14:~ Surprise ~

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,,where are you going, baby girl?"

Y/N turned around, meeting two dark brown big eyes. The girl smiled and sat down next to Soobin.
,,Hi, baby. How are you feeling?" Y/N calmly asked. The young man smiled weakly.
,, I'm okay, I feel a bit better. But that is just because I took an aspirin and took a nap." He told you with a deep husky voice. Y/N nodded understanding.

! Warning !

the next scene is a slight smut scene. If you don't like this, I advice you to skip it. I warned you.

She suddenly felt like she needed to kiss him, so she leaned in and pressed her lips on Soobin's. He sat up, pulling her closer to him. Y/N sat on his lap, which made Soobin wrap his arms around her body, pulling her onto his.
Soobin then started pecking her neck causing Y/N to moan softly. Soobin grinned and continued. Y/N felt uncomfortable, she needed to stop this.
,,S-Soobin, s-stop... I-I'm not ready yet..." She stuttered, pulling away from his body. He stopped, seeing that you're not okay with him doing this.

! The scene has ended. You can now read peacefully. !

Soobin looked down in guilt.
,,S-sorry Y/N, I couldn't stop myself..." He mumbled. Y/N was heavily breathing, but she shook her head.
,,No, baby, it's okay, I know you can't. But, just... I'm not ready to have it yet and then to wake up the next day knowing we had it. I-I just... Am not ready yet." She explained softly, caressing Soobin's cheek. He smiled softly, showing his dimples. He laid his hand on Y/N's, softly rubbing over her hand with his thumb.

,, Soobin, you should get rest. And I need to go, I have something to do." Y/N said smiling, but she received a frown from him.

,,What do you need to do?" he asked. Y/N's smile faded, frowning.

,,I have a family dinner with my cousins, I-I can go right?" she asked worried. Soobin sighed in relief, and nodded.

,,Of course you can, sorry, I was just worried." He mumbled. Y/N smiled understanding, pecked his forehead and stood up.

,, I'll come over tomorrow after school, okay?" She said. Soobin nodded and smiled weakly.
,,I-I'll miss you." He whispered.
,, I'll miss you too. Bye, baby..." Y/N whispered back and went to the living room.

,,Where were you, Y/N? Took you long enough?!" Sasha quietly shouted.
,,He almost got me. I'm sorry okay? Now I really need to go home and change, I stink." Y/N said giggling. Sasha smiled and hugged her best friend.
,,Be careful okay? I'll go to school tomorrow, dad will be home tomorrow to look after the boys." She explained while walking you to the door.
,,Okay, see you then! Oh and call me around... 10 PM okay?" Y/N reminded her while walking out. Sasha nodded.
,,Alright. See you, Y/N, be careful okay?!" Sasha shouted as you were already going away. Y/N giggled loudly and put both her thumbs up. She then quickly ran home, changed into something more acceptable and then she got reminded that she doesn't have a car. She sighed and called Taehyung.

•••calling Taehyung•••


,,Hi, Taehyung. It's me, Y/N. Could you come and pick me up? I don't have a car haha."

,,*Chuckles* of course, be there in five."

,,Wait do you know-"

•••call has been ended•••

,,Ugh that guy." Y/N mumbled. Suddenly the bell rang. Y/N sighed, walked to the door and opened it. She saw someone who wasn't Taehyung.


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