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Brittany POV

I had just made it to work after i dropped Santana off at her apartment so she could get ready. I was tying my apron and clipping my name tag on when i heard a familiar voice

"one hot chocawate pwease.." The little voice said

i giggled as i turned around and saw my favourite customer ever

"why isn't it the best customer ever!" i said excitedly

"i'm the best customer? yes!" the little boy squealed

his mum laughed at his excitement and that's when i realised i've never actually talked to his mum

"what can i get for you ma'am?" i asked politely in my happiest voice

"we'll get two of your famous hot chocolates. i've heard great things about them but every time i go to get one you seem to be not working" she giggled

"oh yeah i have another job but coming right up!" i say as i get the money from the little boys hand and put it in the cash register

4 minutes later

i handed them their drinks and watched as they went to sit down with a smile

i was refilling the straw holders when i heard the little bell ringing indicating that someone had entered

i looked up expecting to see a smiling Santana but instead i saw something horrible...


i shivered at the sight of her and immediately ran into the back room until i realised no one else was at the counter to serve her

i heard her ding the bell on the counter a couple times until i emerged from the back room with some lids for the takeaway cups to make it seem like i didn't just go in there to avoid her

"Well if it isn't Brittany! i haven't seen you since the other night" she said with a fake smile

"obviously. it's only the next day." i tried to say coldly but my fear was shining through

"oh well. you're pretty rude, aren't you going to ask what i want to order. Do it happily too" she said crossing her arms with a smirk on her lips

"hi, welcome to The Coffee Stop! what can i get for you today?" i said through a fake grin

"hmmmmmm... what would you recommend?" she said while tapping her pointer finger on her chin

"black coffee" i said bluntly with a straight face

"i'll get one of those then oh and Brittany?" she said with a Mischievous smile

"yes?" i asked kinda confused

"you have a little something on your face" she said as she wiped my lip with the pad of her thumb

i cringed at the contact and furrowed my eyebrows

"thanks..." i said before turning around to make her drink but i could still feel her eyes on me or was someone else looking at me too?

2 minutes later

"here. enjoy the rest of your day" i said as i held her coffee out

"thanks and i'll see you tonight" she replied as she grabbed her drink before she threw me a wink and blew me a kiss

what? why would she say tha- oh no

i saw Santana standing by the door with her arms crossed glaring at me as Giselle passed her

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