Chapter One: First Encounter

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Rin's POV:

And just then the prince with the golden blonde hair said "Wake up you're gonna be late"? Nope. That was mom calling from the kitchen for me to get my ass up and get to school.

Damn, my dream was just getting good. Too bad I couldn't make out my prince's face, might've helped me get through this torture called school.

It's April 4th, day one my first semester as second year and I was soooo happy to be back, that was sarcasm if you can't tell.

I just don't get why people like it so much. The smell of teens who haven't showered for days. The judgemental looks as you walk down the halls, clutching your books in case someone tries to be an asshole and slam them to the floor.

The school life of an average nerd I guess you could call me. I'm not really a nerd anyways, I just get good grades. I don't even try! I just watch anime and play games all day, which isn't that healthy now that I think about it. Oh well, I'm here for a good time, not a long time.

"RIN! I DON'T WANT TO TELL YOU TWICE! GET. UP." I crawl out of the covers in fear of getting struck by my mom when she's angry. No one messes with Izumi Tachibana and get away with it.

I scatter all my possible outfits for a day back and decide on black jeans and a black t-shirt with a volleyball print on it. I like the idea of volleyball but definitely wouldn't play.

I toss on my clothes in a rush and get my sister, Sakura, to braid my hair. For someone with hair down to half her back, you'd think I know how to braid, but every time I try it ends up being total shit. Sakura has caramel colored hair up to her shoulders and never ties it, but can still braid, surprisingly enough.

Sakura is taking her sweet time today, making sure every strand is included, which means I have to miss the bus.

She finishes up, sweeping my two caramel colored braids to the front of me and I jolt up in a hurry to finish up. I run downstairs and put a pop-tart in the toaster while I ask my mom for a ride. I hoped she would say I could just stay home and not give me a ride.

"Please just take me to school. Only today." I make sure I look like I'm in pain to not get there on time, even though I wouldn't be there at all if it was up to me.

"Rin, I already told you I can't," she replies putting down her coffee to look at me.

"But why not?" I fake a small pout.

"Because being late is your fault. Now figure it out, either walk or get a ride with Sakura." She dismisses me with a flick of her wrist.

Ding~ rings the toaster and I grab the two pop-tarts I shoved in there earlier."Fine fine I'll get a ride from Sakura" Damn so close to not going.

Sakura stands by the door waiting for me with a smug expression on her face."Late again huh?" She asks, twirling her keys on her finger. Her black leather jacket squeaking on the wall.

"Well I wouldn't be if you hurried up with the braids," I snap back.

Sakura smiles, "Whatever just get in the car."

I walk to the car, listening to the rocks shifting on the pavement in response to my sneakers. Sakura has a black Jeep handed down from our dad, Kai Tachibana, before he died on a mission. He was part of the police force. I start to remember his warm smile that could brighten even the darkest days. I couldn't believe that he left us just two years ago.

Sakura gets in the car and starts the engine. She tosses on some sunglasses to shield her dark green eyes from the sun, and says her signature catchphrase: "Let's rock this place!"

The ride to school is fairly quiet since there's nothing to talk about. It doesn't take long to get there either. And before long we arrive at the gates of the school I've been to many times before, Nekoma high.

I don't particularly hate the school. Just the people inside. They're all just wannabes trying to appeal to the rest of the students. All pointless if you ask me.

I get out of the car and start walking towards the entrance with zero enthusiasm to be back, especially late.

"Where's my goodbye?" I turn around to see Sakura still there with her arms wide open expecting a hug. She's a college student so she doesn't actually go to Nekoma, she just drops me off.

"Fine fine, if it gets you through your tough day," I tease. I walk back to her and wrap her tight for a brief hug and pull away and continue on.

"Oh and-" Sakura stops halfway into her car to tell me, "-good luck with the club"

I forgot to mention, I run a videogame club at the school. It's mostly nothing major but it's for kids in the club to play and chat. Best you can do for students that'd rather be home but don't have a ride.

I walk up the stairs slowly, delaying my entrance into this prison as much as I can, when this boy, about my height that I've never seen before, bumps into me.

He looked so similar to the prince in my dreams. Hair dyed blond and slightly above shoulder length, except he had black roots.

But he sure was no prince, the guy was so engrossed into his phone playing games to even acknowledge what he did. He knocked me over, and the book I had in hand skid across the ground, ripping some pages.

I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes since that was my favorite book. This wouldn't have happened if I had stayed home.

I hope I don't run into this rude guy again, no use in making this hellhole worse. It's not like I'm the main character in someone's writing.

I wipe my almost tears and compose myself, then continue up the stairs and through the doors of the place I hate so much, to the start of my first day of year two.

I get to my class and realize we have an extra seat in front of me. I always take the seat in the back corner next to the window so I can look out at people having a better day than I am.

"Alright class we have a student that is new to the school." The teacher walks in with a vague outline of a person trailing behind him. My eyes were blurred as if I just woke up from how tired I was.

It was when the kid started talking that I realized it was a guy and looked up. I kinda wish I hadn't because it was the same boy from this morning.

"My name is Kenma Kozume and I look forward to our time together,"said the 5'6 boy.

All the girls were already talking about how cute he is. If only he wasn't a jerk.

He anxiously looked around with his golden cat-like eyes and sat down quickly in front of me as if to not draw attention to himself. Good thing he's not taller than me so I can see above his part blond hair. Not like I'd pay attention but it's good to have options.

"Oh right, Rin as the top student from last year, I'd like you to show Kenma around later." Just as the teacher said this the girls in class glared at me in jealousy, and Kenma sighed. Great. This year is starting out just great.

A/N: This is my first fanfiction and I doubt anyone will read this since it's not an x reader or that good. If you do read this give me some feedback and let me know what you think. I will update every Sunday and Tuesday and Thursday sometime during the day. Thank you for reading this if you come across it somehow!

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