*Chapter 14

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I dropped my bread, Fendrel was unfazed and Zyandra was squealing.

"No." I shook my head stubbornly and Zavian narrowed his eyes.

"This was not a request, Marius," I scowled then and slammed my butter knife into the table.

"You cannot honestly want to go over there!"

"You told me to focus on my Act,no?" I opened and closed my mouth and huffed.

"That did, in no way, mean you succumb to that wenches desire for you." He pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Mar, look at it this way, this is like, my first spying mission, it's exciting, don't try and talk him out now!" She pouted.

"Not that he was winning." Fendrel smirked buttering his bread to eat and I glared.

"So it's agreed."

"What do you hope to find anyway?"

"Any kind of proof on the taxation, even the payment to Buxton for his debt." Zavian confessed. "I'll keep Linnet distracted while Zyandra looks around the study, I need you, Mar to entertain Linnet's cousin, I hear he's always over there and he is very much taken with you."

"Are you making me a prostitute right now?"

"You aren't to sleep with him," he scowled his eyes flashing and my heart flopped quickly. "Just entertain him with your scowling, just make sure he doesn't look for Zyandra."

"So I'm to stay behind?" Fendrel looked over expectantly and Zavian flinched.

"I wasn't entirely sure you would...be inclined to join." Fendrel shrugged.

"I'm not a fragile vase, Zavian. Relax." He chuckled. "Besides, it'll make more sense for me to be there, I doubt she's stupid enough to believe you've had a change of heart so quickly."

Zavian frowned but gave a nod of conformation.

"We leave in two hours."

"Why not now, I'm ready." Zyandra stood and held her hips.

"It's Diana's birthday, and I wanted to pop in." Zyandra's hands dropped and she stuttered

"Oh, I, I didn't... I mean it's alright- not that-" Zavian touched her head and gave a pat.

"Is alright."

I pursed my lips watching him go on. Diana had been a helper at the palace until three years ago when she had been murdered during a raid by some bandits in her village during the holidays, she had been an elderly kind woman whom Zavian had grown to care for in her short time working in the kitchen. They had met by chance and had become quick friends because Zavian is such a gentleman and cannot stand knowing somebody was suffering, especially under a roof he considered his own.

Zyandra sat slowly and put her face in her hands quickly. Fendrel rubbed her back.

"He hates me."

"Your being dramatic. Again." Looking between them I wondered why Fendrel didn't just marry Zyandra who personally was better company than Linnet.

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