Chapter Fifteen: An end

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*Might be a little ooc, sorry in advance.

Kenma's POV:

Today we were going to put an end to this competition. It was the day Rin and I would face off in a street brawler match.

I turned the corner into the club room and Rin was already there.

"Let's get started then. Wait where's Alluka?" I noticed Alluka wasn't in the room.

"She said she had to go run some errands with her older brother or something."

"Oh ok. So how are we gonna do this?" I had just realized there was only one game chip in the library and we had two handheld systems.

"I brought my own Street brawler game I usually keep home. I'll use this one and you can play with the club one."

We set up our systems with the game and connections.

"ApplePi vs Mystify! Fight!" The game announcer had officially started our game. I was playing as Chan Li and Rin played as Ryo.

The first round Rin had won by a landslide.... and a bit of move spam. Luckily we're playing best of three.

I made a comeback in round two beating Rin with just a little of my health bar left.

"ApplePi vs Mystify! Final round, Fight!" The final round started off to a bad start. Rin had dodged and blocked all my moves, attacking from a distance.

I managed to jump over some of Rin's distance attacks, getting close enough to get behind and past her block.

I start a combo launching Rin's character, Ryo, into the air and back down. The health bars were almost equal my character, Chan Li, having a little less.

We exchanged punches and kicks, relying on close combat. With our health bars almost fully depleted, we backed off.

Ryo threw a long distance attack, hoping to beat me. Too bad because I jumped it over, learning the timing from when she used the attacks earlier. I ran up behind Ryo and make Chan Li use a multi-kick attack, finishing the game.

"ApplePi wins!" I had won, our little competition came to an end with me as the victor.

"Well that settles it, guess you won Kenma. Fair and square." Rin stands up and gives me a small smile. She continues to walk out the door.

I had to stop her so I could apologize for what I had done before, this might be my only chance to do this today.

"Rin wait!" I reached out and grabbed Rin's wrist. That got her attention so I let go.

I continued, "Look, I've never been good with people or in social situations. I know that doesn't excuse what I did with the book but please listen. There's times when we fight, times when argue. But the good times spent outweigh all the bad. It's never boring with you and you make me feel comfortable. I've spent all my time trying to fix this one mistake. If you never want to talk to me again, I'll get out of your life. But at least hear me out, so I can go knowing I tried."


Rin's POV:

Kenma offered an apology and I sighed a little, I didn't know how he could fix this. "Let's hear it Kenma" I turned back to face him.

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