers and his hands pinned next to her head.
Y/N's eyes opened quickly, widening at his handsome face above hers.
She swallowed, looking away so the boy wouldn't notice how her face was heating up quickly. Soobin cupped her face, making her face him again. Soobin grinned, staring deeply in her beautiful e/c eyes. His grin then vanished and his eyes focused on her lips. He slowly closed in the space between their faces, making their noses touch. He then slightly tilted his head and came again a bit closer to Y/N's lips. He then slowly pressed his lips on hers which made something raise in Y/N's stomach. Her eyes widened, but when she realized, she smiled and closed her eyes. She kissed back, what made Soobin grin. The kiss became more passionate by the seconds that past. Soobin then slowly pulled back with his eyes closed. When he opened his eyes and met Y/N's, a big smile formed on his face which made her melt.
,,Okay, now I know what kind of feelings I have for you, Soobin..." she mumbled. Soobins smile grew wider.
,,Tell me." he said.
,,Soobin, I love you." the girl said smiling.
,,I love you more Y/N." he said and pushed his plump lips smiling on Y/N's.
When Soobin pulled back from the kiss, he raised an eyebrow.
,,So, are we dating?" he asked smiling. Y/N shook her head smiling.
,,I don't know, I've kissed Yeonjun plenty of times, it doesn't mean we are dating." She said grinning. Soobin rolled his eyes playfully.
,,Will you be my girlfriend, then?" he asked smiling but he was serious.
,,What do you think?" Y/N answered. Soobins heart skipped beat, but when he realized what she just said his smile grew so wide that after a while his cheeks would hurt. He pressed his lips on Y/N's, happy that she said yes and that he's got the only thing he had ever wanted.

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