Chapter 37: the date

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Addisons pov:
I woke up at 9 am and took a shower did my facial and went to have breakfast, the usual but this time Jaden was making breakfast for everyone so we all ate omelettes, I went back upstairs and I just changed into a cute oversized sweatshirt/hoodie

Addisons pov:I woke up at 9 am and took a shower did my facial and went to have breakfast, the usual but this time Jaden was making breakfast for everyone so we all ate omelettes, I went back upstairs and I just changed into a cute oversized sweat...

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And I came downstairs and just made Tiktoks Bryce came downstairs and made some tiktoks with me and then he just edited his YouTube video I just sat on the  couch  on my phone scrolling through YouTube to watch some YouTube videos

Bryces pov:
I was just sitting editing my YouTube video but I just got distracted, I got distracted of how Addison is really pretty and kind and sweet and I just really like her so u decided to ask her on a  date but I don't know what she wants to do so I called the girls to help me, they Came to my room and we talked

Charli-what did u need us for

Bryce-I need ur help guys

Nessa-sure what is it

Bryce-I wanna ask Addison on a date


Dixie-so cute

Avani-ok continue

Bryce-but I need help I don't know what would she wanna do on a date

Charli-ok so they girls addison and I have talked about this

Nessa-we were just saying what date do we wanna go on with our future boyfriends or whatever

Mads-she said she wants to go to a waterfall

Dixie-and have a picnic there

Avani-and they would swim in it and watch the sunset

Bryce-that's perfect i know where a waterfall is and I could set up a picnic, thank u guys

The girls(except Addison)- ur welcome

Bryce-now don't tell her that I'm taking her on a date or where I'm taking her

The girls(except Addison)- ok

After I talked with the girls I went to go plan everything I went to target and made sure nobody was there at that waterfall and I continued to plan everything I also told the girls to tell the boys about the date

Addisons pov:
I just sat the whole day doing nothing just filming tiktoks watching YouTube videos and watching Netflix it was a pretty boring day I really wanted to spend it with Bryce but he told me he was busy with work stuff so I just did nothing

~skip time to 2:00 pm~

Bryce finally came just in time for lunch so I went to make dinner with avani and I was quite hungry but she Told me to eat something small I didn't understand why but I just did what she said we made

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