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2 months later

Brittanys POV

i woke up and instantly got out of bed. today is my birthday and i can't wait to celebrate it with my favourite people! i walked out of my bedroom and into the kitchen where Quinn was standing while she was scrolling through her phone

"hey Quinn, anything planned today?" i asked trying to see if she remembers what day it is

"no i don't think so, just a normal Saturday. i'll probably go grocery shopping. need anything?" she asked as she looked up from her phone with a smile

she didn't remember? i've been reminding her all week! how could she not remember?

"i- no, no i don't need anything. i'm just going to go back to bed" i stuttered as i walked back into my room

Quinn just shrugged and went back to typing something on her phone


Day before

Santanas POV

"Quinn, i don't want to do this" i said sternly as i crossed my arms

we were sitting at a table at The Coffee Shop during Quinns break. it was the only time we could talk without Brittany knowing since she was working in the dance studio today

"well you have to! It's the only way we can keep the surprise a SURPRISE" she said quite loudly at me

"but Brittany loves her birthday, won't this ruin it for her? i don't want to make her upset because she thinks we forgot it" i glared at her

"god you're so whipped" she said under her breath

"what?" i asked

"nothing. listen, i don't want to make Brittany upset either.. well no one does at all, cause a sad Brittany just makes everyone sad. I know Brittany loves her birthday but do you know what else she likes? Surprises!" Quinn explained

"ugh fine but if she cries that's on you!" i said as i pointed at her and got up

"fine fine but i doubt she'll be THAT upset" Quinn rolled her eyes as i left the cafe


Present time

Brittanys POV

i can't believe she forgot... she knows how much i love my birthday. it's like the best day of the year besides Christmas, Easter, New years, Santanas and Is Anniversary (even though we haven't celebrated it yet). as soon as i heard the front door open and close telling me that Quinn had gone Grocery shopping i started tearing up.

i don't know why i did. i guess i just hate being alone on my birthday.. it's really depressing so i decided to call Santana


Santanas POV

i had just finished my last meeting for the day when i got a phone call. i walked into my office and checked who it was. it was Brittany. Crap!

"Hey Britt Britt, what's up?" i asked kindly

"Hey San, you doing anything today?" she asked with a sniffle

oh god she was upset and was probably on the brink of tears

"uh yeah.... i have to stay at work a little later then usual. we're having an office party because this girl made the company more money by getting us more clients or whatever" i replied with a fake story trying not to sound Suspicious

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