Moving in

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Brittanys POV

it had been a month and a half since i preformed and i can't stop thinking about it. i had finally quit my job at The Coffee Stop and was working full time at the dance studio. Mike has been extremely caring and even doubled my pay since i was working more hours.


"Brittany, i don't see why you don't just move in with her already! you spend 95% of your time there anyway" Quinn said as she handed me a dish that she had just washed

"i can't just ask her if i can move into HER apartment.. that's just not how things work, Q" i replied as i dried the plate and put it in the cupboard above my head

"Listen, Rachel has already moved into this apartment and it's getting crowded. i know you want to move in with her anyway" Quinn said as she aggressively scrubbed a pot full of black char from me trying to follow another recipe

"i see how it is, kicking me out so you can hang out with your precious Rachel. real cold Quinn, real cold" i said as i narrowed my eyes at her and she did the same

"Knock Knock, i'm back from Rehearsal!" i heard Rachel say as she walked into the apartment

"Rachel!" Quinn said excitedly as she dropped the pot, took off her dish gloves and ran over to her girlfriend

"Quinn!" Rachel said just as excitedly as she pulled her in for a hug and an innocent kiss

"god! can you guys stop being so damn cute all the time? i miss Santana" i pouted as i went back to drying some more dishes

"its been 3 hours, B... i'm sure you'll survive" Quinn rolled her eyes as she turned to Rachel to ask about her day

i tried to block out Rachel's annoying rambling before i heard a knock on the door

"i'll get it!" Rachel said cheerfully as she skipped over to the door

"Hobbit" i heard a very familiar voice greet as Rachel opened the door

"oh, it's you" Rachel said coldly as she walked away from the door

"how rude" I heard Santana say as she walked into the apartment

"San!!" i yelled as i threw the dish cloth behind me and ran around the kitchen counter to greet her

"hi Baby, i missed you" Santana said as she kissed me

"and you wonder why i keep pestering you about it" Quinn laughed

"pestering you about what?" Santana asked as she smirked and quirked her eyebrow

"n-nothing! just for me to.. uh.. oh! get therapy for my clinginess" i said with a shrug

"therapy... for your clinginess?" Santana said trying not to laugh

"hey! don't laugh it's serious stuff. it's not my fault i can't stay away from you. you should pay for the therapy since you caused all these problems" i husked into her ear

"okay gross, Quinn has been bugging Brittany about moving in with you" Rachel blurted out

"wait.. that's it?" Santana laughed

"yep" Quinn said straight faced as she crossed her arms

"Brittany and i have already talked about it but she said you didn't want her to move out yet" Santana said to Quinn

uh oh

"what? i've been TELLING her to move in with you! why would you say that, B?" Quinn asked me as she quirked her eyebrow and pursed her lips

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