Chapter Twelve: Amusement park distraction!

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Rin's POV:
The weekend passed, and Monday sadly came. I refused to go to school.

"Let's go Rin! Off to school we go!" Sakura had a hyper tone, too hyper.

I groaned and hid under my covers. That I would not do.

"Still upset over the book?" Sakura sat at the edge of my bed, right by my feet.

"I don't think I ever won't be. Sakura, that's all I had of dad. That was the one and only gift he ever gave me. And it's gone just like that. You know what happened before he died." I was still under the covers, maybe she wouldn't see the small tears welling up in my eyes if she couldn't see me.

"Hmmm, Get up. We're going out today, and not to school. I'm going to cheer you up at the amusement park!" Jumping up, Sakura had made her decision to cheer me up.

"Fine fine, but I can't guarantee I'll be happy by the end of this." I peeked out from the covers.

"Then get dressed, we leave in five."

I could hear the heavy clicks of Sakura's heeled boots and she ran down the stairs to tell mom about our plans. As long as I didn't have to go to school and see Kenma, I'd be fine.

Kenma POV:
I messed up, horribly. There's no excuse for what I did, my social awkwardness didn't even excuse it.

Once I arrived at school, I bolted for the club room. However, I was disappointed when Rin wasn't there.

"What happened to you?" Alluka was the only one in the room.

"No time to explain, was Rin here?" I needed to apologize, but wasn't quite sure what I'd say.

"Nope, she wasn't here Friday either. If you see her, say happy birthday for me please."

"You'd have a better chance of seeing her than me," I muttered under my breath.

I dashed down the stairs to the first floor and into the gym. Kuroo was the only one here.

"Damn it.... Kuroo.... was Rin here.... earlier?" I was panting, barely able get the words out, but I needed to find Rin.

"No, Sakura texted me saying that Rin is upset and doesn't want to come today. She's taking Rin to an amusement park to cheer her up." Kuroo's eyes squinted, almost like he tried to search me for the truth.

"She didn't say what this was about. Kenma what do you know about this?" Kuroo walked up to me and crossed his arms.

"God Kuroo, I messed up. Really, really bad. Rin's probably mad at me and I can't blame her."

"What did you do exactly? It couldn't be that bad right?" Kuroo didn't want to believe something could go this far down the drain.

"I kinda got her a new copy of the book I ruined day one.... but threw out her old copy." I looked down, regret crawled up once again.

Kuroo knew what this meant. He grabbed hold of my shoulders, making me lift my head and look at him.

"Kenma, tell me that you're kidding. Please say this is a bad joke." He looked a little panicked.

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