Chapter Two: Human Interaction

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Kenma's POV:
I walk into the classroom dreading this introduction. I don't really know how to interact with people or like talking to them and I don't like standing out. I can come off as cold sometimes.

"My name is Kenma Kozume and I look forward to our time together." That was a bit of a lie but I had to be polite. I didn't plan on talking to people since I worry what they think of me and sometimes I can mess up my relationships with people.

I quickly scanned the room for an empty seat. I wound up sitting in front of this girl with caramel braids and coffee brown eyes.

"Oh right, Rin as the top student from last year, I'd like you to show Kenma around later." I felt the eyes of all the girls in this class looking, not at me, but at the girl behind me.

So her name is Rin, that sounded familiar. I sighed of all the attention placed on me and on this girl. She couldn't like the attention either, I sure didn't. I just had to wait it out until this class was over.

After the bell rang, I waited outside the classroom for the girl to pass by. Many other girls glanced at me with a smile to which I didn't acknowledge. I stood there awkwardly waiting until the Rin girl showed up and I subconsciously grabbed her wrist.

She seemed visibly shocked and jumped a little. "Oh um, Sorry!" I let go, so instead I just stood there awkwardly. I asked her about the tour she was supposed to give me.

"Um I have a bit of time right now so I could show you around I guess." she plasters on a smile that seems fake but I go with it. After all, I won't see her again after this.

Rin's POV:
This Kenma guy reminded me to show him around the school. I kinda hoped he'd forget or ask one of his fangirls. This is such a pain. I've shown him most of the school anyways so he should be able to find his way around without me.

"That's all that I think is important to know," I tell him, hoping to get out of this situation.

"Wait what about your gym?"

"Our gym?" I don't go there often since I don't play sports. "Why do you need to see our gym?" I ask him, accidentally letting a tone of suspicion slip out.

"O-oh I just heard you guys have a good gym." He seemed to be nervous to talk to people, guessing he's never done this before. I looked at him skeptically and decided to show him to our gym where the volleyball team was practicing.

"OI KENMA!" I hear a call for Kenma from across the court. I can't mistake that number 1 jersey, it's our volleyball team captain, Kuroo. He's also the only person on the team I can tolerate.

He runs up to us and looks down at me, his black hair spiked and styled to cover one eye as usual. "It's Kenma... and Rin? You two met each other already?" He looked confused but I was more since Kenma got here at the same time I did and already met someone like Kuroo.

"Not by choice," I mutter under my breath.

"What was that?" I notice Kenma looking over at me.

"Oh nothing. Anywayyyys how'd you already meet Kenma, Kuroo?" I ask to take the attention away from what might've been heard.

"We've been friends for years actually and he told me he was transferring here so I told him he could fill in our setter spot." He exclaims holding up a volleyball.  "Show her what you got!"

Kenma drops his sweater and bag and grabs the ball, setting a toss to be hit by Kuroo and the ball glides to the other side of the net beautifully, landing seemingly out, but just in the court.

They continue at this for a while and I carefully observe all the plays. All of the balls were easy to hit but hard to block or often misleading. That's the beauty in having a good rhythm with your team, everything passes smoothly.

Just for a quick second, I thought Kenma looked cool. And then I was reminded of the boy who bumped into me and teared up my precious book. That jerk is one I despise.

Kuroo runs back to me. "What'd you think?" His hazel eyes were lit up like he had just witnessed the most perfect spike ever.

I joke and say "I've seen better"

"Aww c'mon Rin! Tell me the truth! That was pretty cool right?!" He puts on a small pout as a guilt mechanism.

"Fine, fine, that was actually amazing. I mean the way you both worked to deliver perfect hits to the other end was spectacular!" And his mechanism works, as expected from my only friend.

He and Sakura have been friends for years, I actually met him through Sakura. They used to play together as kids but Sakura got busy once she was in highschool, and they stopped talking.

The next class should be starting soon and I still need to get Kenma to it. "Kenma, need me to take you to the next class?" I hope he says no because I don't want to take this jerk across the building to our next class.

"No I'll go with Kuroo," he replies without looking at me. I think he might've caught on to how I feel about him. The least he could do is apologize!

"Alright then see ya." I walk out of the gym and to my next class. And just like that, I don't have to interact with Kenma again.

Kenma's POV:
"Hey Kenma what do you think of Rin?" I look up from my bag to see Kuroo watching out the door. He seemed to be looking at Rin, but his mind was somewhere else.

"I don't think she likes me and I don't really like her all that much either. I don't know what I did to her but it's not like I'll talk to her anyways so it's not important." I continue fixing up my bag

Kuroo snaps his neck in my direction to look at me "You should try to be her friend or something and see what's wrong."

"Let's drop this. So, take me to class now?" I packed everything up and made sure my handheld gaming system was secure.

"Sure, so..." Kuroo trails off about volleyball and childhood memories on the way to my class. And just like that, I don't have to talk to Rin, or anyone, again.

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