The Eyes

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Brittanys POV

"Okay Quinn! now that we're all settled in we need to start looking for jobs!" i said rather loudly

"damn okay. well where should we go first?" she said cocking her head to the side

"i heard the there's a Cafe hiring a few blocks away. wanna start there?" i said with a lopsided grin

"yeah sure but we need to print out some copies of our resumes. i'll do that and you can go get us some coffee cause i'm so tired" Quinn said rolling her eyes to the back of her head trying to be dramatic

"okay fine. have fun!" i said before grabbing my coat and scarf before walking out the door


i've always Preferred colder weather for some reason. i guess it's just peaceful sometimes.

i got lost in my thoughts until i realised i was outside the cafe. i opened the door and immediately was greeted with sweet smells and a warm atmosphere. i looked around a little while before i realised what i was actually here for so i made my way up to the front counter

"hi welcome to The Coffee Stop! how may i help you today?" a nice lady said with a very big smile

"hi there! can i please get two large Cappuccinos to go?" i said with a smile to match hers

"sure! can i get a name?" she said typing the amount into the cash register

"it's brittany" i said softly as i handed her my money

"okay cool! they'll be ready soon" she said as she handed back my changed

i just stuffed the coins in my pocket knowing i'll probably forget about them later and Quinn will yell at me when she finds them when she's doing my laundry because last time i did laundry i broke the washing machine

i started getting bored standing there doing nothing so i decided to people watch. i looked around but no one really looked very interested

A guy sitting at a table in the corner with greasy slicked back hair with a bow tie and a sweater with nice brown dress shoes.. boring

A brown haired boy standing with his blonde friend wearing all green talking very loudly with an irish accent.. less boring but still eh

and then i saw her...
she had on a black dress that hugged her curves in all the right places and she was wearing long black knee high boots. her dark black hair fell effortlessly on her shoulders with nice loose curls. her eyelashes were thick and could of blown me away with every blink she did if i was close enough and those lips...

i was ripped out of my thoughts when i heard my name being called

"brittany? hello? you in there?" i heard the barista call pretty loudly

"oh yeah s-sorry i got distracted.. happens a lot. here's a $5 tip for the trouble. thanks for the coffee!" i said as i felt my ears burn with embarrassment as i turned away from the barista looking at the ground

i looked up and brown eyes met blue and i felt my face heat up and i knew i probably looked like a tomato

i turned back around to the barista and said my goodbyes as i hurried out the door but not before catching a quick glimpse at the beautiful girl sitting by the door that i just made intense eye contact with


"QUINN!" i yelled as i entered the apartment with coffees in my hand

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