Chapter Four: Failed attempts

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Rin's POV:
It's been roughly two weeks since Kenma set the new high score on the Wacman machine and I haven't been able to beat it.

This should be impossible! His score isn't beating mine by much, so why can't I beat him!?

Apart from the usual daily club meeting, I don't talk to Kenma and he doesn't talk to anyone. I still haven't gotten over the grudge I hold from the first day since he still hasn't apologized.

Every day I walk into the gaming club room to see Kenma sitting in my chair on the arcade machine. We never speak unless to trade taunting words or provoke each other.

We're set on taking each other down, and proving who's the better Wacman!

As I was sitting in class, minding my own business and waiting for the teacher to show up, a girl walks up to my desk and slams a flat palm on the table. I pry my eyes away from the guy fighting a pigeon outside the window to look at this less entertaining of a person looking for a fight.

"Can I help you?" I look her in her cold, gray eyes as she flips her sleek black hair behind her shoulder.

"Stay. Away." This girl points her finger at me and doesn't even blink, trying to look intimidating, but her overly used makeup doesn't exactly help her image.

"I'm sorry who are you and stay away from what?" She looked at her posse on the opposite side of the classroom and then back to me with a smug look, crossing her arms in front of her chest.

"I'm Aina, the girl that is going to make Kenma theirs-"

I stopped her right there, "Do you think I'm a threat or something. If you do then you're mistaken, take the guy for all I care. And honestly, the guy might be a jerk, but he can still do better than you," I said, looking her up and down.

The classroom went silent. It was only then that I realized everyone was listening in to our conversation. Aina looked humiliated and walked back to her group, the clacking of her heels made the walk all that more annoying.

Just as I went to look back out the window, I hear a voice saying "Didn't know you had it in you Rin!"

I turn my head a little to the side to see Kuroo standing near my desk and Kenma going to sit down in the desk in front of me. The tips of Kenma's ears looked highlighted in pink. Is he embarrassed?

I looked back to Kuroo "Didn't know you were suddenly knocked back a year Kuroo!" He rolled his eyes at me.

"Very funny, but I was just walking Kenma back to class"

"If you're done here, I think you still need to get to yours Kuroo." Kenma suddenly spoke up in a seemingly joking tone to Kuroo.

I knew they were childhood friends but Kenma never speaks to anyone, much less like that. It's good to get information on my rival, whatever bit trivial.

Kuroo puts his hands up in defeat, "I'll get going if you want me gone."

He was looking for a certain pitiful "No don't go" But I only said "If you'll excuse me, I have to watch a pigeon and a man fight over a slice of cheese."

This wasn't particularly a lie since I was watching that before Aina showed up trying to look all high-and-mighty. Just then the teacher showed up.

"Mr. Tetsurou , in my classroom again I see. Should I ask them to transfer you?" The teacher proclaims this in front of the class while he puts his books down.

Kuroo has actually been sneaking into my classes to talk to Kenma or I. I mostly just talked to him about Sakura, or the rivalry.

"Go back to your own class, you're a third year for Pete's sake."

"Yes sir." Said Kuroo, a slight bit embarrassed from getting caught.

"Now flip to page..."

I stopped listening from here, left to daydream.

Back at the club room, I had arrived before Kenma for the first time, meaning I got my chair and I got Wacman rights. I sat at the game trying to beat Kenma's score but no luck.

He showed up in the room and sat at the couch, taking out a handheld system identical to mine, except his was in a blue color. I didn't pay attention to what he played only focusing on my Wacman game.

Once, twice, three times, I had failed and I heard a small snicker coming from Kenma all three times.

"Ok what's so funny?" I spun the chair to face him.

"Nothing, except that you said you could beat my high score since you held the last one, rival." He kept a composed face while saying this, never breaking away from his game.

"Whatever, I'll beat you." I spun back around to the arcade game and sadly, nothing but failures followed.

Kenma POV:
I didn't even need to look at Rin to see that she was frustrated. I focused on playing Critter Crossing and hearing the anger bubble up of her not being able to beat my score.

If only she knew the amount of time I spent keeping that score from her reach by increasing my gap more and more.

I decided to check out a new game from the library set in the club room. I didn't find anything that appealed to my interests. At least not until I saw that the library had the latest street brawler game for my system.

I took it off the shelf and inserted the game cartridge into my system.

I played a few matches before realizing, I suck at this game. That doesn't mean I'll stop playing it though. I've been searching everywhere for this and I just found it.

I decided I'll train to be better in this game while Rin tries to beat my score. And maybe I'll occasionally widen the gap. But it's not like she'll beat me any time soon.

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