Chapter Six: Change of heart?

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Rin's POV:

wake up to the same routine everyday. Sleep past my alarm, hoping to maybe make out my dream prince's face today without luck every day.

Sometimes Sakura wakes me up in a nice way, sometimes my mom yells at me from downstairs in the kitchen to hurry it up.

I get ready and Sakura styles my hair. Then I run downstairs to get some breakfast and catch a ride with Sakura. I was supposed to take the bus, but we cancelled on that since I always was too late to actually catch it.

From there Sakura drops me off at Nekoma, then heads off to college.

Today was a bit different though. Today there was an event at school to promote clubs. And as a part of the gaming club, I had to show up.

Being the responsible student I definitely am (not), I woke up early and left a note to my mom and Sakura.

I was able to catch an early bus and get to school on time, not early enough though since Kenma had shown up before me.

"I thought you didn't like people."

Kenma definitely didn't notice me at first because he was startled, making him jump a little.

I moved towards the booth he didn't bother to set up. "I'm here because it's mandatory for a club member, not because I want to." He didn't look up from his phone.

He had managed to bring a stool from the club room so he could sit down, but not even put out our sign up sheet. I sighed at the work I had to do by myself since he didn't want to help by the looks of it.

Within half an hour I set up a game demo, and decorated our booth. I had about 5 minutes before the event started. It was then I realized, I had forgotten about the sign up sheet too!

I ran upstairs to the club room, frantically searching for the sign up sheet. I found the paper attached to a cork clipboard and ran back downstairs.

I turned the corner to the booth, too late, people were already let in. And none other than Aina was at our booth, with no interest in joining the club, only for the fact that Kenma was manning the booth alone.

He seemed uncomfortable to be surrounded by the girls. Aina definitely noticed because she took the chance to slip behind the booth. That's it, the guy might be my rival, but at least I have morals.

I stride up to the booth, making sure Aina notices me "Didn't know you couldn't take hints, Anna was it?" I messed up her name on purpose, for a reaction. Which clearly worked since she came out from behind the booth to face me directly.

"Name's Aina not Anna, remember it. I already said he'd be mine so looks like the one who can't take hints if you."

Her pack backed her up, leaving Kenma open. I signaled him to leave with my hand.

"And I said he could do better than you, best if you stop trying, he doesn't like people anyway."

I made a fake pouting face then walked away from her and behind the booth, the clicking of my heels sounding satisfying compared to hers.

Setting up the sign up sheet, I sat in the stool Kenma had brought down. After that confrontation, people lined up at my booth to check it out, I even got a signature.

The person's name was Alluka Miyazaki. She seemed very interested in our club and said she'll stop by. Maybe this event wasn't such a bad idea.

Kenma POV:
After the incident with Aina, I went to the club room since class hasn't started yet. Why would Rin help me out? We're rivals not friends. Did she maybe realize that I'm not a bad person? I should thank her later I guess. For now I could just hang out in here.

I pulled out my system I had put in my bag to run away, and carefully inserted street brawler. I had been training for days now, hoping to become better.

As of now, I was a decent player, not amazing, but not as terrible as before. I grab headphones to make sure I'm not bothered, and start a battle.

A few games in, I heard a faint trace of arguing. It was faint to me because of my headphones being fairly loud, but it was probably louder to outsiders. I didn't know who was involved, so I didn't concern myself with it.

That was until I heard a yell followed by a crash. I wouldn't have checked if I hadn't picked up on who the screaming voice belonged to, Rin.

I yanked my earbuds out of my ears and ran out of the room, not bothering to pause my game. That crash sounded loud, even to me. Even if we were considered rivals, I wanted to see if she was okay.

I turned out of the room and into the hallway, to see Aina and her little posse laughing at the mess THEY most likely caused. I don't get what she thinks I'd ever like about her but she's convinced we'll be together.

I push in between Aina and one of her followers, and crouch in front of a fallen Rin. Judging by the fact that she was rubbing the back of her head, she must've fallen hard. Extending my hand, I help her up.

"What are you doing? I thought we were competitors." She winced, looking confused at what was happening, at why I'd help her.

"According to you we are, I dropped it after watching you try so hard to beat me. But I can't have my self-proclaimed rival getting hurt without beating my score as she believes she will." I couldn't believe that I said something like that, after all, I don't really know how to talk to people.

Maybe being around Rin made it easier to talk to at least her. Or maybe it's because she stood up for me, and no one does that besides Kuroo.

One thing's for sure, I hope she sticks around, as a rival or otherwise.

Rin's POV:
I was stunned, how did someone as rude as Kenma, help me out? I got up, dusting off my navy blue skirt, and walked up to Aina. Her eyes widened, jaw dropped.

She regained composure to not let her surprise show. Too late, I've already framed that look, the look of her realizing that she was wrong in 'claiming' him. We aren't even together, but she thinks we are. And if that sets her in her rightful place, so be it.

I walked away in satisfaction, back to the club room. Kenma was trailing me but ran ahead into the club room. He plopped onto the couch, and I rolled up my chair to the Wacman machine.

"Hey thanks for that." I started the game up, not looking at him.

"Don't mention it, and thanks for earlier at the booth."

I guess we're even, but I still had one question in the back of my mind.

"Hey Kenma, do you remember bumping into a girl on the first day you came here?"

Silence. I wondered what he was thinking, did he really not remember?

"Um, I remember playing a videogame on my way here, and then I was with you or Kuroo the rest of the day. I don't remember bumping into anyone." He picked up his gaming system from the table in front of the couch and continued what I assume he was playing earlier.

Ah, so it wasn't that he was a jerk, he just didn't notice. In that case, maybe, just maybe, he's not so bad.

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