the question

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Brittany POV

i woke up feeling all warm and fuzzy on the inside, ever since Santana and I talked about Marriage it's been a part of a lot of our daily conversations. i don't know what this means but i like where things are heading

i decided to make Santana breakfast in bed since she's already done so much for me and since her parents visited her in the office i think she's been second guessing herself a lot. i stepped out of bed and slipped into some powder blue Lacey panties and a white tank top and made my way into the kitchen and away from the sleeping latina.

i got all the ingredients out, eggs, bacon, bread (and the toaster), i made her coffee, and cut up some fresh strawberries into little hearts.

i began cooking the bacon and eggs together in the pan, side by side because everyone knows that makes the eggs taste better. i toasted the bread and put a thin layer of butter on the slices before moving them onto the plate with the freshly made eggs (sunny side up, Santanas favourite way to have her eggs), and the crispy bacon. i put the heart shaped strawberries slices in a small white ramekin and also added that to the plate. i grabbed her coffee and plate full of food and made my way back into the bedroom

"Sannn" i sung quietly, just loud enough to make her stir in her sleep

"mmm, hi britt" she hummed as her eyes fluttered open

"surpriseee" i sung again, holding up the coffee and plate full of food

"breakfast in bed? for me?" she gasped dramatically, even putting her hand on her chest in shock

"yes silly, here's your coffee and.. here's your breakfast. all your favourites" i smiled as i handed it all to her

"where's yours?" She asked with a pout, something she got from me

"i'm not that hungry, i'll probably pick something up from the bakery on the way to work" i shrugged as i got back into bed and sat next to her

"Britt, you know i don't like when you don't eat breakfast" she said giving me a stern look

"i eat breakfast! you just don't see cause you leave before me. you're the one that doesn't eat breakfast" i explained, crossing my arms to act all serious

"mhmm, sure, Baby. whatever you say" she said in her voice that she only uses when she knows someone is lying

"i pinky swear i'll eat breakfast today" i said as i held out my pinky for her to take

"okay, i believe you" Santana said with a smirk as she took my pinky in hers before going back to eating her breakfast

"this is nice" i sighed

"yeah it is, i could get used to this. waking up to breakfast in bed, served to me by my super hot girlfriend in barely any clothes. i'm living the dream" Santana giggled than took a sip of her coffee

"how about i go into work early and you relax for a little bit? you've been working super hard and you need a little break. i'll tell Jenna you'll be coming in later than you usually do." i offered

"you'd do that for me?" Santana asked with a tight lipped grin

"San, i would do anything for you" i said, making sure to put Emphasis on anything

"i would do anything for you too" she said with a soft smile on her lips

"i'm glad, well i'm going to go get ready for work now. i'll see you when you come in. enjoy your breakfast in bed" i said quietly as i kissed her lightly on the lips before getting off the bed and walking into the bathroom to get ready

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