The date

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One and a half weeks later

Brittanys POV

i sat in my bed feeling excited to go to work for once. it had been 8 days since i last saw Santana because she went back to her home town to visit her family for the weekend and i missed her a lot. i mean we had called a lot and texted pretty much everyday chance we got but i haven't actually saw her face

it was finally a little warmer to the point where i didn't have to wear long pants all the time and worry about if i would freeze to death or not

i put on a white Flowy sundress but i put on a light blue denim jacket on top of it since it was still chilly and made my way into the lounge room where Quinn was answering E-mails

"miss Quinn Fabray! are you ready to go?" i questioned

"i was ready half an hour ago but you take forever to choose your outfits whenever you're going to see her"

"it's been 8 days, Q! EIGHT!" i yelled with my hands in the air to add to the dramatic effect

"damn, you guys aren't even dating yet and you get this upset when you don't see her for eight days? you're whipped" she giggle

"shut up! you're just jealous! where's your princess? huh?" i said obnoxiously

Quinn had came out to me a year before we moved here because she saw how proud of my sexuality i had become after i came out. she still hadn't dated any girls but i was on a mission to find the perfect one for her!

"ahh shhhhh. let's just go so you can drool at the sight of your princess" she mocked in a squeaky voice


I ran into The Coffee Stop earning a lot of weird stares from the customers and Sandra

"has she come in yet? come on woman tell me!" i demanded at Sandra

"wow brittany! so nice to see you too! oh yes this is a new apron thanks for noticing" she said rolling her eyes and then giggled at me

"sorry but has sh-" i was about to ask again when i was cut off

"no i haven't" i heard a familiar face reply

"Santana!" i yelled excitedly as i gave her a bear hug

"oof! hi brittany..i uh can't breathe" she choked out as i squeezed her tighter

"oh shoot sorry! i just missed you" i said rubbing my arm awkwardly

"nawh i missed you too" she said as she rolled onto her toes and planted a light kiss on my cheek immediately making my face as red as a tomato

"oh uh i um uh" i stuttered while looking her in the eyes and then down at my feet before looking into her eyes again

"oh how i've missed your stuttering" she sighed

i just giggled and scrunched my nose at her earning a wink from the Latina

"ready to go?" she asked with a smile

"huh? but i have to work.." i said sadly

"no you don't!" Sandra butted in

"i'll just pretend you're sick. oh no brittany go away! you're going to get me sick! oh the humanity" Sandra said falling back dramatically for Quinn to catch her which she luckily did

i covered my mouth and snickered at her great acting

"well we should go before she changes her mind!" i giggle as i grabbed Santanas hand and ran out of the Cafe

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