Dance With Somebody

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Brittanys POV

i woke up with a pounding headache that caused me to not know where i was at first

when i finally realised i was in my room i swung the sheets off of my legs and jumped out of bed and got ready very slowly and made my way into the kitchen

"hey Quinn" i said quietly since my head was aching

"Hey Britt" she said groggly

i got the pain killers from the top shelf , popped two pills out for myself and two out for Quinn

i took mine quickly and went to lay down on the couch until they took effect

After ten minutes or so i peeled myself off the couch and grabbed my coat and scarf

"where are you going?" Quinn asked not even looking up from her hands

"i need coffee or i will die" i grumbled

"get me one too. okay thankss" she sung as she shuffled back into her room


As i made my way out into the street the cold air took me out of my tired state and i began feeling a little better now that the medication was taking effect

i walked into The Coffee Stop and saw Sandra so i walked over

"Hey brittany!" she said with a wide smile

i scrunched my face up at the loud noise and took in a sharp breathe

"rough night?" she said with a concerned look

"no last night was amazing.. but this hangover is not so can i please get two of the strongest coffees we sell?" i said with a weak smile

"coming right up" she said quietly with a snicker

i paid and made my way over to the waiting area

i got the coffees and made my way over to a table because i didn't want to go out into the cold air just yet and as i sat down i heard the bells ring and after that i heard heels clicking up to the counter but i didn't look up

just as i was about a quarter done with my coffee someone tapped me on the shoulder

i turned around and saw that it was the one and only Santana Lopez

"hi" i breathed out

"hey" she smiled

"oh do you want to sit?" i asked gesturing to the vacant chair

"oh yes please" she said smiling as she sat down with her coffee

"who's coffee is that?" she asked pointing to the second coffee i had

"oh that? that's for my girlfriend" i said with a smirk

"wait wha- you have a girlfriend..?" she sounded disappointed

"hahahahaha no. no one wants to date me. that's for Quinn. she's still at the apartment and she probably fell back asleep." i shrugged

"oh okay, you scared me for a second" she said putting her hand on her chest

"and why's that?" i said leaning forward slowly with my eyebrow quirked

"cause you said you had a girlfriend and i got VERY touchy last night" she laughed

i sat back and just stared at her confused

"you did?" i asked with my head cocked to my right side

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