Chapter Eight: Injured

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Rin's POV:
The next morning I was sitting in the car with Sakura because I didn't want to get out just yet. People were allowed in the school but we were just hanging out.

We kinda lost track of the time because Kuroo showed up, Kenma following behind. Sakura didn't notice him, until he walked up to the familiar car.

He knocked on my glass window, startling Sakura, and I lower it.

"Oi Sakura, how've you been?" He was excited to see her again.

"Been good, just playing some volleyball games on my college team." She never told Kuroo about her team until now.

"Wow you're on a college team! That's awesome!" Kuroo's eyes went wide, then he closed them with a smile.

"Oh I forgot I never told you haha." Sakura blushed a little to the reaction Kuroo gave, it wasn't obvious to outsiders but it was to me, her sister.

I tilt my head to look behind Kuroo and see Kenma standing awkwardly playing on his phone. The talk between Sakura and Kuroo faded out.

"Hey Kenma, whatcha playing?" He didn't hear me, his earbuds in.

I looked for a small piece of paper and crumbled it up, then I lightly tossed it at Kenma's shoulder to get his attention.

He looked up at me and I signaled to my ears, telling him to take off his earbuds.

He complies "What's up?"

"Just wanted to see what you were playing, what is that?" I rest my arm on the window glass and point to his phone.

"Oh it's a game in it's beta phase, I've been playing it to help pick out bugs."

That's so cool, I've never done that with a game before! "Do you get anything at the end of it?" I ask him, curious of why he'd volunteer.

"I'm pretty sure you get three free loot boxes but I'm not sure if anything else."

Sakura tapped me on the shoulder, "Isn't that Kenma?"

I nod.

"Introduce me please." She begs me to but I still tell her not right now.

Kuroo, on the other hand, has different plans "Kenma, come over here."

He hesitates for an instant then walks to the window, meaning I had to sit back.

"This is Sakura, my childhood friend."

"And my sister"

"And Rin's sister."

Kenma gives a small awkward wave and says "I'm Kenma, their friends." He points to Kuroo and I.

Kuroo looks at me confused, but he doesn't say anything.

"Hey I'm Sakura, Rin's told me abou-"

I snap at Sakura and put a finger over my mouth, telling her to shut up. She does, leaving Kenma confused, but he doesn't ask.

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