The Big Move

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Brittany POV
"Are you done yet, Q?" i whined as i put her bags in the back of the car

"Almost! i just have to finish packing my shoes!" she yelled back as she ran back and forth trying to grab all of her shoes

"Well hurry up because we need to get to the airport early so we can get everything done before our flight" i tried saying sternly but it just came out as whiny again

"Okay, okay i'm done" she said stuffing her nude heels into a duffel bag and throwing it in the trunk of the taxi


After we had finally gotten through security and Quinn was done flirting with the cute security Guards we could finally sit down and take a breather.

"well i'm starved so i'm going to go get a muffin and a double Espresso. want anything?" i said as i hopped out of the chair i was Practically glued to

Quinn just waved her hand which told me that she was too tired to talk and probably just wanted to sleep on the plane so i wasn't going to get her a coffee

i skipped my way to the nearby cafe and waited in line for the lady to say i was next, As i was waiting a noticed a cute baby looking at me with their chin propped up on their mother's shoulder. i stuck my tongue out and waved at the baby getting a giggle in return which made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

"Nexttt!!" the Barista yelled very loudly

"oh hi! can i have a blueberry muffin and a double Espresso please?" i said with a warm smile

"sure thing blondie. if you could just wait over there it'll be out in just a minute" she replied with a warm smile to match mine as she put my blueberry muffin in a brown paper back and handing it to me

"thank you very much!" i smiled as i paid and made my way to the waiting area

"Double Espresso!" another barista called out

i grabbed it with a nod and walked back over to Quinn who had seemed to have dozed off in her seat

i just shrugged and took a bite out of my muffin

just as i was about to take a sip of my coffee i heard over the speakers that our gate was boarding

"QUINN WAKE UP OUR GATE IS BOARDING!" i yelled and probably scared the whole of the airport

"HOLY CRAP! brittany don't do that!! but let's go!" she said as she launched herself out of her chair and ran in the direction of our gate

"wait up!" i yelled as i grabbed all our stuff and ran after her


we luckily made it to our gate just as they were about to close it off but they let us in once we showed them our tickets

i had just finished stuffing Quinns giant duffel bag into the over head compartment and fell down into my seat happy that we didn't have to run anymore

"i don't see why you have to have so many shoes... you barely go anywhere, Q" i said breathlessly

"you need shoes for every occasion.. but you wouldn't know that miss I oNlY nEeD tWo PaIrS Of ShOeS" she mocked as she pointed to my sneakers

"hey! my sneakers are brand new and i have fancy shoes.. they're all i really need since i don't really go anywhere super duper fancy where i need 15 pairs of shoes QUINNN" i said obnoxiously

she just rolled her eyes and opened her daily issue of some drama magazine

i just put in my earphones and let the music take me to a place that wasn't a smelly musty plane

4 hours later

"ma'am.." i heard some unknown voice say

i opened my eyes and looked up at a airplane Hostess

"we will be landing soon so i thought i should wake you to let you know" she said with a smile as she walked away with her little cart of peanuts and juice boxes

i sat up and stretched while looking over at Quinn fast asleep on her tray table with a magazine on her head

i carefully took the magazine off her head making sure i didn't wake her, rolled it up and whacked her softly on the head since if i hit her as hard as i wanted she would probably complain about it to me for the next 5 hours

"hmpf" she replied as she furrowed her eyebrows and sat up glaring me

"well good morning to you too! we're landing soon" i said with a wide grin

"ughhhh i'm so tired thoooughh" she groaned

"well too bad. i'm going to go to the bathroom to freshen up byeee" i said as i scooted out of my seat and into the aisle


We had just pulled up to the Apartment complex we would be staying in for the next year and we were in shock

it had finally sunk in that we were now in New York City and were now roommates. we both looked at each other and squealed because of the excitement

We grabbed all of our bags and made our way to the Elevator and thank god there was one or we would've had to go up 10 flights of stairs and even i'm not in good enough shape for that

"202... 203... 204.. OH! 205!" Quinn said excitedly as she found our apartment

we walked in and were immediately taken aback by our new apartment.. like even for a small 2 bedroom new york apartment it sure did have a good view and big window

"OH COOL A BALCONY!" i called out to Quinn as i stepped out onto it breathing in the New York Smell which doesn't smell particularly nice

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