9: ~ Is That How You Think About Yourself ? ~

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- ,,Will you be my girlfriend, then?" he asked smiling but he was serious.
,,What do you think?" Y/N answered. Soobins heart skipped beat, but when he realized what she just said his smile grew so wide that after a while his cheeks would hurt. He pressed his lips on Y/N's, happy that she said yes and that he's got the only thing he had ever wanted.

When he pulled back from the kiss, he laid himself down on the grass, next to Y/N. He took her hand and interlinked their fingers and let their hands softly fall. He smiled and looked up at the stars. They twinkled and played around the sky. They reminded him of all the girls he had been friends with.
He never had much friends that were girls. Only Y/N and of course his sister. But not that long ago he had met a girl called Lia. She was really sweet and reminded him of Y/N. But sadly she was a victim of the 7 cases that had been killed.
He and Y/N know each other for a long time. You could call them childhood friends and now lovers of course.
Soobin looked at the quiet girl laying next to him. He smiled seeing her staring at him.
,,You like the sight?" Soobin said and grinned.
,, ... Of course I do. You're my boyfriend after all." Y/N answered grinning back. Soobin blushed slightly and chuckled at her answer.
,,Alright. I think it's time to go home, I'll walk you." he said. Y/N sat up and nodded. They stood up and walked hand in hand to Y/N's apartment.
When they arrived, Soobin wouldn't want to let his girlfriend go.
,,S-Soobin? Anything wrong?" the girl asked. Soobin looked at the ground.
,,I-I told Yeonjun hyung I wouldn't come home tonight because I would sleep over by a friend... So... C-could I stay the night, please?" he explained.
Y/N giggled and nodded.
,,Of course you may, I don't mind having guests you know." she said smiling warmly. She opened her door and immediately a little dog jumped on her legs and barked sweetly. Y/N giggled and stroked over his head and walked in her little, cute apartment. Soobin closed the door behind him and sat down on the couch.
,,Want to drink something, Bin?" Y/N asked. Soobin raised an eyebrow.
,,Bin? Only Amelia calls me that haha. And no thank you, baby." he answered. Y/N slowly turned around looking at Soobin, surprised by the nickname he gave her. She felt the blood streaming towards the top of her ears and quickly turned around again. She grabbed herself a glass and filled it with water. She drank from it, cooling herself down since she felt really warm. Suddenly a pair of arms wrapped around her waist and she felt a warm breath in her neck. She put down the glass, looking who the guy was that was back hugging her, even though she already knew who it was. She turned around and Soobin had a serious but cute look on his face. His hands were placed around her waist and his face was really close by Y/N's. Y/N smiled warmly and softly laid a hand on his face.
,,Do you know how much I love you, Y/N...?" Soobin softly asked. Y/N's smile faded and turned into a frown.
,,B-Bin, why are you asking me?" she mumbled. Soobin came closer the her face.
,,Do you know how beautiful you are?" he whispered. Y/N swallowed and looked down.
,,You find me beautiful?" she whispered back.
,,Even when I'm a mistake by an Angel and Devil...?" she let a tear roll down her face.
,,Is that how you think of yourself, Y/N? Because if that's so, then you're not what you think you are." he mumbled quietly and lifted Y/N's face. She swallowed and looked in his eyes. Tears were falling down her soft cheeks.
,,You are so beautiful. You are so strong. You bared so much pain through the years I've known you. That's why you're so special to me, Y/N. You're everything to me, I can't live a single day without you." Soobin whispered frowning.
,,Why don't you see that, Y/N? You're so much more than you think you are..." he continued.
,,Y/N, I love you." he finally brought out as a whisper while a single tear rolled down his cheek.
,,S-Soobin..." Y/N brought out and hugged him tightly. She cried it out on his shirt.
,,Yes, let your feelings out. You need it..." Soobin said and softly rubbed her back. They stayed like that for a while. At the end, Soobins shirt was soaked and Y/N felt a lot better. For some reason, Soobin started crying seeing that his love is down and sad. When Y/N finally calmed down, Soobin was still crying. For some reason he couldn't stop crying.
,,Thank you, Soobin. I really needed that." Y/N said while wiping away a tear that was rolling down Soobins face.
,,Why are you crying, Binie?" she asked giggling. Soobin chuckled and wiped away his last tears.
,,I-I just don't like seeing you sad..." he mumbled and looked away. Y/N made him face her again by pecking his cheek.
,,I love you, Soobin. Very much. I never want to see you cry again. It hurts my feelings." she told him quietly. Soobin smiled softly and softly stroke over her face with his thumb.
,,The same goes for you, baby. Don't cry anymore and don't think so low about yourself." he answered. He softly pressed his lips on hers, letting her know she means everything to him. He pulled Y/N closer to his body and moved his lips slowly on hers. Y/N kissed back and moved her lips at the same rhythm as Soobins. Soobin pulled back and stared deeply into Y/N's.
,,You're so... Y/N, I love everything about you..." he mumbled in a deep voice. Y/N smiled softly and hugged Soobin.
,,I love you more, Soobin." she whispered in his soaked shirt.
,,Now, would you please go change your shirt? I-it's kind of... Wet." she joked and giggled at her own joke. Soobin laughed and nodded.
,,Do you have any spare clothes I could borrow?" he asked. Y/N nodded, took his hand and pulled him to her bedroom.
,,Sit on the bed, I'll get them for you." she said and walked in her walk-in closet. She took the bag of clothes that she kept and handed it to Soobin.
,,Thanks, where can I change?" he asked.
,,Uh you know where the bathroom is right?" Y/N answered flustered, somehow. Soobin was messing with her, knowing it would make her blush.


He chuckled and nodded.
,,Of course I do, I was just messing with you, baby." he answered and walked to the bathroom. Y/N blushed and sat herself down on the bed.

Why is he so cute and attractive?

Soobin came out of the bathroom and sat himself down next to Y/N. He took her hand, interlinking their fingers. Y/N looked at their hands, then she looked at the boy sitting next to her. When she saw his outfit, memories streamed into her brain. Memories she had buried and were supposed to never be seen again.
,,Babe? A-are you okay?" Soobin asked worried. Y/N was pulled out of her memories. She nodded and smiled.
,,Yeah, just thinking about something." she answered. Soobin frowned.
,,If there's something wrong, you can always tell me, okay baby?" he said and softly squeezed her hand. Y/N nodded and smiled thankful. She yawned and laid her head on Soobins shoulder. Soobin chuckled.
,,Is my baby tired?" he asked and stroke her hair. She nodded and closed her eyes.
,,Then let's go to sleep." he mumbled, picked the tired girl up and laid her in bed. He laid himself down next to the girl and covered both of them. Y/N crawled closer to him and wrapped her arms around him. Soobin did the same and whispered:

,,Goodnight, baby. I hope I'll dream about you."

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