Chapter Fourteen: The end of Aina's 'reign'

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Rin's POV:

It's been a few days since I came back to school. I spent all those days with Alluka in the club room or with a book during class. Kuroo would barely talk to me and Kenma didn't. Part of me is happy to get a little distance to clear my head, but part of me missed him.

Today was a little different though. Kenma decided to actually show up in the club room for lunch.

I walk into the room and decided screw it. I'll stay, just won't interact.

"Hey Rin." Alluka was focused on her game.

Kenma quickly glanced in my direction and then looked at the Wacman machine he was playing on. He didn't even acknowledge me.

I grabbed street brawler off the shelf and put it into the handheld system. Looks like I'll be playing during the lunch period instead.

Alluka finished her match and sat at the table to eat. I put my system into my bag and joined her at the table.

"Kenma join us. It's been a while." Alluka tossed a pen at Kenma to get his attention. It worked, hitting him in the shoulder sure got his attention.

"Um no I'm good, you guys enjoy your lunch. I'll just play." He turned back to the machine.

"Suit yourself. So Rin, how's it going with that guy you told me about."

Kenma stiffened up at the comment made by Alluka.

"I'd rather not talk about it right now." I jerked my head in Kenma's direction hoping Alluka got the hint.

"Ohhhh got it" Alluka gave me a thumbs up, seemingly getting the message.

We talk about videogames throughout the lunch period and Kenma didn't move from his machine. Soon it was time to go back to class and I packed my stuff up.

"Don't forget our game is on Monday Kenma. That being said bye bye robo-sis" I winked at Alluka and she pretended to malfunction.

I slung my bag over my shoulder and walked out of the room giving Alluka the usual class lecture.

"Yeah yeah I got it. But robots don't need school so I'mma just play my games." She stuck her tongue out at me thinking she won.

"That also means your cover is blown. Go to class some day."

"Why do you always have a comeback for everything?"

"Because I'm that good." I flip my ponytail over my shoulder in a joking manner.

"I'll go tomorrow if it makes you happy, but if they act like I'm not supposed to be there I'm gonna act like I'm not supposed to be there." Alluka sat at the PC and turned on Cry of Duty.

"Fair enough, see ya!"

I walked down the hall and heard the familiar tick of heels walking behind me.

"Leave me alone Aina, won't you please?" I was sick of her stupid superiority routine.

"Nice of you to know my presence." He voice was pitchy as always.

I turned around, "Hard not to smell the tacky perfume mixed with powdered makeup scent you always carry around. Little tip-" I put my hand on the side of my mouth like I was telling a secret, "-powder doesn't make the makeup look less obvious if you put so much."

"Ha ha, at least you recognize my makeup beauty" she bent down a little bit.

"Who said anything about beauty, all that makeup looks like a mess. I mean did you let your little sister do it? " I put my hands at my hips "I'm going to save you the time of wasting your breath. Blah blah blah... I don't deserve Kenma blah blah blah... Why would he pick me blah blah blah. That sound about right to you? 'Kay can I go now?"

Aina didn't reply so I took that as a yes. I walked away from her and to my class and paused right before I went in, "And please stop bothering me before your dignity is reduced to shreds."

I heard a small 'whatever' as she turned on her heels, walking away. I have a feeling she won't be bothering me anymore.

I get into the class barely on time but Kenma was late.

"Mr. Kozume take a seat and that's a late for you." The teacher didn't waste any time calling him out on it.

"So-sorry" Kenma speed walks to hid seat and stays quiet.

After class he didn't speak to me so I went straight downstairs and to the gate. I stood there waiting for Sakura only to be approached by Kuroo.

"Oi Rin, how've you been. Kenma told me what happened." Kuroo stood next to me.

"Been doing fine, just clearing my head and accepting what happe-"

A loud beep cut me off. I traced it back to the source, a black Jeep. Specifically, Sakura's black Jeep.

"That's Sakura, bye Kuroo see you around." I waved and ran off to the car, Kuroo waving back and walking his own way.

"How was today Rin?" Sakura didn't wait for an answer before leaving.

"Nothing really happened today, just a good day."

"That's nice, ready for your game Monday?"

"Yep just gotta wait for it and do my best."

The weekend passed me quickly, so did the Monday school day, and soon it was time for the final face off.

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