Chapter Ten: Strange

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Kenma POV:
The next day, I happened to get to school early. I headed to the gym, just to watch whoever was there since I couldn't play. They didn't have practice, but someone was bound to be there

I found Kuroo there and just tossed balls at him. I couldn't actually run, but my job as setter right now didn't need to.

I decided to ask him about the gift. "Kuroo, Rin told me her birthday is in two weeks."

"Yeah, what about it?"

"What should I get her?" I kept tossing balls for him to hit over

"What do you want to get her?" He didn't miss a beat with the volleyballs.

"Just something that means something I guess. She is my first friend here I mean."

Kuroo paused and feigned offense "What about me. I'm offended Kenma." Always such the drama queen.

"I mean that I made at the school." I set a ball at him without warning, hoping he'd hit it.

"I mean there is that incident with the book that you caused."

"What incident?" I was confused, is this why she asked about me bumping into a girl?

"Oh you didn't know? On the first day..." Kuroo explained the whole story.

Oh I get it now. "Can't believe I didn't notice."

"Well you're always on that phone so I guess it makes sense you didn't. But that's what started her whole hate for you in the first place."

"I had no idea. That's it! I know what to get her. Thanks Kuroo."

I ran out of the gym after checking the time. Class had started and I was late.

I ran into the room and it was full, with the exception of the teacher. He was late too. I had gotten lucky.

I shuffled to my seat trying not to draw unecessary attention. I sat down, thankfully the teacher still hadn't gotten here.

"Hey where were you?" Rin leaned forward and whispered into my ear.

"I was in the gym with Kuroo. Don't worry I didn't play, just set some tosses to him."

Rin just nodded and sat back. The class chatted for a bit and I planned out how to get Rin the best gift.

A couple minutes later, the teacher came in and relaxed a bit when he didn't see Kuroo in the room. "With no interruptions, let's get started."

Rin's POV:
I caught Kenma after school before he went to the club room.

"What happened with Kuroo before school?"

"Oh nothing, nothing. Just had to talk to him about something. Don't worry about it." He seemed dismissive. I wonder what happened.

I followed him back to the club room in silence. Something was up with him and I didn't know what it was. He opened the door and Alluka wasn't here.

"Wonder where she is, Alluka is always first." I tried to strike a conversation, but Kenma was lost in thought.

I wasn't exactly wrong though, Alluka had left a note on the PC. It read:

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