Chapter 2: uncomfortable😬

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Hi it's me the author I'm really sad cause I have 1 read and I'm upset so pls read give me a chance I'll make it good I promise

Addisons pov:
After we had breakfast and took pictures at Starbucks we left and went back to the hype house on the way my phone kept buzzing notifications I guessed I forgot to turn notifications off

Addison-hey dix can u see why is my phone buzzing so loud
Dixie-ok sure.. hmmm oh wowww
Addison-what ?
Dixie-well since Bryce started following u on Instagram and liking ur posts all the fans are going crazy and 10% of them are shipping u guys
Addison-WHAT how I never even met him and they are shipping us
Charli-someone's excited
Avani-yeah never seen her like that before
Addison-I Just don't get why people just ship random people for no reason
Dixie-I don't know it's really weird

Still Addisons pov:
We then arrived at the hype house and Thomas looked really angry (guys Thomas is the creator so as chase aka lil huddy and daisy Keech )

Addison-hey guys
Thomas-um Addison we may have difficulties but we agreed u cook the food
Addison-Thomas ik but I can't cook for 20 people I have to wake up really early and drag my ass out of bed so I can cook 25 meals for u guys
Thomas: I don't care ur gonna cook the meals
Addison-I'm not end of discussion!!!!

I then stormed off to my room and I just sat on my bed and tweeted

*that kind of anger u get*

After a while I gotta a notification from the one and only Bryce hall he replied to my tweet saying : I can relate , I then liked it and replied with a laughing emoji, I think he is sweet but I don't even know what's his type and if he is a kind person or not I checked the time and it was 12:45 I made some tiktoks and went downstairs to chill with my friends then my friend tony (tony Lopez) came and sat next to me we chatted and then he started to get closer to me and being all clingy I didn't like that in fact we were just friends and I wasn't attracted to Him at all he then got more and more closer till Our body's touching each other  (they were sitting on the couch) I immediately got up and told him

Addison-um tony what is wrong with u
Addison-ur making me feel uncomfortable
Tony-oh yeah did u like it
Addison-uh obviously not u know what I'm going back to my room
Tony-Addison wait up-

I went upstairs to the girls and told them what happened with me and tony

Avani-what a jerk
Charli- ik like u told him I weren't interested and he still continued
Dixie-now I kind of understand why daisy left
Addison-yeah I know

~skip time to 3:00~

Addisons pov:
I got really hungry so I ordered food but I was really mad at Thomas and tony I wanted to not order food for them but I didn't want them to starve cause I'm a nice person so I got them food and I also wanna fix problems with them cause they are my friends. After 40 mins the food came and i actually ordered chick Fil A we all ate and I was hoping me and Thomas would talk but he Kept ignoring me I also ignored the fact that he keeps ignoring me and just watched YouTube videos cause I was bored

Oki guys that's it hope u enjoy pls read it I feel so upset but it's ok anyways I love u guys byeeeeeee

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