Chapter Five: Almost

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Rin's POV:

I was in the middle of a game, close to beating the score, I sure beat the last score I held. Who new motivation is all you needed to best yourself.

A ghost at the corner, blocking the last berry. Move, move I thought to myself. And just as the ghost moved and I went to eat the berry, a text message.

I couldn't resist the urge to look over and just then, a warbled noise of failure popped up. And all that for what exactly? A text message from Sakura saying that she was waiting for me downstairs.

Damnit I was so close!

I packed up my stuff and picked up my bag, slinging it over my shoulder. As I walked out, glancing behind me to close the club door, I noticed Kenma look at me, back down to his game, and smirk a little. I pretended not to see.

Who knows what tricks he has in store for me now. After all his face is mostly expressionless.

I ran down the stairs in frustration. I almost had it! It was so close I could taste it,and Sakura just had to pick the worst timing.

I walked up to the car and threw the door open, sitting in the front seat and crossing my arms.

"Let's go," I say somewhat quietly through a breath. Sakura does the exact opposite and looks at me.

"What's wrong?" She looks a little concerned with her dark green eyes giving me a soft expression. She got them from our dad.

I looked at her, closed my eyes and sighed. "Nothing, nothing," I told her, waving my hand.

"If you say so." she slowly turned back to face the road. "I have to make a quick pit stop first."

We arrive in front of a small little convenience store and Sakura parks the car. She gathers her keys, phone and wallet

"Ill be right back." She gets out of the car and leaves me alone here.

A few moments later, she returns with two bags and signals me out of the car. Sakura sits on the black hood of the Jeep, patting the spot next to her for me to hop up. I don't like sitting on the car, so instead I  lean on it.

I peek into one of the plastic bags to see my favorite, coffee jelly and Dr. Pepper. You might find it weird but I love it. I pull out the coffee jelly and Sakura takes it from my hand.

"Uh uh uh, you get the jelly when you tell me what's bothering you."

She always knew how to get me to talk.

I spilt everything, from the rivalry, to Kuroo knowing Kenma, to the first day incident.

"Wait by book you don't mean.." she cuts herself off, almost as if she didn't want to talk about it.

"Mhm." I gave her a short answer to avoid the flashbacks coming to me.

"Alright you can have the jelly, but don't bottle it up from now on. You can tell me."

Although we may joke around or occasionally fight, she's been there for me through it all.

We sit in silence munching on some snacks and looking at the sunset from the hood of Sakura's Jeep.

That silence is broken however, when

Sakura asks me "Hey, how's Kuroo doing?" She doesn't break her gaze from the pinkish red sunset.

"Oooooo you're curious for your crush now aren't you?" I look at her and tease, she probably only asked out of curiosity.

That's what I thought until I saw bits of red creeping up on her cheeks and saw her eyes widen for a split second. Busted. 

"What? No, o-ofcourse not," She says this bit rather quickly, seemingly not to dwell on it too much. I guess even calm and collected Sakura can act like a kid sometimes.

"So he is your crush then?" I try to push for an answer but she looks down and shakes her head. The pink color on her cheeks became more intense.

She continues, "I just wanted to know what my old friend was up to, that's all."

Yep sure

I look back up to the sky, "He's doing well as captain of our volleyball team. He does get caught in my classroom every here and there by the teacher but he's always been like that." I glance over to see Sakura relieved that he's fine. Maybe I should get them to talk sometime soon.

"Tell him I said hi if you can, and that I would still beat his captain ass in a match." Sakura and Kuroo were always competitive when it came down to volleyball.

Hours pass and the sunset sky becomes a jet black, illuminnated only by the street lamps.

"Ok Rin, Let's go home I guess." Sakura jumps off the hood and puts her leather jacket, which she took off earlier, over her gray tanktop. She tosses the trash in the bags, hands them to me, then jerks her head towards the trash.

"I got it." I hurry up and jog towards the trash cans. Just as I turned back, I spotted a jet black patch of hair, followed by golden strands below it. Kenma.

I crouched down behind a trash can for a few seconds while he passed from my view, and I from his. Not like he would've noticed with his headphones plugged into his phone and his eyes glued to the screen.

I carefully ran back to the car and got in.

"Who was that? Did you get a boyfriend and try to hide it from me?" She smiled a bit and raised and eyebrow.

"As if, I can't get anything past you even if I tried. That was Kenma anyways." I was disgusted at even the thought of crushing on him. I could never like a jerk like that.

"Ohhh the guy who ruined the book." Sakura connected the dots. She started the engine and pulled out of the parking lot.

"Could we please just remember him as my rival? I'd rather not think of that situation again." I tuned the radio to some classic rock and sat back.

"Alright whatever you say, master Wacman player." If it wasn't one thing to be teased of, it was another. Gotta love Sakura for being able to make jokes in anything.

We got home and I ran upstairs to my room. I changed out of my casual outfit into some sweatpants and a tank top. Kicking my socks off (and failing), I laid back and thought back to the score board.

I now placed first to Kenma's many, many scores, all of them but his top. He still holds the score. I wiggled under the blankets, and fell asleep, hoping I'd beat him tomorrow.

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