Getting Closer

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Brittanys POV

"why is it so earlyyy" i groaned as i made it around the counter

Quinn and Sandra just laughed at me as i could barely hold myself up

"you're the one that gets up way before you have to" Quinn rolled her eyes

People think Quinn constantly rolling her eyes is her being mean but really she only does it whenever she's being playfull. well with me

"i like watching the sunrise on the balcony it's peaceful" she defended sticking my nose up and turning to the customer at the counter that probably heard all that

"Hey there! what can i get for ya?" i said instantly loosing my tired voice and putting on my customer service voice

"Can i get a cookie and a Hot Chocolate please?" the little boy said as he went on his tippy toes to put some coins and crumpled up money on the counter. i counted it and sure enough it was the right amount

As i was making his drink we started talking about Disney Movies since his mum was sitting at the table away from him and i didn't want him standing there bored and alone

"My favourite disney movie is Lady and the Tramp! the Tramp is so cool" he said with sparkly eyes

i whipped my head around and gasped dramatically

"that's my favourite disney movie too! you've got good taste bub" i said with a wink

4 minutes later

"alittle extra whipped cream because you've got great movie taste and some chocolate sprinkles and done!" i said as i handed over a monster hot chocolate and the biggest cookie we had in the display case

"thank you!" he squeaked as he took his drink and cookie and ran over to his mum to show her what he got

i smiled at his cute reaction and sighed

God kids are so cute

"that was really cute" i heard a familiar voice say quietly

"oh uh yeah! he's really fun to talk to even though he's like 5" i giggled realising i just had a conversation with a 5 year old and enjoyed it

"his mum is going to kill you for giving him all that sugar" she smirked at me

"i'm cute so i'll get away with it" i shrugged

she just laughed

"oh yeah you probably want to order!" i said without stuttering and standing up taller

"i'll get whatever he's having" as she nodded to the boy bouncing in his seat

"a hot chocolate with extra whip cream and sprinkles? i didn't peg you as a hot chocolate girl" i smirking at her which was surprising because i never smirk

"everyone is a hot chocolate girl if they're in the mood for it" she shrugged

my ears heated up as i heard her say in the mood for it. damn wow

"Want me to throw in a shot of expresso for you as well?" i finally breaking away my gaze

"please" she said with a giggle and tired look

5 minutes later

"hot chocolate for santana" i said quietly since she was the only one waiting for a drink

"thanks! oh and i never got your name. what is it?" she said as she looked me dead in the eye and smiled

"it's uh um-" i tried to tell her but her staring into my eyes like that made me nervous for some reason

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