Hang Out

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The morning after

Santanas POV

i laid there and stared up at my ceiling getting lost in my thoughts

I can't believe i walked in on her half naked! why didn't i knock? what if she thinks i'm super weird and never wants to talk to me again? what if she doesn't even want to make my coffee anymore? she makes the best coffee

i sighed as i got out of bed and went to go have  shower

i stripped out of my Pyjamas which was just a big shirt and my underwear and got under the stream of water

the water heated my whole body up in a matter of seconds and calmed my every nerve. as soon as i was relaxed and had washed my hair and washed the rest of my body i hopped out and started getting ready for my day

after i was completely ready i grabbed my keys and opened my door but i tripped over something but i stopped myself from falling

i looked down and in front of my door were my clothes all washed and neatly folded with a note on top that read "thank you for letting me borrow them! they're all washed and folded nicely for you :) - B"

i smiled at the note and started feeling all warm and fuzzy inside from just how sweet the blonde barista was

i picked up my clothes and laid them onto the couch and made my way back out the door making sure to lock it before i got into the elevator


Brittanys POV

i made my way into The Coffee Stop and put on my new apron and clipped my equally new name tag onto it

The Coffee Stop was completely empty.. which i knew would be the case because barely anyone comes in on Fridays for some reason according to Sandra

It was just Quinn and I working today because today was Sandras day off so Quinn and I just talked until i heard the bells notifying us that someone had finally walked

my head whipped up towards the door to see who our first customer of the day was and it was the little boy that i had served before

He skipped up to the counter, went onto his tippy toes again and put his money on top of the counter

i laughed and started counting but sadly he was a dollar short so he couldn't get his hot chocolate so i secretly pulled a dollar out of my pocket and added it to his money so he would have the perfect amount

"Hey buddy! how are you today?" i said with a wide grin as i put his money into the cash register

"it was good! i saw a very cool dog. it was big and fwuffy" he smiled at me

i giggled at him not saying fluffy right and finished his drink

"here you go bud! just the way you like it." i giggle as a carefully handed it to him

"tank youuu!!!" he yelled as he skipped back over to his mum who was sitting down reading a magazine

"i saw that." i heard someone say as i started wiping off the counter

"huh? oh yeah ahah he's sweet" i replied realising it was Santana

"it was sweet how you paid for the rest of his drink. you're really something else Brittany" she smiled

"pfft it was nothing. just a dollar" i just waved it off

"still though. it was cute" she said looking at her shoes

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