Chapter Nine: Kenma's Return

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Rin's POV:
The next day while I sat in class, I had turned forward to tap Kenma on the shoulder only to realize he wasn't there. He was at home, injured.

The day passed by in one big, boring blur, and club time soon came.

Into the room I went and saw Alluka playing on the PC. "Hey," I said in a flat tone. Was it always this boring without my gamer friend?

"Oh hey Rin." Alluka pulled half her headphone behind her ear to listen to the game and outside.

"Where'd that guy go, what was his name again?" Alluka seemed focused, but also was able to hold a conversation.

"Kenma, he's home injured. Sprained his ankle at volleyball practice." I crashed on the couch and pulled my system out to play street brawler.

"Damn, hope he gets better soon." Alluka put her headphones back on the proper way, looks like she won't be a bother.

"I really, really hope so too" I mutter under my breath.

The rest of the week passes, and I find myself not being able to remember any of it. It was so boring without Kenma around. He was just fun to be around. I wonder how I ever got through the days before he transfered.

I waited at the gates for him, just checking if he'd make it on time. Then my eyes catch a flicker of golden hair turning the corner. Yup that's definitely him.

I wait until he passes me, not noticing of course, always so engaged on his phone.
Once he was a few steps ahead I said in his ear "Welcome back."

Kenma wasn't just startled, he full-blown jumped at the sound of me. "Who the- oh Rin it's you. Please NEVER do that again." He had cupped a hand over his left ear, the one I whispered in.

"Sure sure, you did seem pretty scared. That aside it was insanely boring without you." I picked up Kenma's bag, since he dropped it when he jumped and handed it to him.

We started on our way to the classroom. "Did ya miss me?" Kenma joked around.

Quite honestly, "Yeah I did."

"Ouch that hur- wait did you say you did?" He turned his head to look at me, definitely not expecting that answer.

"I said it was boring without you, I needed some entertainment."

We turn into the classroom. I look to my desk and see Kuroo sitting on it,

"Hey, hey, hey Kuroo! Get off my desk. Don't taint my precious with your unwanted butt." I ran up to my desk as soon as Kuroo got off, pretending to sooth it. "There there, Kuroo can't hurt you now, I'm here." I opened my eyes just in time to see Kuroo roll his eyes.

Kenma stifled a laugh, turning away to not let us catch him grinning. He regained his composure in a few seconds.

"Kuroo do that again and I'll personally kick your ass. This desk has seen too much." I pat the desk gently, like it is a small animal.

"It's a desk but sure no big deal. I'll just sit on Kenma's." I've never seen someone turn their neck as quick as Kenma just did.

"How about no, just stand like a normal person." Kenma sat as his seat to rub it in Kuroo's face.

"Easy for you to say, standing and waiting for you two is exhausting. And Kenma you don't like being tired anyways."

"But at least I'm in my own class." Kenma looked satisfied when Kuroo went speechless.

"He got you there Kuroo."

"Shut up Rin." Kuroo looked away annoyed.

"What'd you want anyway." Kenma rejoined the conversation.

"I just wanted to see if my little pudding head was okay." Kuroo ruffles Kenma's hair.

"Pudding head?"

"When I was younger and I initially dyed my hair, I hadn't dyed my roots either. People called me pudding head and it stuck." Kenma pushed Kuroo's hand off his head.

That's good to know, Kenma is pudding head. I wonder if I could use that.

"Mr. Tetsurou, once again in my class." The teacher was already at the front. None of us had noticed, was he some sort of ninja? "If you could please leave, this isn't even the right year."

Kuroo took the hint and sprinted out of the room. He didn't bother closing the door.

"No running! Speed walk!"

The teacher was definitely fed up with Kuroo. I applaud him for putting up with him in the mornings.

Kenma POV:
I was gone for a week, and we already had a new member to take the spot on the PC. I sat on the couch, Rin next to me. We decided to take time off from the Wacman machine.

"Rock paper scissors, winner gets to play street brawler for practice." Rin held out a fist.

"Is everything a game for you?"

"Yes, for the most part. Now let's go."

We played best out of three, and I won the first and last match. Paper always beats rock.

"Woah when did he get here." Alluka finally looked away from her game. She was playing Cry of Duty. It's a first person shooting game.

"Hey I'm Kenma, Alluka is it?" I remembered her coming in before I got injured.

"Yep, heard you sprained your ankle. Feeling better?" She returned to her game, but I was surprised that she was still able to hold a conversation.

"I'm better now, thanks for asking."

Rin threw a game case at me. When I looked down to what hit me, I saw street brawler. She had gotten the game for me.

"You were taking too long."

"Impatient now are we?" I opened the case and inserted the game. All my data was saved from last week.

We played in silence for a few minutes, then Rin broke the silence. "Kenma, when's your birthday?"

This was random "October 16th, why do you ask?"

"Just curious. Hey Alluka when's yours?"

Somehow Alluka managed to hear through her headphones "May 28th. Yours?"

"June 12th, turning 18."

"Oh cool, that's pretty soon though." Alluka didn't even glance away from the PC.

"Wait that's next week. When were you planning on telling me?" That was so close and I had no time to maybe prepare something

"I planned on Kuroo telling you, he can't keep his mouth shut about it anyway." She shrugged

I should ask Kuroo for an idea of what to get her. He knows her better than I do. Maybe he could find something meaningful to get her.

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