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Santanas POV

Ever since Brittany and I got into that 'fight' things have been weird. We don't know if Giselle has left New York yet so we've been trying to avoid places she might show up. i always get super nervous whenever Brittany goes to work at The Coffee Stop because Giselle might try and flirt again and i can't have that happen. hopefully me and Brittanys new relationship can deal with all the stress of her ex cause i don't know if we can both go through another break up


Brittanys POV

"Hey Mike, the dancers ready?" i asked as i walked into the studio with my dance bag over my shoulder

"all set Brittany, just waiting for your okay" mike said with a smile

"okay let's do this" i smiled as i walked over to the front of the room so i was now next to mike and in front of the dancers

1 hour later

i was walking around the room weaving through the group of dancers and commenting on how they could improve their dance moves for the number.

"Okay, make sure your arm is straight out and not floppy. make sure you remember that because it throws off the whole number, okay?" i said smiling at two girls that had been struggling with the arms. they just smiled and nodded enthusiastically and went back to dancing

"okay i think that's it for today! it's a short lesson today because you all pretty much have it covered. can't wait to see you guys preform! i'll get the all my signs and foam fingers ready! go team!" i said jokingly earning giggles and groans from my class which just made me smirk

i went up to my bag just as my phone started buzzing in it so i fished through all my dance stuff until i finally found it

"Hey Steven, what's up? it's been a while" i said kindly

"Hello Brittany, i know it's been a while and it's such short notice but do you think you could babysit Joey tonight? it's my Anniversary and i really need some alone time with my wife" he said in a Desperate tone

"sure Steven! i haven't seen him in a while so i can't wait to get back to hanging out with the little stinker. Bring him around whenever you want. i'll be waiting" i said cheerfully

"thank you so much. you're a life saver" i sighed

"see you later!" i said before hanging up and stuffing my phone back into my bag. i said my goodbyes to Mike and the few dancers that were doing their cool down stretches before they headed out too and made my way out the door to get a taxi

i made my way into the apartment and called Quinn

"hey hey hey hey! Quinn Quinn Quinn Quinn! guess what?" i practically jumping up and down with excitement

"you and Santana got married?" she said with seriousness in her tone

"what no? Joey is coming over! i haven't babysat him in foreverrrr" i said happily

"god i'm so glad i'm working cause being around you while you babysit is like double babysitting. i hate baby sitting you" she groaned but i just giggled in response thinking about last time

"pshh! you're just jealous he likes me better" i said rolling my eyes even though she can't see

"he only likes you better because you let him do whatever he wants and you act his age around him!" she scoffed and then chuckled

"nuh uh! anyway i have to go because he's going to be here soon so ha!" i laughed

"okay okay, have fun but not too much fun! i am not cleaning up after you guys again" she said sternly

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