Chapter Thirteen: Guess who's back

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Rin's POV:

The day after the amusement park was Tuesday and I still didn't go to school. But after that I decided to return.

I didn't hold it against Kenma for what he did. He didn't know, I just needed some space. A lot of space. Then everything could go back to normal, I hoped.

"Are you going today Rin? Or do you need more time?" Sakura peeked her head into my room.

She was surprised to see me dressed in a white shirt with navy sleeves. Blue jeans to match.

"I just getting finished. Almost ready," I said as I tied my wavy hair up in a high ponytail. Now I was ready.

"Now that you're done, let's head out." She waved me out then walked down the stairs.

"Oh Rin you're going out today." Mom stopped in her tracks at a sight that was familiar, but not so.

"Yep, gotta get out and back at some point ya know?" I shrugged a little and grabbed a pop-tart, throwing it into the toaster.

"Ok, don't be so harsh on him though. I like him and he probably didn't do it on purpose."


I didn't bother to listen. Though I might never get over this, I needed to take time to process it.

"Let's go Rin, you're gonna be late.... again." Sakura stood impatiently at the doorway.

"Just a second, hold up."

The toaster dinged and I bit on the pop-tart, holding it up with my mouth. I tightened my ponytail then grabbed the pop-tart that was hanging.

"Let's rock this place Sakura." I walked past her and out the door.

"That's the spirit! Cmon!" She bolted past me into the driver's seat.

I sat in the passenger's seat and leaned my chair back. Sakura kick-started the engine and pulled out of the parking spot. Time to go back.

We arrived and Sakura had pulled the car into a parking spot right in front of the gate. I sat in silence staring at the entrance.

"Hey everything will be fine. Just maintain distance and don't break into a crying mess." She joked a little with that last line.

"But what if I wanna?" I turned to face Sakura and made a fake sobbing expression, then smiled at her.

"Whatever my little gamer. Remember, if you can't deal with it you can call me from the bathroom and I'll make a fake sob story to pick you up. Then we can go out for ice cream or something. Got it?"

"Got it! I think it's time to go to class. See ya!" I stepped out of the car and closed the door. I took a few steps and turned back to the car, tapping on the window.

Sakura lowers the window from a button on her end of the car. "Hm, What happened?"

"I'm not going to the club today so be here earlier."

" 'kay" She brought the window back up and waved goodbye.

When I get to the classroom Kuroo is in my seat and Kenma is in his own. None of them realize I was there until I walked up to my seat.

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