Chapter 49: pls be ok😔

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Addisons pov:
After a few long minutes of being checked I was finally done, I was told to stay in the hospital bed for a while but I didn't do that, I immediately ran out of my hospital room and went to the front desk to ask where bryces room

The lady told me and I hurried while the girls are just running after me and when I found his room all the boys were just staring at me in confusion

Josh-why'd u guys tell her so soon

Nessa-we didn't she overheard us

Addison-u know I'm right infront of u guys, but that's not the time, is Bryce ok

*addison starts tearing up*

Griffin-the doctor is checking on him

Addison-o ok

*after a few seconds the doctor comes out*

Doctor-are u guys company of Bryce hall


Doctor-mr hall is ok he just has a lot of bruises those will heal in a week or more, everyday you'll need to use the medicine that ill give u, I advice that he doesn't get into another fight or else bigger problems might happen, also he should stay in bed for the next 3 days

Addison-thank u doctor

Josh-uh can we see him

Doctor-yes but only 3 people at a time but he has been asking about his girlfriend for the past couple minutes so I advice her to enter alone first

Jaden-ok thank u

Mads-one last question, when can he leave

Doctor-after an hour or maybe more, it depends on how he feels, I'll be back to check on him after half an hour, if anything happens call that nurses to tell me

Avani-sure thank u

Quinton-addison u go first

Addison-thanks guys

I enter Bryces room and omg I'm shaking, I feel so bad he's been all through this cause of me, I then saw him in the hospital bed and when he saw me he had a huge smile on his face

Bryce-*pain* addi

Addison-*crying* Bryce I am so sorry that happened to u it's all my fault

Bryce-*pain* no don't say that Addison its not ur fault, I Made a promise with u to keep u safe and I failed, I gave u that promise ring.

Addison-*crying* bryce it's ok, enough about me how are u feeling

Bryce-I'm feeling better I just wanna get out if this fucking place

*she starts laughing a bit and hugs him*

Addison-everyone wants to see u I'll go get them


I let everyone in but they took turns I waited outside to sign some papers and when we were all done we took Bryce and left the hospital? It was now 7 in the morning and we were all so tired but we had to stay awake for Bryce

We finally arrived at sway and I took Bryce to his room, he changed into a hoodie and shorts and I just wore this hoodie

And got in bed next to Bryce, I started putting ice and cream over bryces bruises and when I was done I put bandages on them, that doctor said to remove them before he sleeps so I can put ice on them again and then put different bandages

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And got in bed next to Bryce, I started putting ice and cream over bryces bruises and when I was done I put bandages on them, that doctor said to remove them before he sleeps so I can put ice on them again and then put different bandages

I then turned on Netflix and we watched friends while cuddling and I got hungry so as Bryce so I went downstairs to make us something to eat

I then turned on Netflix and we watched friends while cuddling and I got hungry so as Bryce so I went downstairs to make us something to eat

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I made some pretzels bites and strawberry cheesecake bites and Bryce enjoyed them, halfway through the episodes we both fell asleep

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I made some pretzels bites and strawberry cheesecake bites and Bryce enjoyed them, halfway through the episodes we both fell asleep

It was now 12pm and wow we slept for 3 hours although he bryce was still sleeping, I left him to sleep and checked on everyone downstairs they all seemed to have slept to and they were making breakfast for probably brunch

I went back upstairs and stayed with Bryce and he woke up

Addison-are u feeling better

Bryce-yes cause ur with me

*they kiss*

I got up and Filmed a few tiktoks Bryce wanted to film tiktoks too but I said no cause I don't want him to get out of bed, we continued to watch friends and that's when everyone came in Bryces room and we all chilled And talked

It was 3 pm and we all got super hungry so we ordered chick fil A and we all ate which was nice , Bryce was feeling better thank god I was worried about him, every time I just checked on him he'd always tell me he's fine

~ skip time to 8 pm~

We all gathered in Bryces room and we all decided to watch a movie together but first as usual I took a shower and did my skincare night routine and I just stayed in my hoodie (Aka Charlis merch)

We gathered snacks and ate, it was me and Bryce in the bed and everyone had blankets pillows and small mattresses to sit on and we watched the Movie

And then when it ended we all Were so tired so everyone went to their rooms and we slept, Bryce and I cuddled just holding on to each other making each other safe and we fell asleep

I hope u guys liked this chapter, sorry that's it short but I love u all so much and thank u sooooo freaking much for ur support and 41k reads THATS INSANE!!!!



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